Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 159: Orcs and War (VIII): Into The Canyon

Chapter 159: Orcs and War (VIII): Into The Canyon

There was a couple of entrances, six of them and Rezar had happily rode into the middle with Priest, Kitagawa and the rest of his retinue following close behind him. He definitely was very unlike a king, but at the moment he didn't care. These canyons had been his origin, but he knew nothing about them and has never really had the chance to explore it. The canyon walls were craggy and uneven, there were spots that were so narrow Tony had to go up the wall and crawl past it, or let Rezar walk on his own. It was a lot worse for Priest and then others as they had rode on forest wolves instead, but the wolves were a lot more lithe and slender so movements weren't too hard.

They were the only ones who had taken this path, it was a lot more narrow but the fact that there was no one else following behind them made Rezar think that there was probably information about this place that was known to the orcs but not to them. So it was very probable that they were heading into a trap or a dead end. Nevertheless Rezar kept pushing forwards, if there was a dead end then he would reach it, but until he would March even deeper.

The days of the sun could not reach the floor of the canyon as only one half of the walls could receive it's days, it made the temperature there really cool as a variety of plants started appearing in their paths. The walls were covered with vines and algae and there were uneven scratches on it. Obviously there have beasts of some sort around here, and with how recent the scrap scratches looked they seemed to be fairly recent too.

"Sure those scars on the walls are to uneven to be from a claw or a gang, it would be even impossible for it to be from a can't as no jaw would be able to find that kind of purchase on a relatively flat surface." Kitagawa said as he moved closer to inspect the scratch, making sure to keep away from the plants, like it was some sort of plague.

"Indeed your Majesty, they look like they were made from a bladed weapon, or at least something terribly edge and capable of cutting through rock with such ease. And with how vibrant and full of life this place is, those scratches should already have plants or algae growing out of them if they were any older than three days. But it would be unwise to jump to conclusions, however being more alert wouldn't be a bad course of action." Priest said as he shifted his head to look at their narrow surroundings.

Rezar took what the said in stride and kept moving forward, he had a King's guard but he was taking the fore and leading the charge. It was not wrong and right, but in this scenario they knew they needed him ahead. Rezar was literally immortal, and he could deal with a lot of things a whole lot better than most other people could, and while they were mostly to admit it, he was least likely to die should they fall into a trap.

They kept on moving forwards for another 30 minutes, at that point the canyon walls began to expand a bit, and the narrow with that they had all been walking expanded enough that three buses would be able to travel side by side. The walls on the other hand seemed to have developed ledges, and they were placed in such a way that even Rezar himself had to notice that something was wrong.

"Master?" Brutus called out in warning with Screet getting up to his feet on the back of his fellow undead, but by then the warning came a little too late.


A wooden spear shot through the air and literally blasted through Rezar's body, causing a shower of blood to spread out behind him in a fine mist of red. Roran felt his heart skip a beat as everyone else became alert. From the ledges the sound of loud hisses could be heard as men.snakes.. snake like men slithered out of caves that had been camouflaged on the cavern wall.

They were crudely armored with bone Armors and weapons, but with the force delivered from the spear throw than went through Rezar, it wasn't far fetched to say that they were strong enough to match the King of Morte Bianca himself.

The first Spear however was not the end of the attack, there was another that went into Rezar's side, stabbing through his collar bone and bursting out the back of his neck. Another went through his legs, pinning his body to Tony's who didn't even let out a cry of pain, seemingly unshaken by the Assault. Two more spears found their way into his stomach and the final one drilled a hole into his head. Roran was so shocked by the sudden turn of events, the man he had been asked to kill had been murdered just like that, and now they were being rushed from all sides by the half men half snakes.

"Nagas!!!" Kitagawa yelled out as he jumped into the air, his full white failed flashing through the air as they stabbed through two of the Nagas, completely ignoring the writhing pain filled morning they made.

Roran felt his blood chill as the name being called, Nagas were the stuff of nightmares, the kind that kept both adults and children alike awake and haunted by the horrific tales and rituals of the natural born warlocks. Neither monster nor people, but smart enough to lay waste to entire cities in a single night. Roran was about to turn around and run for his life, when a shadow covered the sky. He looked up and his horror took on a whole other level as what he could see was blood, and ahead of him was the recently killed Rezar DeathWind getting back up to his feet and pulling the spears out of his body much to the shock of the Nagas attacking.

"I just realized something.. I no longer have snakes or anything snake like.. but for the greater good and to my extreme pleasure..I'm going to FUCKING WIPE EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF YOU FROM THE FACE OF ELYSIUM!!!"

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