Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 155: Orcs and War (IV): A Venoik, The Chief

Chapter 155: Orcs and War (IV): A Venoik, The Chief

Szadin had what could be considered and extensive collection of slaves, or so he says, but Rezar found himself all too inclined to agree. For one he had seen races he didn't even think would exist, apart from the main four races of humans, elves, dwarves and beast people, there were hundreds of sub-races belonging to the main race except for humans, and then now he finds that there are entirely new and unique races all together, with none of them sharing characteristics with any of the main race. It was beyond insane and crazy, and quite enlightening for the young King.

His curious perusal of Master Szadin's slave house had led him finally to a being that more than aroused his attention. It was a young man with grey skin, however his skin had purple veins that danced beneath his skin to form intricate tattoos. The veins stretched and danced all the way to the top of his fingers which were black and were actually dripping a purplish black liquid that sizzled the moment it touch the metal floor of the cage he was placed inside. His eyes were completely black, no pupils or iris or whatever, just a black marble in his skull, that had a bit of an oblong shape, coming up into a point that reminded Rezar of a squid.

From what he could see, if this person was washed and given clean clothes, his actual skin might even glow. And then there was a mouth filled with fangs, but no the kind you would see in wolves or lions, but singular pointed needles that would be right at home in the mouth of a snake. Rezar turned to face Szadin with a pensive look on his face before pointing to the person in the cage.

"What is he?"

"Well he is quite a specimen isn't he your Majesty? I call him Roran as his name seems to have been forgotten to the sands of the great desert. From what I know he is the first of his kind to have been spawned within the wild lands, born from marriage of poison and the earth, I call him or rather what he is a Venoik. He literally and constantly absorbs every element that's in the air, from things as simple as nitrogen, oxygen, to complex things like sunlight, magic, and hidden particles of materials that float unseen to us, and then his body will process them into various kinds of toxins, tonics and poison that he would be able to use a number of situations that arise.

We have been breeding him you see, but so far all the females we've tried breeding him with have died. And that is due to the fact that he keeps poisoning them, we really haven't been able to get him under control, and he has been a slave for ten years, ever since he was just a child wandering the deserts. His abilities make him either a walking hospital, or a biohazard zone should be let loose, but we've kept him control.

As you can see we built specialized chains that have been enchanted to keep his abilities in check, that's why his poison keeps pouring out of his finger tips, they're a defense mechanism. It wouldn't be too farfetched for me to say that he's the crowing achievement of my collection your Majesty, and I'm very proud to have been his owner."

Rezar wonders what the people outside of Elysium, back in the real world thought when they logged in and saw something like this. Szadin might be an orc, but beneath all that green flesh is a human soul and consciousness, and yet he would thrive and take pride in the act of slavery. It made Rezar angry, maybe it might be due to his skin color, but to take a living person for granted like this, to consider them nothing more than just property is just...wrong! And he felt an extreme rage and anger for this. He believed people could do better, and this was not him using the AI part of his mind to feel and think.

For some reason he couldn't be rational about this, he was literally full to the point of bursting with the anger that was within him. But he knew there wasn't anything he could do, at least not yet. Saving one slave would not do anything in the long run, and whether he didn't want to admit or not, slave trade is lucrative, especially when you consider that much of what would and could be built in Bahrenburg is because of the slaves. While the system can take care of the construction, the resources needed have to be gathered and that's where their use shines the most.

"how much for him, I'll buy him from you, so name your price." Rezar said as he turned to Szadin who was a little gob smacked as for some reason he seemed at loss for words.

"I'm afraid he's not for sale, and from one leader to another it's not nice to take a liking to somebody's property." The person who had spoken was another orc, 8 foot tall, packed full of muscle with the pelt of a monster hanging on his shoulders and a massive great sword hanging behind him.

Szadin gave a bow, his nose almost touching the ground at the arrival of the new orc, the orc himself had an entourage of his own following behind him. And with how fierce the looked, it was as if they came here for a fight, but Rezar didn't pay attention to that as he knelt down in front of the cage and matched his gaze with that of the Venoik. To everyone else it seemed as if he was ignoring the presence of the Orc's leader, and that sent blood boiling until Rezar decided to speak.

"There's nothing in this world that doesn't have a price, you can think of this as a way for us to make an alliance. Sell him to me, I'll make it worth your while." Rezar rose up with a flourished movement, there was no sound at all and he seemed almost unearthly with the way he moved. Rezar frowned, this was also different, he could himself be different, almost as if he was letting off and aura of an energy of his own, somewhat similar with what he had experienced with the totem and the teleportation arch.

"I'm afraid I'll have to say no King Rezar, but we can get back to that once you tell me why the Bone King invited himself into my Horde when I never sent for him, this is an act of war." Rezar raised an eyebrow and then threw his head back and laughed, it wasn't funny, but the young man suddenly felt the need to play a role.

"It is an act of war that your fucking raiders came to my land and stole my people, it is an act of war that your fucking orcs! Decided to fuck with me by paralyzing me and my entourage and putting us, putting ME! If a fucking cage! I could have killed them all right then and there, after all that would have been within my rights, I won't tolerate disrespect to myself and my people. But I wanted to wait, to see who the fuck had the audacity to fuck with me! And now I've seen him, you!... Excuse what's your name again?"

Priest almost had a heart attack then and there, the clergy knew just how powerful Rezar was, and even then, they were in the middle of what was thousands of battle hardened orcs.. why in God's name is this leader of his so brash, it was nothing at all like the vampires he remembered who were always cool headed and smooth in their dealings. None the less Priest had to salvage the situation so he quickly whispered into Rezar's ear, telling him who he was actually talking to.

"Ahhh, Chief Durga Goldbreaker.. I would say that's a peculiar name, but mine is DeathWind so I'm pretty sure I'm not one to be pointing out weird names. Never the less I demand an explanation of why your people were gallivanting all-over my land and stealing my people." Rezar didn't seem ready to take a step back, in fact he had taken a step forwards towards the orc chief, and even though his body was dwarfed by the orc, the aura of power he let off seemed to encompass and want to swallow the orc chief.

"Do not overstep your bounds death class holder! I do not fear you and I do not have to answer to you. You're in my land now! And even my people have gone where they shouldn't, I see nothing wrong with it, as soon as I'm done winning the grand plain games, I will be coming for your lands, let me see how you will stand against the full power of my horde!" the orc chief was not backing down and neither was Rezar, and then Rezar in a very Rezar fashion asked a question.

"Szadin this games that they're talking about, what are the rules can I get into it?"

"Errrr what?"

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