Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 152: Orcs and War (I): Captured

Chapter 152: Orcs and War (I): Captured

Rezar stared up at the orcish face looking down at him, green skin, tusks jutting out of their lower jaw and an overly muscled frame. The blade that was placed across his neck glinted white under the peaking glare of the moon, the scent of dried meat and herbs wafted off the has of the orc as he leaned even closer towards Rezar. The bone King squinted his face, but held his breath, because while he could identify what the Orc's breath smelled off, it didn't mean the scent was pleasant.

"If you make a move, I'll snap your neck like a twig!" the orc threatened, his voice deep and rumbling, causing tremors deep within Rezar's chest as he looked up at the being hovering above him.

"Nurlak don't be stupid, the paralysis totem Is already in effect, none of them can move. So I don't get why you're threatening a paralyzed man. Come on, let's load them up into the cart, this is the farthest our raiding party has ever come for slaves, we need to be off before we're discovered, I really don't want to meet this bone King that everyone is so scared of."

[None of you say anything or react, let's go with the flow and see where this leads. Act with me!]

It wouldn't be too farfetched to say that everyone else was completely confused by the sudden decision of Rezar, whatever this totem was, it was a skill that would eventually run out. And even if they decide to keep them caged up, these particular group of people were strong enough to say they could break out of most bonds, but Rezar was actually willing to get captured, it was beyond baffling.

Rezar was dragged up to a sitting position, his lungs were a bit heavy, but not got he point that he was unable to move. Basically speaking if he so chose, he could actually power through the effects of the totem and beat all of this order, or maybe just get into a severe battle with them. But never the less he wants to just go with the flow. Once again their king shocked them, but maybe this was better, after all the alternative was that they got into a fight with them and later have to torture them for information, and torture wasn't always reliable, not when it came to orcs.

So while he had no idea about the intricacies of the race and the habits and traditions, he had made a choice that while risky, was actually the best in discovering more information about why a raiding party of orcs were this deep within his lands. Either way they were all bundled into massive cages that was being pulled by worms the size of a bus. There were 11 orcs in all, each riding on large fearsome wolves. The works themselves moved fast, crossing vast distances in seconds that the undead and necrotic ants would cross in five minutes.

They were silent while the orcs do me boisterously amongst themselves, and as they spoke Rezar and his compatriots listened. Keeping an open ear as the orcs moved quickly and swiftly away from the territories that once belonged to the Goblin King, but now belonged to Rezar. Looking around the cage that they were stuck in, Rezar realized that the totem keeping them paralyzed was hanging on top of the cage from thin leather strap.

The totem itself was made from fried things, a seed of some sort painted red that had some sort of symbols that Rezar couldn't read. But even if he couldn't read it, he could somehow sense it. Which was weird, because this was the first time he ever experienced something like that. Most of the time if normally of it, he hardly has any sort of reaction from his skills, or the tools around him, but this was something extremely different, it was like a pressure of sorts on his mind, but a pressure that he knew he could break it he so chose.

"Nurlak the clans are rallying for a strike at the Goblin King lands, do you think with the contribution we have now would enable us to have a place at the head of the warband?" another orc, somewhat small in stature asked the orc that had grabbed Rezar a question with his voice quivering.

"We are the true blood orcs, our prowess on the battlefield is unlike any other, and we know the terrain of this land. We're one of the best options to be considered as scouts and forward guards, we know the angles and corners with which to hit this new bone King and win. After all the raiding parties of an orcish warband should be famous and white feared, we bring the thunder!"

Rezar had to try real hard to stifle his laughter, while he was not one to judge, it's painfully obvious that the orcs were the kind of people to be extremely arrogant even when it's not really required. Plus the idea of them bringing the thunder is extremely weird, it was such a weird thing to say, yet they all took it in stride, like such comments were a normal part of any conversation.

"But Nurlak is it true what they say? That before the war, the warband will host the grand plain warrior games, and the best warrior who comes out on top would not only be the next head of the warband, but will also be given the half orc/ half snow elf daughter of the old chief for a wife. She's the most beautiful orc in all of the land, from the foot of the Breone mountains, across the savage plains, to the diamond desert, none can compare to her beauty... a beauty that orcs like me can only dream of but can't touch." The small orc said as his voice became incredibly somber, however the Orc called Nurlak smashed his palm on the back of the small orc and said to him with a smile.

"Do not despair young Horta, in the end this princess is naught but a wrench to warm the beds of great orcs. I shall claim her and after I've used her I will give her to you as a gift. Just keep following me and all you desire shall be yours."

If they weren't just talking about how they wanted to use a woman or invade his lands, Rezar might have felt that the current atmosphere properly highlighted the spirit of brotherhood, but he had already decided that he was going to kill that Nurlak first as soon as he's free. Then the small orc Horta turned towards their cage and said.

"Nurlak all we used was a paralysis totem and not a silencing one, normally the slaves would be complaining and asking to be freed by now, but why these particular batch of slaves so quiet?"

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