Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 171: The Games (III): Secrets

Chapter 171: The Games (III): Secrets

Words happily flew out of the lips of Tepetal, honestly speaking Rezar wasn't so sure the compulsion skill would have worked, it was the lowest leveled skill he had, and Tepetal was a snow elf.

Apart from mastery over the elements of wind, water and ice, he had heard that Snow elves were very powerful mental mages, gaining mastery over mental skills like telepathy, telekinesis, astral projection etc. And to have mastery over skills like that you had to have an extremely powerful mind, but in the end it seems Tepetal was more orc than snow elf.

"The plain games are divided into three trials, the three trials represents the three God's of the orcs. There's the free for all battle which is to be the highlight of the games honoring the war and sun God Huitzilopochtli, then there's the birthing test to see if any of the candidates have the soft touch and know how to help a firewood birth a pup, it honors the fertility goddess Xochiquetzal. And then there's the first test, a game of ball honoring the god of the ball game Amapan.

In the first test all candidates are expected to have scored a certain amount of points before time runs out, because if it does so you would be eliminated from the games as a whole, which makes that game even more deadly than the free for all battle at the end that won't stop until there was just one make left standing. There are only five balls in a game filled with over 2 thousand players and just 30 minutes worth of time for them to score as much as they could, it would be bloody as everyone would scramble for those points, blood would be shed and many will die without even knowing how it happened.

The second trial would see the what's left or the candidates thrown into the direwolf birthing pens, the wolves are the creature big and strong enough to match the speed and strength of the orcs which is why they are our mounts, but never the less they are bred to constantly and around the clock as they could also be considered as a part of the horde. Going into their own and surviving the onslaught of the direwolves to help another giver birth, and then return with the pup without dying. This time it's not strength or agility that's being tested, but patience, skill and technique.

And then finally those who successfully passes the second trial would love on to the third and final trial, a slaughter until there's only one man left standing. But this free for all can't be that simple as the fight would be arrived out in dangerous terrains; a hidden valley in the Breone mountains that's the ancestral home of the Orcs. The environment would be against you, as there would be traps, and nature itself will fight you as there would be monsters. You would all be given three days to kill each other, every 2 hours there's a magic barrier around the valley that would keep shrinking, pushing all of the combatants to the middle, so there's no way anybody would escape combat."

Rezar raised an eyebrow and then sat back on the ground, folding his legs completely ignorant of his nakedness as his compulsion skills still held Tepetal sway. So a soccer game, a farming simulation and what was basically a laser tag game with no teams..that pretty much sums up what this plain game was. He still had memories from earth so he was able to understand and liken all these trials to particular events or activities. Rezar was not one for farming as shown by his previous failures to feel back in this caverns when he was still a slave, but from his memories he was actually quite a good soccer player and here in Elysium Rezar would confidently say he was in the top 5% of the best killers in Elysium. Everything else would be a breeze.

"But there's more to this game, about an hour ago we had visitors, the Dusting Crowe Merchant company has a vested interest in the wild lands and are already in alliance with my uncle. They will help him win the games in return he has to make sure you do not return to kingdom in time for them to take it in two weeks in a secret invasion. They have seeded contestants of their own within the games, some of them are known, others are still a mystery to us as it's obvious they are also aiming for control of the horde. Durga doesn't trust them, but he has no choice but to be bed fellows with them as you are the most dangerous of all the contestants and the wildcard this time.

It is why I have come to kill you, you're too much of a threat and not just to me, but you would jeopardize the plans of every major player within this plain game. I have plans of my own, and none them involves getting married to a monster like you!" Rezar felt happy for some reason, he seemed to have developed a quirk, he loved it when people were afraid of him, but not just being afraid he really like it when people regarded him with really extreme emotions, it didn't matter if it was from the positive side of an emotional spectrum or a negative side. Love, hate, like, fear, respect, he really, really loved the attention.

And finding out that the orcs and a bunch of other people were so terrified of him and what he could do, that they had banded together in an unsteady alliance to take care of him or rather take him out, had left him feeling really giddy with excitement. Obviously everything he faced would be a challenge and a lot harder than normal, but he welcomed it, heck he even felt thankful because this would give him a chance to crush a lot of his enemies in one fell swoop. And when it's all said and done, when the smoke finally clears, he would not just be King of Morte Bianca, of elves and goblins and Kitsunes and a few humans, he would be king of the Orcs...King of a Horde!

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