Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 163: The Children Of Medusa (III): Maestro

Chapter 163: The Children Of Medusa (III): Maestro

The Nagas were considered monsters, but given how intelligent they sometimes acted and how they had extremely large communities with signs of civilization and traits of ingenious inventions m. Of course when it came down to it, Nagas were still pretty much primitive, and where more like kobolds in the fact that they mainly lived by relying on instincts. But then again they were so much like people in that they could build houses, farm and even worse fall into battle formations much like the very one they were using to surround Rezar and his people.

But so far the Nagas that they had faced weren't the cream of the crop, as physically betting as those Nagas who had been using bone spears were, the true power and force of the Nagas were warlocks, and not the kind that summoned and made deals with demons, but then kind that could curse you and inflict you with a dozen debuffs before you ever got the chance to say please. And from how large these new Nagas looked, the gnarled wooden amulets hanging around their neck and the thick black armors made of unknown material, not to mention they were currently unarmed, it wasn't too hard to identify what kind of enemies they now had to face.

[DeathWind Domain!]

And expansive dome of black and silver wind suddenly spread around Rezar, moving to cover Screet, Kitagawa and everyone else that Rezar considered an ally. The domain spread out extremely fast, reaching a radius of almost a 150 meters, quickly catching up with a lot of the Nagas that had drawn close and blasting some of them back, while others were actually inflicted with the decay debuff, as their skin and flesh began to peel off and rot away.

Rezar had bought them all some valuable time as he had pushed them off and given the others time to gather themselves, and apart from that, the [DeathWind Domain] had the distinct ability to empower any of Rezar's allies that were caught under it. But even with the dome up and defending them from the attacks of the Nagas, it wouldn't last forever, and this domain while defensive wasn't based on defense but was rather an AOE control ability and buffing field, Rezar had to expand it to cover their enemies for it to truly show it's full potential.

"You know we can't stay here too long Sire, they'll keep on attacking the dome until comes down." Kitagawa said to Rezar.

"I understand that commander, but don't worry I've got a plan. All of you fall into standard dungeon party formation. Brutus take center stage you're our tank. Priest stick to the rear with Roran, Kitagawa and the other King's Guard, spread out and be our east and west wings. Give enough space for their melee fighters to sink in, like sand moving through your fingers. I'll reduce the intensity of the dome to let them in with a controlled approach, none of you should leave the dome, just kill as much as you can and watch out for each other. Am I clear?" Rezar asked them telepathically, it wasn't to farfetched to believe that if the Nagas could create formations for battle, then they could probably best what he was saying and intercept his orders.

They all fell into the formation he had called out for them quickly, Roran was a little spooked when Rezar's voice had come blaring out loud within his head, but seeing as everyone fell into formation in front of the body of the Dead Black Wyrm King was enough to tell him that he didn't imagine it, and that alone made Rezar even more scary in his eyes. Rezar remained on his perch on top of the Black Wyrm King, he would join the Battle, but for now it was better to just control and offer support.

[Summon Undead]

Within the cracks of their formation, skeleton soldiers all popped up, armed and ready for a fight. And with that done Rezar looked behind the dome at the bodies of dead Nagas that littered the ground. He smiled sinisterly as the makings of a very fun trap sprung within his mind. He had done this before, and it would be just as much fun doing it now as he did it then.

"Come!" and with his words the fierce dome of black and silver wind seemingly disappeared.

But that was not the case as the dome was still there, he just made it possible for his enemies to get through, and obvious trap, and they Nagas happily fell into it as they rushed forwards. In the end even if Nagas were very capable casters, they did not know how to really fight like one. In the heat of the Battle, they were just like every other man or snake, they just wanted to bite, poison and squeeze the life out of every prey in their sight. Rezar let his summoned undead to take the charge and handle the brunt of every curse, and under the buffing effect of the DeathWind Domain, they were causing more than enough of their fair share of damage.

Rezar kept on watching as more and more of the Nagas came into the 150 meter range of the DeathWind Domain, many of the Nagas and decided to flank them, coming from behind in order to bring them down. But Rezar was all to aware of that, which brought up the prime and ripe opportunity for him to spring up his trap. This was a tried and tested tactic in battle, and there was no reason it shouldn't work here again, and it did, wonderfully so.

[Raise Undead]

If the Nagas had conscious thoughts and weren't more than just animals, then this would hit them really hard. After all, how nerve wracking would it be when the dead form of your kin that knew no pain or fear sprang up and sank their fangs into your neck, biting and chewing and clawing through to bring about a death that was as horrible as well..... something I guess. And the person responsible for all of this, the charismatic and soon to be all encompassing Bone King watched, like a maestro playing the most legendary of masterpieces.

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