Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 153: Orcs and War (II): Lemosha and the Portal

Chapter 153: Orcs and War (II): Lemosha and the Portal

Rezar shifted his gaze until met the eyes of Nurlak, Horton had made a point, and the fact that Rezar and his people have just been silent throughout the entire journey was extremely suspicious. This could be when their cover gets blown, and all because there's an overly perceptive orc within their raiding party. Vita Gratia was currently hanging off the back of another orc at the front of the procession, but Rezar knew he could call those weapons back to him at the drop of a hat. He just hoped it really didn't get to the point where they have to fight.

"Nurlak, Horta! We're coming upon the teleportation array, keep your voices down and move forwards, we need to be through it as quickly as possible before we or the array itself is discovered." A massive orc, even larger than Nurlak and sporting a giant stone add rode his wolf past both suspicious orcs, forcing them to move their attention from Rezar as they made a detour and cut into the Kerwood Forest.

But even as they were turned away to focus on something else, Rezar could see Horta looking at him, suspicion etched all-over his face. But all Rezar could do was look forward impassively, almost as if he was dead inside and still under the effects of the paralyzed totem. The part of the Kerwood Forest which they cut into was extremely thick, instead of the sturdy trees he was used to, and the space to maneuver between them. The trees here whilst sturdy, were green and wet and had vines. Their branches stretched from one tree trunk to another, intertwining and connect to each other in some sort of twisted architecture of nature.

Their movements were slowed severely as they moved through the forest this way, the gnarled and twisted branches were eerie and Rezar was beginning to get the same kind of feeling he got from the paralysis totem, from these trees. And since he was already feeling them, he started noticing it from other unlikely sources. From Screet, Kitagawa and Priest and the rest of the undead and guards. It was weird, and even more so now that he no idea what it was, and the system was being silent about it.

The trees grew larger in some areas, and smaller in others. This part of the Kerwood Forest was treacherously traversable, but yet this procession moved through it with the trees and bushes seemingly moving to the side to create a path for them. It made it seems as if this was not a forest but a maze of sorts, the trees changed and shifted the form twists and turns, all leading to knowledge of a hidden path existing until finally they came upon an arch, and right in front of it was the most archaic and ancient orc he had ever seen.

However this orc was quite different from the others, from the figure, and the very exposed breasts, he was able to tell that she was female. But there were no teeth, she was hunched over and had necklaces made of bones and other weird trinkets around her. She held a staff in her hands, the top of the staff had the skull of a bird and it's eyes glowed and eerie green as green smoke slowly wafted out of it and into the air.

"You boys are quite early, but seeing how bountiful be your harvest, I'd say Lemosha understands. You head for the great plains yes? To submit your Catchings before the grand plain warrior games, it would definitely boost your points in that game. Well then come along, I shall open the portal for you young ones."

Her voice was just an octave below a deranged cackle, but it was still a sound that made Rezar's hair to stand on end. This orc female has lived a very long life, her face was different though. Her face was somewhat reminiscent of a pig and her skill was brownish pink with no trace of green. She was probably a different species of orc, and a very powerful one.

She raised her staff up into the air as she started chanting and moaning out weird words Rezar couldn't understand, and as she did so, the arch in front of them that was made from the branches of two trees, began to blow and strange symbols unrecognizable to Rezar began to dance around the branches that made up the arch. There was sizzle of electricity and the arch vanished and in it's place an invisible curtain hung.

It was almost like a trick of light as someone would walk past the curtain without noticing anything. But it was there, and it seemed as if it was being affected by the wind as the curtain flapped and hug by itself in the air. The orcs grunted to themselves as their convoy started moving, the crazy off woman Lemosha watched as they went past, her mouth opened wide in a cackling grin as she looked eyes with Rezar before saying.

"Don't have too much fun Sire, the orcs are a simple people, understand us well enough and have the strength to utilize that understanding..and you can rule is as well. Mehihihihihihih." Horta looked at Rezar and his people with an accusatory glance. Lemosha was considered crazy, so the rest of the raiding party felt it was just her spouting nonsense. But Horta had a suspicion, but he couldn't tell which of the new slaves she was talking to.

And even worse he couldn't tell it to anyone, because Lemosha was hardly ever sober or in the right frame of mind to have a proper conversation with anybody other than the trees around her. Horta held his peace and kept his eyes forward as the convoy slowly moved towards the curtain. Rezar kept a careful and close watch on it, until finally he and the rest of his people went through it. And another world was laid bare for them to see.

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