Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 173: The Games (V): Goal!

Chapter 173: The Games (V): Goal!

It wouldn't be too far fetched to say that all of the competition had one of their eyes on Rezar, and with good reason too. And the moment he stepped his foot on the field he actually did just as they had expected, just as they had feared. Zombies rose from the ground, soulless bodies animated by Rezar's own power, and they happily moved in to cause the havoc and chaos completely unique to Rezar himself. It was expected that they would all go after him the moment he decided to play the game, but no one knew he could actually raise dozens of dead people at a spot.

Rezar stepped back, dodging a swipe of class, or was it talons from the fingers and hands of a bird person? Seriously there seemed to be a lot of anthromorphs in the plain games, and these weren't animal people or therianthropes, actually people with animal characteristics. But these were actually animals with human like qualities, they stood upright and wore clothes but they still had the and some of them were still just as animal like on two legs as they would have been on four.

The swipe forced his assailant to overextend herself, taking her in a rotation that exposed her back to Rezar who unceremoniously kicked her in the back and through another one of the goal posts on the ground. He didn't even bother looking for which post her very ruined body would come out from as four of the zombies got a hold of a ball and threw it in his direction. As the balls flew towards him, Rezar's perception seemed to go haywire as he leaned back, forcing his head to face upwards as a blade seemingly appeared from now where, being held in the hands of what Rezar would only call a ninja.

The katana cut through his face, slicing a bloody line from the middle of his left cheek all the way up to his hairline. His eye was spared, but the wound burned like hell, so much so that Rezar couldn't help crying out in pain as he pivoted his body and gave a spinning heel kick to the Ninja, just as he spread both of his hands to grab two balls, and flinging them in the same motion towards the rings in the sky and grabbing the next two that followed and sending them after it. Seconds later a bright blue 20 showed up above his head, just chains blasted out of his back.


He moved so fast that his body was blue to those of them who weren't fast enough to follow his moves. His chains had formed a ball around his body that deflected another stab from the Ninja and his or her recently regaled partner. The wound on his eye was still burning, and worse was the fact that it wasn't healing at all, which proved one thing that the system alert that showed up a second later confirmed.

[You have been attacked by a demonic blade!]

Those Katanas weren't just demonic, they weren't close to his body but he could feel his skin burning from the close proximity, and that proved that these swords were also made with silver. These two weren't here for the games they were here specifically for him, and this should be a chase for concern just made Rezar even more excited and it showed all too well on his face and the sinister and crazed smile it carried.

He gave silent orders and the zombies on the field seemed to haywire as their actions became a lot more wild and manic, their teeth ripping into flesh and fingers pulling hair and limbs apart. And silently other zombies grabbed a hold of the balls, and positioned themselves in front of the goal posts on the ground. With that done everything else would be automatic, all Rezar had to do was make sure he was a big enough distraction for his zombies to gather the points for him, and he would do just that.

[Death Blast!]

No matter how much of a badass ninjas might be, a ball of life death energy at point blank ranged could not be good for anybody, which was why as much as it horrified people that the blasts that came out of nowhere left behind clothes skeletons, their end was pretty much expected for Rezar as he jumped up into the air, two of his chains grabbing the demonic blades with them. He landed right in the middle of the thickest group of competitors, one that fortunately or unfortunately Durga was a part of.

Rezar's feet smashed deeply into the chest of an Orc, caving it in and causing a blast of blood and limbs as the chain controlled swords swept through the cloud, leaving bad cuts, or out rightly decapitating a few of the competition. Rezar threw his head towards, smashing it against Chief Durga's, happy for the resounding crack as probably one of two of the Orcs ribs had been broken. But Durga was still an Orc, resilient and part of race that played with pain from the moment they're born.

His fist covered in massive golden gauntlets smashed into Rezar's sternum, practically crushing everything within his body as he was thrown backwards, blasted away into the air. But Rezar was a much different person as his chains stabbed into the ground and brought him back to the ground and balanced him properly. He looked to see Durga barreling towards him, but he didn't shake as even in the midst of his pain, he was not going to back down. His hands slowly started inching towards Vita Gratia that was hung from a new sheath on his back, however before he could touch the weapon a golden light flashed on his body and Durga came to a stop.

Rezar was confused, but a quickly look above his head showed him that his points had actually reached hundred. He gave a pained and bloodied smile to Durga, as he gave silent orders for each of the undead to walk through the goal posts and destroy themselves. He might be fearless, but he was not so stupid as to walk about with undead gained from this games when it's obvious their families might actually be around, he would be courting trouble with that sort of action.

Never the less he already won the first trial, so he had to get ready for the second. He turned and started walking off the field as the remaining competitors fought and scrambled for more points. His every movement was filled with pain, and everyone could see it, and they watched him with eyes of a hunter that had just noticed it's prey, because in their eyes all they could see was a wounded bone King, a weakling, a target. And unfortunately...they were right.

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