Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 172: The Games (IV): Play Ball

Chapter 172: The Games (IV): Play Ball

The sky was completely overcast by this point, and with how thick those clouds looked, Rezar knew that it would probably rain today, making things a little bit inconvenient when it came to the trials. But none the less the orcs were never one to hesitate with what they had to do and were all too willing to have their trial in the harshest of weather, they would probably believe it spoke volumes of the kind of strength and fortitude they had. Rezar didn't care, all he wanted to do was to win the Plain games, apart from him there was practically five hundred other competitors, and if he's not mistaken at least 450 of them had it out for him.

It was odds stacked too well against him, but that didn't mean he was going back down. Since Durga was now one of the contestants someone else was in charge of running the show. Something confused Rezar though, Durga was just one chief out of the many that came together to make one massive horde, why then is he the only one striving for the position of king. He hasn't seen any of the other chiefs yet, none of the orcs have mentioned anything, not even a whisper of the whereabouts. But even with their absence Durga still moved and acted with propaganda, keeping himself useful and in the spotlight for the orcs as if this was some election he needed their vote on.

"We have come to the first trial, there is no need to say too much as I'm sure many of you know of this trial or have done your homework on it. There are five enchanted balls on the field, ten ring goals four meters above the ground and five on the ground. Goals above the ground are worth 5 points, assuming you can get your ball through it, whilst the ones on the ground are worth two points. The aim is to reach 100 points in 30 minutes, weapons, skills, spells, rituals all are allowed so definitely some of you will not be coming back from this. But play with honor and grace and ferocity and power! May Amapan bless this game!"

"In Blood and Victory!!!!!" the orcs suddenly yelling out spooked quite a few people, even Rezar was a bit caught off guard, but it was somewhat admirable as it was stupid. While he would never call Priest out on anything, but to believe in gods and religion in a virtual world seems pretty stupid, but Rezar himself has come to understand that for many people here, it's believing in the unknown, in the unseen that gives them strength and purpose, a chance to live and go beyond what's expected all because of the misconception that there was a God watching your back..given his history and current relationship with death..Rezar guessed he was just like that to.

Just before the game could fully start, Rezar turned and gave Kitagawa a fixed stare, he gave the one armed Screet one of apology as he had not yet figured out a way to fix the missing arm of his first and closest undead. Rezar had kept Tepetal captive, Kitagawa was to release her the moment the first game started, because once the game starts communication with none contestant was not allowed and was grounds for disqualification. So in that train of thought, Tepetal would be unable to tell anyone about what had happened after her assassination attempt went wrong. He'd really hate it if his enemies found out he knew they were after him and prepare for the retribution that was definitely on the way to their doorstep.


There was a soft puff to signify the start of the game, right in the middle of the field were five floating rubber balls with symbols on them, and a little ways above them, spread in ten different corners and floating high above the ground were ten 2 meter in diameter glowing silver rings, and then in five areas were the rectangular post Rezar remembered from the game of soccer, only this time instead of a net, there was a shimmering curtain that Rezar recognized from the teleportation Arch.

The was a flurry of movements and people surged forwards, each man and woman rushing for the floating balls in other to accrue the points needed to qualify. Rezar just wanted to wait and see, it would be best to understand just how chaotic this game could be, and act accordingly after, and chaotic it truly was.

The first person to get his hands on a ball, was actually going for one of the ground post, he was an Orc with a somewhat lanky disposition, however before he could even throw the ball into the goal, a squirrel man or something of the sort burst into the scene with gleaming silver boots, smashed his feet into the Orc's back, sending both the orc and the ball into the goal. The ball blasted out of another goal post, following right behind it was a squeezed and overturned mass of flesh. It looked like the Orc hand been turned inside out and then squeezed and stretched at the same time, that was more than enough warning for Rezar to stay away from those goal posts.

Nodding his head in tandem to a silent beat only he could hear, he winced slightly as an elf was ripped in two by a bloody orc before said orc punted one of the balls into the goal posts on the ground. There were flashes of light from skills and spell animations, auras covering the bodies of others as it devolved from just a game to an all out slaughter. Above the heads of a few people, points could be see hanging, the highest seemed to only have 12 points and after 5 minutes have elapsed.

Rezar took a step forwards and stepped into the battlefield, he didn't plan it, in fact he was just as shocked as everyone else as a shockwave of power blasted out from his body and drew all their attention to him. It was surprising and now there was all eyes on him, but it was not going to stop him from getting what he wants.

[Raise Undead]

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