Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 160: Orcs and Wars (IX): Nagas

Chapter 160: Orcs and Wars (IX): Nagas

Roran shook in shock as Rezar removed the bloody bone spears from his body, the cloud of blood that had gathered above his head did not just have his blood included but now the blood of the Nagas that had already been killed by Kitagawa's reprisal was floating upwards. But Rezar didn't seem to care about what was going above him, in fact none of them seemed to care that there was a cloud of blood hovering above their heads in an extremely ominous fashion.

Rezar moved forwards, Vita Gratia in it's staff form, stabbing out into the chest of a Naga with extremely colorful scales. Just as the blade went through the body of the snake man, Rezar slammed his head forwards, crumpling the snake like face of the naga as fang and blood and brain matter flew every which way. Rezar ignored the twitching serpentine power half, as he stepped back and stretched his left arm to grab a spear that was coming for his head. He trapped the weapon and jumped up to evade the sweeping trunk of the Naga, and just in time for Screet to shoot forwards, his staff glowing a full grey that he unceremoniously used to slam into the body of the Naga.

The naga didn't shoot back as Roran expected, that swing had even displaced the wind around it, what happened instead left Roran feeling chills going up and down his spine. The body of the Naga fell to the ground like it was some coat being worn, obviously that strike of Screet had turned his entire bones to dust. Screet three with a flourish, his staff slamming downwards into the earth to blast a trio of Nagas back, and just in time for Rezar to move like some sort of Specter, shadows of bags hanging off his form as he sunk unnaturally long fangs into the neck of a Naga that had the kind of scales you would see on a viper.

That was the last straw that broke the camel's back as Roran fell back on his ass, completely shocked by what he was seeing. Even the old priest had moves that would out the best orc fighters to shame, and Durga had asked him to kill the man that led them. If that wasn't suicide in it's own right, then he didn't know what else in this world could be considered such.

Brutus charged forwards, his form gaining a black shadowy his that had tiny skull figures floating off him like the embers of a flame. Most of the Nagas knew to keep away from the ghost bull as he charged forwards, but those that weren't smart enough got smashed into, leaving their bodies behind as their souls surged into the Eldritch looking form of the bull, causing armor to start growing out of his skin.

Rezar stepped backwards, but ended up crossing a two meter distance and he dodged a wild swing from a spear, the Nagas were fast enough and had really good agility and dexterity. Rezar noticed that they fought by using momentum to their advantage. They did not have much power to their strikes, but the angle and speed of their swings made them a lot more deadlier than what most could manage. A grey tail flew past Rezar's body to smash into the form of the Naga as one of his King's Guards leaped into the fray with a Katana flashing like a light through darkness.

Rezar turned to the right and crossed his weapon, defending against the piercing strike made by a Naga who had jumped off the ledge that hung above their heads. Rezar raised Vita Gratia upwards, deflecting the incoming spear by directing it's incoming momentum above his head. The Naga still driven by inertia moved forwards into the waiting Knee of Rezar, forcing the snake man to crumple into himself in pain.

But it seemed the attack from the Naga was just a diversion as another much larger Naga with the hood of a cobra quickly wrapped his trunk around Rezar's body, restraining the Bone King as fangs the size of daggers bit down and pierced into Rezar's neck. Rezar winced in pain as he closed his eyes, and then roared out in a cage that shook the entirety of this canyon. As soon as he finished yelling, the cloud of blood in the sky seemed to roil and bubble as it's shape changed.

Immediately massive spears made from blood shot out from it, coming down with a city on every Naga caught within it's vicinity. The scene as even more bloody than when Rezar was stabbed through with more than one bone spear. The Lance's of blood went through the bodies of multiple Nagas, it's edge serrated and dragging with it their guts as the spear made sure to cut through their stomach. The Naga that had Rezar within it's coils took the worst of it as the multiple blood Lance's went through it's body, with the worst going through his head from the back of his neck and out of his mouth, which was still stabbed deep into Rezar's body. And then there bodies began to rapidly dry off and desiccate, their blood being drained into the same cloud of blood in the air, and then subsequently sent down into Rezar's own body.

It was barely just five minutes of conflict, but a slew of bodies were left behind with not a single casualty on the side of the Morte Biancans. Rezar shifted his body a bit and the Nagas around him turned to dust, the remains of their bodies drifting away. Rezar cracked his neck from left to right before he shifted his gaze forwards, there were a couple of Nagas still alive, and they were fleeing deeper into the canyon.

"Master it seems that there's still more to be done." Screet said as he stood besides Rezar and looked at the slithering form of the fleeing Nagas. All Rezar could say to his undead and to the rest of his retinue was.

"Mount up! The hunt's not over."

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