Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 154: Orcs and War (III): A Horde

Chapter 154: Orcs and War (III): A Horde

From the green nature of a forest to the confined architecture of a temple that has obviously seen better days. But the temple wasn't really unconfined building as it had no roof, and most of it's walls were missing. Across the Vista of plain that seemed endless, hundreds of Inuit like but if not thousands dotted the landscape. Orcs of different species along with a small smattering of other races, moved about seemingly carrying out their daily lives. Towards the north east, the lonely peaks of an expansive mountain range could be seen, it's very tip obscured by grey white clouds and a coating of frost and ice that seemed completely un affected by the fact that this wasn't anytime closer to winter.

But the plain was extremely lively, it was more likely that this was some sort of large market than the home of the orcs, and from what Rezar had found out, he knew that there were two main species of orcs. There was the true blood orcs, which were the normal green skinned ones with normal faces, and then there was the Porcs, which were orcs that had bovine characteristics, or basically had the face of pigs or something like that. There was a few more denominations for racial advancements like blood orcs, grey orcs and elemental orcs. Never the less, they all could be found within this massive plain, busy as a bee.

Orcs lived in large communities known as warbands, each warbands could have from as little as 3000 orcs to as much as 10,000 of them. Nevertheless the warbands were what made orcs so feared. Every orc within that community was a fighter of some sort, and even more so they were feared for the very simple fact that they were nomadic, and anywhere they do decide to migrate too, they make sure to leave blood and destruction in their wake. But from what he could see, Rezar could tell that this warband was three times as large as the 10,000 maximum he expected, this was a literal horde of orcs.

Their caravan went onwards, moving past precariously placed tents and orcs going about their daily lives. There were blacksmiths banging on metals, tailors Working on clothes and tanners on leather. There was also a variety of beasts around, and with it was a clamor and loudness that one would associate with a large city. Rezar looked at Priest, they were both thinking the same thing; the Goblin King and his soldiers would have been brutally massacred should they have thought it wise to go up against this horde, and from what he could see, they were preparing to migrate once again.

They walked through the settlement, village? Town? Rezar wasn't really sure what to call this place, but eventually they were led to what looked like a massive circus tent, but the tarp was a dirty brown leather and had a smell one would like to dead things. Rezar kept his focus up as they were led into the tent where he encountered rows upon rows of cages where people of various races were trapped. If Rezar had to use one word to describe it, he would say this looked like a literal shit show, some of the slaves were injured, missing limbs and whatnot.

"Master Szadin! We have brought new merchandise for you, and they're all top grade, two seem to be humans, and the rest are kitsunes! Think about it! Kitsunes! However we're unable to identify the others they seem to be some sort undead.. They're UNDEAD!"

"Ahhh it seems our cover has been blown, but how in the hells were they unable to identify undead, are they stupid or something?" Rezar asked out loud as he turned a wide grin to the orcs who were shocked at the sudden turn of events.

"Ahhh master there's no need to call them stupid, that entails that they have a brain to be stupid in the first place." Screet answered as he slowly got up to his feet.

"Seeing as we're right in the middle of orc territory do you think it's wise for us to be antagonizing them Sire?" Kitagawa asked as the eyes of the orcs grew even wider, the Orc not as Horta pointed a startled finger at Rezar and said.

"you-you're the Bone King!"

"Hallelujah! Give the orc a prize! He finally realized what's been staring at his face this entire time. But it's too late, so how about we do this the civilized way, or we do this orc way, or we do this Morte Bianca way. Believe me you don't want to pick the latter option." And with that said Rezar literally slapped the doors of the metal cage off it's hinges, sending it blasting out the massive tent and startling all of the slaves held within.


The orc called Nurlak acted, shocking everyone including his own people as everyone had wanted to take things easy so as not to avoid too big of a problem. He rushed at Rezar, but he never made it close to even five feet of the Bone King as Screet surged forwards, his claws glowing a silvery light as his form surged past the orc. Rezar raised an eyebrow, that was a move he had seen before, but when it was performed with a Katana by samurais, it was the skill of another class. It absolutely didn't make sense to him, but now Screet just used it to split an eight foot tall orc into three equal pieces. It was absolutely intense!

"The rest of you should be careful about your choices, I don't want to have to fight through all of your people to escape, because if I have to, many of you will die, and many more of you will become undead cursed to wander the wild lands for all eternity. Also return mine and my people's equipment to them, before I start carving up your flesh with my fangs."

Rezar didn't need to threaten them, but quite frankly this was just who he is. Rational, but with a honesty steeped in arrogance burn from an analytical and calculative mind. He had both a human soul and that of an artificial intelligence, it was the total sum of the who Rezar DeathWind was, and just like mainstream media have portrayed for centuries. The AI is always cold, reasonable, arrogant and cynic. The perfect blend to make a great villain.

"Just so we should not be here any longer than is necessary, you might want to send someone to get your leaders, you know, before my people and I start causing damages." That threat did work even better than he expected as the Orc called Horta turned tail and ran out the entrance of the massive tent. Rezar on the other hand bent down to pick up Vita Gratia from the ground where it had fallen from the body of the Orc Nurlak, ultimately Rezar kept a silent promise to himself, and that was the fact that he was going to kill the now deceased orc.

Unfortunately his body was split into three pieces, so it was impossible to raise him back up from the dead, not unless someone stitched the split body part together. Though it sounded disgusting, Rezar did feel the need to try that out once or maybe twice, or at the very least when the opportunity arose. Rezar looked up and his eyes met the orc addressed as Master Szadin, then he smiled and moved closer until he was respectable distance from him.

"Well what do you do here Mr. Szadin? The fact that Rezar had called Mr. instead of master was not lost to the orcs, they bristled in anger at the obvious disrespect, but the orc in question raised his hand up to silence any sort of discontent.

"This is a slave house your Majesty, we have the best of all stocks and catered to any sort of need or task. And it is my extreme honor that someone of your standing would feel it worthy to visit my fine establishment." Rezar was taken aback, and so was Priest. Frankly speaking the Orcs he met today have been disparaging any sort stereotype most would accustom to an orc, they were not brash at all.

"An orc that's shrewd.this is definitely a first for me..well technically this is also the first time I've ever met an orc to.wait that's wrong, we were captured by orcs after all. But I digress, can you show me your finest stocks?.....Master Szadin?" most of the orcs wanting to blow their top visibly relaxed when it seemed as if Rezar had given the orc the respect he deserved. But this was politics, Rezar was a king, he would only give respect when it is given to him, and Szadin was as shrewd a merchant as most goblins and dwarves, he probably knew his way around a courtroom.

"it would be my utmost pleasure to host one with such Prestige as yours, your Majesty King Rezar DeathWind, the Bone King of Morte Bianca. Please come this way." Rezar smiled as he followed behind the gaudily dressed orc much to the shock of the other orcs while his people followed behind. As simple as it might seem Rezar knew that before he left the orcs, he was still going to spill blood.

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