Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 136: War Bends to Us, Life Falls for Us, and Death Smiles For Us

Chapter 136: War Bends to Us, Life Falls for Us, and Death Smiles For Us

"War is a nasty business, its aftermath even for the victors has always ugly, but then again there was a difference this time, this war was not ugly for the people of Necron. there isn't much to it; war brings death, that's why it's so feared and hated. But after our stint with the Goblin King, the first of many conflicts we would have to face in order to survive the brave new world that's laid out in front of us. I've come to realize that death is what we are, as long as Necron is your home and you can a willingly spill blood, die and rise again for its glory, DEATH IS WHO YOU ARE! It is what we do, what we live, how we live, and for that reason. War bends to us, life falls for us and death smiles for us. Necron we won."

Such a declaration was eerie and downright sinister, it would be the kind of words you would expect a cult leader to say to his crazed and frantic followers. And in a way, when you consider the kind of people who now followed Rezar and the way they were slowly building their lives around him and his success, it stands to reason that this glorious city could indeed be a den of the cultist. But that was not the case, Rezar pulled back from the crowd of the living happily dancing under the glow of the full moon above.

The moon itself was really beautiful this night, it was larger, and right behind it was a twin sneakily peaking and staring down at the world that was Elysium. But it was weird, Rezar never noticed another moon before, or maybe it was there and he's just never had the interest in noticing it. Long lines of undead made their way to the town spire under the lead of Lenore. A lot of them were ready and primed for evolution, and there were even more Necrotic wolves and ants patrolling the village, all spawned under the influence of the dungeon core, but adding to that were goblins that were pale white with piercing red eyes.

He had obtained a goblin spawn key before, he hadn't paid much attention to the little critters before as the first thing they did was find a hole to burrow into, and only come out at night to do whatever it is goblins did. However, the few times that he's been around, Rezar found that these white albino goblins loved hanging around him, or in retrospect the undead that were more evolved like Screet who absolutely abhorred them, or Brutus that derived great joy from carrying them around on his shoulders.

Rezar ditched everyone and quickly found his way back to the hidden cave he had turned Gynaika into a vampire, it would be nice to be a part of the celebration that was currently going on outside, but he had more things to focus on. For one the goblin king was still out there, and no matter what anyone had to say to him, or what Gynaika's divining gleaned, until he had that Goblin's head on a pike, he would not be settled, that man was a threat. But r=he couldn't go after him now, so the best he could do now was shift his attention close to home and focus on building and strengthening his territory, so the first thing he would start with was the quest that truly started all of this.


[The Path of Kings (A): kings are forged and born in the heat of war and conflict, and now you will have to do the same to prove to the world you are worthy of your title as king. Meet the Goblin King in battle and defeat him and his allies to prove e your sovereignty. // Duration: 3 months // Rewards: annexation of all the goblin King's territory, 50 Platinum Elys, Hobgoblin Spawn Key, 800% territory progression Exp, Spire Upgraded, 1 Random Temple// Penalty: Loss of your territory and Death(Slavery)]

[You have received 50 platinum Elys, a Hobgoblin Spawn key, the temple of the Goddess of Life and Death, town spire has upgraded to gold legacy.]

[Village has leveled up to level 9! Because you've not fully met the requirements, your territory has not yet been upgraded to a town, please fulfill the requirements to complete territory upgrade.]

Village Name: Necron|| Level: 9(100%)

Grade: Silver Legacy|| Leader: Rezar Deathwind

Population: 590/1500 ||Military: 300/200|| Military Might: F+

Attachments: Dungeon Core Level 2(0%):

Perks: Tech Savants [15% to science and technology]

Skills: [Blessed Harvest: +65% growth to all plants and food, +25% speed to gathering of resources//Grand Illusion: Mist Wall (1): Deploy a shield of mist to obscure your territory, cost 100 magic a day]

Resources: Food (12800)/ Wood (3318)/ Stone (8740)/ Ore (91260)/ Magic (66232)/ Money: (0/0/100/56)

Shop/ Allies: N/A (Upgrade settlement to town)

Defenses: Level 5 Basic Scout Tower (5)/ Level 1 Wooden Palisade/ Buff: 35%

Attack: Level 1 Basic Arrow tower (5)

Buildings: Level 2 Town hall (Village Defense and Attack +10%, Productivity and Construction Speed +10%)/ Level 2 Citizen Recruitment hall (Recruit 5 new citizen every 3 days)/ Village Chief's Abode (+5% to village productivity and stability)/ Level 1 Basic Barracks (special)

The territory was a lot stronger than before, it was an achievement that Rezar was more than happy for and hoped he would be able to increase a lot more. It wasn't easy what they've all had to go through to get to this point, it's been one hard fought battle after the other, and frankly speaking they were all very lucky to get this far. Of course most of the time it was due to their enemies underestimating them, but they have proven themselves worthy of surviving solely due to the fact that they were willing to not only fight but to also use their head.

At times like this Rezar wondered what his life back on earth must have been like, he wasn't really sure, because he couldn't remember. Even the things that he felt were common knowledge about his life on earth were all becoming a blur, gradually and slowly all that was becoming his reality was Elysium and Necron; the kingdom he was slowly building up from scratch without the help of anybody. Well he had gotten lot of help, modesty is a virtue after all, but now that he's dealt with the Goblin King and brought about the true death to God knows how many people, it was hard to see where he was going next.

Not that there weren't any plans to help the territory increase even more, but fighting the Goblin King and his armies had been the only thing that solely occupied his mind, and now that he was done with it, he pretty much had no idea where to go from here and honestly that was more than a little frustrating. There was just something that felt missing, that excitement he felt when he had been faced with an insurmountable obstacle that was the Goblin King's army and yet still passing and overcoming it with barely a scratch on him. He did lose Neema, but everybody dies, and him being so hung over the grief of losing a favored undead, a pet if he had to be real, was not enough to cage the excitement he had gotten from going against the goblin king.

"And Now here you are, King of a significant portion of Kerwood forest, I have to say I'm very proud."

Rezar jumped up, both blades of Vita gratia in hand as his form became clad in the shadows and tiny screeches of bats. Forget about not even sensing when she entered or how she did, reading his mind and thoughts completely spooked Rezar. But all she did was chuckle as she crouched down besides the shimmering blue lake, using her hands to play with the souls within and resting her head covered with white hair that had been cut short to the scalp.

"Who the fuck are you? And how did you get here?" Rezar asked with his eyes narrowed, death and pain fully promised from within their depths.

"Well I guess it's not your fault that you don't know who I am, wave never met before well not in this life at least."

She got up from her crouched position, a small smile on her face as she walked towards him. She was dressed in black skin tight jeans, a black tank top and a black leather jacket. Her hair was as white as Rezar's if not whiter, and her eyes were the same shade of blue he has always seen reflected right back at him whenever he looked at a mirror.

The entire cave seemed to swallow her presence, like she was here and not at the same time. As she walked she made no sounds until she was standing right front of Rezar, standing a head taller than him at six feet.

"Sorry to startle you; child, but my name is Darkness, and I'm your mother. Death!"

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