Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 135: AEO Chapter 5

Chapter 135: AEO Chapter 5

the next chapter of Necron is currently being written and would be updated after this. been in a haze all day due to drugs, but I'm almost out of Time so I have to update this. if I finish before the power stones refresh then I'll clear this. but if I don't, then enjoy this for now and I'll post the next chapter after this. I'm really sorry again, I just wish I wasn't so sick.


As soon as the cops had arrived and taken the thugs away, Leo made himself scarce, ignoring any suggestions of going to the hospital or the offer of dinner from the woman he had saved. He quickly found himself a secluded corner and paid attention to the notifications that he has been ignoring so far, plus whether this was in game or not, the fact that he had drugs in his pockets left him feeling very uncomfortable in the presence of law enforcement officers, so he would rather be as far away from them as possible.

[Mission completed: the night is young and you're almost out of cash, steal from someone to ensure your survival, // Reward: 20 credits, amount/loot stolen. +2 infamies.]

[While stealing is wrong, you have proven that there's a heart of justice beneath your slowly being corrupted soul. +1 fame for stealing from criminals.]

[There is still good in this world and you have proven that by putting yourself in harm's way for an innocent victim. The police have taken note of your actions. Fame+5]

[biting, groin strikes, eye gouges and using the environment to your advantage. While you're no Bruce lee, you've shown that you can get down and dirty with the worst of the street. You have gained the passive skill Street Fighting lvl 0]

[Adaptive is now level 1, you have become more resistant to unforeseen events]

[Black bolt is now level 1, range and damage increased]

[Analyze is now level 1, more information shown when used.]


RACE: Human/Techronman Hybrid// ALIGNMENT: Undetermined

ABILITY: Magical(Warlock)// GRADE: F-// FAME/INFAMY: (6/4)

PASSIVES: [Adaptive lvl 1] [Technopath lvl 0] [Arcane Sight lvl 0] [Street Fighting lvl 0]

ACTIVES: [Analyze lvl 1] [Shock lvl 0] [Black Bolt lvl 1]

MONEY: 315 credits// HIDEOUT/LAIR: n/a

EQUIPMENT: Switchblade, Damaged/Obsolete Smartwatch

[Mission: Though the night is young, you've been through enough to last you a week of excitement. Find a place to lay your head and prepare for the next day. // Rewards: all injuries healed]

Leo couldn't help but agree with what the mission said, he was feeling quite tired, he honestly didn't feel like he had an in game body at all, even if all the pain he was feeling now was just a dull throb in the background. Never the less he was tired and he hoped he had enough to at least get himself a good night rest at a cheap motel, then tomorrow he'll try and earn enough money to rent an apartment or a lair or something of the sort.

He had no need to log out at the moment, all virtual reality games used a time dilation neural engine to speed up the ratio of time in between the game and the real world. Prolonged exposure to it is actually quite harmful or rather quite advantageous to those who can adapt to it. Due to the time dilation neural engine, there were more people with ADHD, Dyslexia and dementia, but even with that they tend to be the fastest thinkers and athletes in the real world as their perception of reality is always faster than the norm, due to their Brain's exposure to the time dilation engine.

So far it has brought more good than harm, encouraging more game companies to employ its effects and most governments being unable to do anything due to its advantages. Leo was using an old second hand VR pod, so the best he could get for the time dilation was about eight hours, but lucky enough for him, After Earth Online only had a 7 to 1-time dilation ratio. He wished he knew more, maybe it would be better to skip trying to make any money and instead find a library where he could get some information, after all it was information he wanted to sell.

Leo shook his head as he wandered away from the sprawling metropolis to the east side of the city, the buildings were smaller and less bright. But at least he found a motel without looking too hard and paid 25 credits for a single night. It was dingy and the sheets smelled like death, but beggars can't be choosers. He closed his eyes and let the effects of virtual sleep take him, his mind still moving at a mile a minute, trying to figure out a plan for the next day.


He woke up the next morning fully rested and without any sort of aches, his face mask was ruined, but maybe that was for the best. It didn't really do much if he had to be honest, so he'll probably have to go look for another one. He got up to the bathroom, washed his face and came back into the room, he did his best to clean up his clothes and picked up his bag, and then he marched out of the room hoping to hand the keys back to the receptionist, but the middle aged man was fast asleep. Leo dropped the key and turned to leave when suddenly.


He turned his head quickly in the direction of the holographic screen above the receptionist's counter. The screen itself was coming from a circular projector that had its chord running down below the counter. Leo wanted to ignore this feeling, but being able to talk to machines was a tool he's not really made use of yet. So he shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands over the projector, cutting off the hologram as his [Technopath] passive took over and he suddenly found himself connected to a network.

It was a closed of server for the motel, mainly the logs of the visitors, the blueprints of the motel itself. The searches made over the internet by customers who had used the Motel's Wi-Fi. He had access to a bunch of feeds from a camera, a paper trail of Tax evasions notices, the criminal act made by the owner of the motel by hacking and removing the motel's registered information from the city's logs, making this place an off grid black site. Tax was no longer a problem, and it became a den for criminals, especially those who had secret deals, And the hidden fight club on the roof that had an event every Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

But beyond that he got enough information about the city he was in, Felton city. It was somewhat like New York in the real world, only smaller, and it was an island city off the western coast of Pangea. The new name for earth after a disaster had mashed all the continents together. It had a branch of the Hero League, a couple of hero teams operating from different parts of the city, and over a dozen criminal organizations and villain groups, one of which the owner of this hotel belongs to.

The city itself is a tourist attraction, its clean beaches and unique sea life, and most of all, the largest aquarium in the world, built underneath the city. So past its sewers, was a mirror image of the city itself, built from reinforced glass where the exotic aquatic creatures could interact with visitors. It was a city itself below the island, but the people who get to live there have to actually be the richest of the rich while others are just tourist.

He got his information, while it was just basic, it was enough for him to come with a rather comprehensive guide for the starter area, or rather not a guide but an exposition. Leo removed his hands from the projector, stumbling back a bit as a wave of dizziness hit him. So much information was running through his mind at that time, that it had put a little too much pressure on his brain. He picked the key to his room and went back up, logging in to GameDome. An online social platform dedicated to virtual reality games.

He started typing up his exposition about Felton city, making sure the post had enough detailed information, but not all of it; so that he could cash in on those later. The post would show up on After Earth Online's GameDome page.

Only a certain amount of words would be readable before other players would need to use real money to unlock the rest of the information. For now, this would just be a start, hopefully at least a hundred people are able to read the exposition, especially since he set it at a 150 Nigerian Naira, which according to exchange rate was about 50 cents or half an American dollar.

If he gets that amount of people to read, then hopefully by tomorrow he should have at least 15 thousand naira, enough to feed himself and his siblings for a week. he pulled his hands back and thought about what he was going to do next, he had a few ideas though. The underground or rather above ground fighting ring was tonight at 9pm on the roof of the motel, he wanted to register himself. Killings were not allowed, so this would be an opportunity to train this [Street Fighting] skill of his. But since he had the whole day to himself before that, he was going to go sell some Leviathan for more money and see if he could get access to a supplier, after all the best way to climb up a criminal organization is to start as a delivery boy, what could possibly go wrong.

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