Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 162: The Children Of Medusa (II): Swallowed

Chapter 162: The Children Of Medusa (II): Swallowed

What was it like to get swallows by a snake, Rezar would happily describe it as slimy, and dark and it burned, like a lot. There wasn't any room to move or find a way to escape, but what he could however was think and try to figure out a way to get out.....which basically was what he was supposed to be doing in the first place. Rezar felt his breath seize, but much more than that it was the stench of the snake's stomach that truly got to him. He was also feeling a little bit delirious, almost as if he had taken more than half his fair share of a bottle of Elysium's strongest wine, he needed to get out of her.

[Bat Apparition]

With his body disassembling into a flock of shadowy bats, it was such a relief, that if asked Rezar would be unable to explain to most people. The anguish he felt from the Black Wyrm's stomach acid disappeared almost immediately as he was left to find his own way out of the body of this monster. One problem that cropped almost immediately was that he had no idea which was the proper end, no matter what the case may be, he was not to keen about coming out from the rear of some giant snake, that can't be healthy for anyone, much less himself. But he would have to make a choice none the less, so he just chose to go the direction he considered right, when in doubt go right.. or was it left.

Rezar kept moving forwards, and forward, and forward and forward. There was absolutely no end to this snake, it was almost as if there was no need to this monster and being stuck in it's stomach meant that you would wander a void with end and without rest for all of your eternity. But Rezar was not one to let the current status Quo determine his life and how he's going to be, and there was no way in hell he would be dying in the stomach of a fucking snake!

[Death Blast!]

A ball of grey with shadows of howling skills blasted out of Rezar's shadow bat form, smashing into what Rezar was sure was the wall of the snake's insides. A loud screech shook the entirety of the area he was confined in, and even more when you considered he was inside the body of the monster crying out in pain. There was rumble and the area he had shot the blast in seemed to develop cracks, almost as if Rezar that blown a hold through reality itself. There was no light at the end of tunnel, or just the expected hole in the side of the body that would let Rezar squeeze his way out.

Instead what he was faced with was blood, an endless rivulet of it as it soaked Rezar, threating to drown him in the life giving liquid of this reptile's body. It came in the form of a current Rezar could scarcely control or ride out as he was pushed towards the other end of the snake, the injury that he had left on it's body becoming nothing more than a distance he could never reach. But Rezar was never one to give up, it one wound was not enough, then he would make a hundred more.

[Death Blast!] [Death Blasts!] [Death Blast!]

"Hiissssssszzzzz! Screeeeeeeeee!"

The works seemed to shift upside down and roll around a couple of times as Rezar was blasted out of the bleeding body of the snake, right on top the roof of a wooden house that got crushed into a rubble from the weight of the vampire that just fell on it. Rezar spat out, a couple of times, sheer annoyance etched all-over his face as the current stream of events, he got back up to his feet, his annoyance making it seemed like a blast of energy escaped from his body, throwing away the rubble that had fallen all-over his body.

The Black Wyrm King was not dead yet, it was severely uninjured and was currently leveling a small village of Nagas to the ground while Priest, Kitagawa and the others kept out of it's way and mopped up what the snake couldn't kill in it's pained rampage. It whether it was having a pained rampage or not, Rezar was about to go on a rampage of his own, but he was extremely frantic as he couldn't seem to find what he was looking for.

"Master!" he heard a voice called out to him, and shifted his gaze left to see Screet riding on top of Brutus, his spear stabbed deep into the body of a Naga that was currently being dragged on the ground like it was worth nothing more than the dirt currently peeling it's flesh of it's bones. Screet three his tiny hands forward and Vita Gratia seemed to flash out of nowhere, heading into the hands of it's master as Rezar caught the weapon In it's staff form, and proceeded to separate it until he had two Khopesh in both hands.

He threw both blades forwards as they surged out of the handle of his swords, the chains connecting them to handle stretching onwards in a deep blue glow that was ever eerie in it's appearance and seemed to promise a great deal of pain to whomever was stupid enough to touch them. The blades stabbed into the back of the Black Wyrm's neck, forcing the giant beast to let out a scream of pain as it surged forwards, Rezar gave Screet a smile as he said to him.

"Let's go for a little ride."

Rezar dug his heels deep into the ground as the Black Wyrm dragged him along, utilizing even more power than the vampire had available to him.

Massive furrows were bring dragged into the earth in the wake of the Black Wyrm's and Rezar's rampage. The giant snake struggled with all of it's ability, pulling and shaking it's massive head and body in an attempt to dislodge Rezar, but Rezar was anything if not stubborn as he pulled back just as hard, forcing the giant snake to bank sharply to the left and smack it's head on the canyon walls, peeling of flakes of scales from it's massage body.


The Black Wyrm King definitely didn't like that as it dragged it's massive head forwards, pulling Rezar off the earth and through the air, his body also heading straight for a memorable impact with the canyon walls. But in great display of agility and enough dexterity to put even the best of gymnasts to shame, Rezar twisted his body in the air like a corkscrew, the chains of Vita Gratia twirling around his body in an elegant yet very dangerous manner. And then they pulled taut, rapidly referring as they dragged both the snake and Rezar closer to each other. Rezar made sure that both his feet was pointed downwards ad he fell, and he braced himself as his legs slapped into the neck of the Black Wyrm, and audible thud and crack heard across the canyon as the blades were wrenched out in a shower of blood, and the body of the Black Wyrm King was smashed back into the earth so hard a crater was made.

The Wyrm could no longer cry out as the pain was to intense and the injuries had forced it exhaust it's strength. And it was even more terrible when it had to have a guy of war with Rezar, coupled with the still bleeding injuries, it had exhausted whatever source of energy and adrenaline that had kept it going so far, now all it could do was wait and die.

Rezar was crouched on the back of the Snake, his arms quivering and his legs shaking, this battle wasn't easy, and though not many would have noticed, Rezar was wholly focused on this fight, relying wholly on his superior instincts and deductive capabilities to outmaneuver the Black Wyrm, not to mention this was also a contest of strength, one that he won with great effort as he would never have been able to beat the monster if it was not already injured.

Rezar ignored the eyes on him as he moved up to the head of the Black Wyrm, and then stabbed down with Vita Gratia, making sure both blades were stabbed all the way down to the hilt. The massive snake with it's head the size of a house, shook a bit, before the glow in it's eyes faded away and it's massive bulk became completely still. Rezar felt a rush of energy and Vita Gratia quivered in his hands as the soul of the monster, was absorbed into both the master and his blade, and this feeling was so much more different from the previous times.

Rezar felt his legs quiver, but this time not from tiredness, from the sheer pleasure of the current of energy now coursing through his veins. He didn't receive any message about stat increase, but he knew he was stronger, now, a lot stronger than before. He got up to his feet, trying his best to ignore the hisses that filled the canyons as more and more Nagas riding on giant snakes and lizard surrounded Rezar and his people, their anger at him murdering their let all so obvious.

[Vita Gratia has leveled up! The passive skill [Soul Taker] has been unlocked, and the Trait [Dragon's Bane 1] has been bestowed.]

Rezar looked at the endless amount of Nagas now surrounding them and shook his head, he didn't know it he was unlucky or if it was just a coincidence that the second dungeon he ever entre was like the first, but seriously though! What was it with dungeons and endless waves of enemies? But then again it didn't matter, because the more of them they were, the stronger he would become.

[Raise Undead]

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