Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 175: The Games (VII): Midwife

Chapter 175: The Games (VII): Midwife

Rezar walked into the tent with the eyes of the orc woman following after him, it was almost as if her very gaze was trying to burn a hold into the back of his head, it was obvious she expected and wanted him to fail, but honestly by this point Rezar could care less. All he knew was that he was going to face whatever awaits him just like he has always faced every challenge that came his way, and that was with his best, nothing less and even more if he could squeeze it out.

The scent from within the tent was thick and musty, it was practically suffocating in what Rezar could take or handle at the moment with how powerful his senses were or rather were becoming. He shook his head to no avail as the scents were so strong he could Practically see it and trace each individual strand. And this was a lot different than the auras he had felt outside, honestly speaking by this point he felt like a stranger in his own body, a lot of things were just extremely weird for him to make sense of at the moment.

There were segments within the tent, individual pens were spread out as far as his eyes could see, and each and every single one of them had a Direwolf mother in the throes of childbirth. There were hundreds of them as far as the eye could see, but even with their numbers Rezar could tell that quite a significant amount of them were dead or about to die. And that number made up for more than half if not at least 80% of the entire Direwolf population. So when that Orc female spoke about the mortality rate, is became very obvious that she was sugar coating it; because this was bad, very bad.

It wouldn't been too farfetched to say that Rezar could see the shadow of death hanging all-over, his senses were haywire and he was finding it hard to get his bearings. But he had to get a move on as all of the other competitors had moved past him, keeping their distance but still watching him with a wary eyes. He ignored them because quite frankly they were inconsequential to him, but nevertheless he had to get himself under control, so he focused on the strongest scent and energy and followed it, rather than standing there under the assault of primal scents of blood, fur, death, musk and waste.

Rezar went deeper into the tent, going past endless rows of Direwolf pens that held newborn pups, but mostly dead mothers. Quite a few of the competition were already hard at work, which was why seeing an Orc stumble out of a pen with a missing right arm was not that much of a surprise. The next pen was even worse seeing as the direwolf had gone for the skull and crushed it in one powerful bite, at the very least his death wasn't painful and it was instant, that was a better death than the person that came after.

Even Rezar had shift his gaze away at the sight of spilt guys and a full grown man crying and emptying his bowels as the direwolf at into his insides, when he was still very much alive and conscious of the pain he was going through. He would die eventually, but not before experiencing what was grumpy known as hell on earth, or rather on Elysium. Rezar noticed Durga with a talisman in his hands hovering over his head, the direwolf was asleep and Durga had his hands deep into...well Rezar didn't want to think too much about where Durga has his hands in.

He kept on following his senses, letting it lead him until he came to a pen that was actually made from metal. It was taller, almost six feet tall with extremely thick bars. Rezar heard a whimper followed quickly by a low growl, it was deep enough that Rezar could swear that he felt the pain from those sounds. Whatever was behind these gates was extremely strong and extremely dangerous, and yet Rezar was still walking towards it with sure steady steps. He pushed open the gates and walked in, his breaths steady.

The first thing he smelt was blood, in fact it was the only thing he could actually smell, but given the fact that there was a pair of fiery red eyes glaring at him from within the confines of a dark cave like dog house. In fact it was actually a dog house, but seemed to be made from massive rocks overlapping over each other and leaning on each other in some places to make it seem like a den.

"You're not supposed to be here! I'LL KILL YOU!"

Rezar barely had time to dodge before a gust of wind blasted the area where he was standing just moments ago. Rezar shook his head in annoyance but was otherwise unshaken by the discovery of a Direwolf capable of speech. He kept on moving forward, his curiosity was now the only thing driving him forwards, and for those who knew him, Rezar's curiosity was his greatest motivation and drive, as long as he found it interesting he would do anything just to satisfy that curiosity.



Rezar had no idea if this was going to work, but it did as the scary looking pair of red eyes came to a stop and Rezar was finally able to see what had spoken to him in full light. Five feet of life muscle and mass, with fur the color of ash and a crowning tuft of silvery white fur. The same well proportioned body that was built for power and speed had numerous scars crisscrossing all-over it's frame, but it went beyond just the scars as there were fresh wounds to go along with the scars that was all-over it's body. Rezar had no idea how long his compulsion would keep this Direwolf in place, but with the obvious movements within it's stomach, Rezar didn't want to find out if his compulsion or the pain she was currently feeling had more power over her.

"Relax as much as you can and take deep breaths, I'll try to help you. If I can save your life even though I have no idea what I'm doing, then that's your luck. If I can't save you, then I'll make sure your pup's have a life as good as can be afforded a Direwolf." The Direwolf in front of him nodded it's head in agreement and brought it's head down, Rezar could hear it gritting and grinding it's canines against each other as if fought through the pain. Rezar had an idea about how to help her, he wasn't sure it would work, but how bad can hypnosis be.

"I need you to lay down on your side, choose an angle that's easier for you to breathe, and I order you! STOP FEELING PAIN!"


The direwolf promptly laid down on it's side with a soft whimper, it's breathing evened out and it seemed to be just relaxing rather than being in the throes and pains of childbirth. But Rezar was not complacent, he knew that even though he could make the direwolf not feel any pain, her own children were still trying to rip her apart from the insides, so it was in his best interest to make sure he helps her deliver her babies without any sort of problem or worry. And it seems his compulsion was a good skill, if not the only skill that could help in the current situation.

"Now gain strength and push!"

[Compulsion have leveled up]

Rezar gave a small smile as he moved his hands closer and placed it on the scared body of the direwolf, he could see that she must have been through countless battles, and while he would have really loved to ask her about it, he doubted she was in the right mood to reminisce about the origins of her numerous scars. He began to run his hands over her belly, softly stroking and massaging it as he placed his lips closer to her stomach.

"I know it's dark and the space is tight and it's downright scary not knowing where you are and what you should do, but I need you to calm down. All of you, the light would be yours soon, life will be yours soon. So listen! Listen to mother, to her warmth, feel it cold and encapsulate you in an embrace of safety and power. That's your mom holding on to you young ones, so don't fight, don't struggle, enjoy it. Because it's only once you can ever get to feel this close to your mother, so many of us will never get such a chance, or we've had it and we've never got to experience it.

Dance with her heartbeat, let it teach you secrets of the ways ancient, let it whisper power and purpose and direction. Let it guide you to my voice and to the light. To life like you've never known it before, to a Kingdom of life just as it is one of death. I can see you, all seven of you. I see your teeth, I see your class and I see your light. Be birthed into this world, be birthed into war and chaos, I Christen you all! LUPUS REGUM! Wolf Kings of the horde!"

[Your compulsion skill has transcended!]

[Your words have created a new race! You will be rewarded]

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