Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 176: The Games (VIII): Racist Shaman

Chapter 176: The Games (VIII): Racist Shaman

It was like something out of a movie, of course this wasn't a movie but as real as it could ever get. Rezar watched as the pups stopped struggling within their mother's womb and the direwolf gave birth to them, one after the other without pain or stress. Honestly Rezar didn't think what he was trying to do would actually work, he was actually just relying on a bunch and trying to help, the fact that it helped left him stumped because he didn't expect it to work.

"Thank you!"

"That's impossible!"

Two voices at the same time drew Rezar out of his deep thoughts. The direwolf was no longer under his compulsion, probably because all of his intent had bee seen through. But just outside of the pen was a small crowd led by the female orc and Durga. It was the female orc that had become so shocked by what Rezar had just done that she spoke out. Rezar didn't care too much about what she thought, as he shifted his gaze down to the Cubs that were successfully out of their mother's womb.

They were slick and slimy, and their eyes were pretty much closed, but they had pitch black fur on their bodies, with a gift of fur on their head that was pure white. Their eyes were closed, but Rezar knew should they ever open it, it would be an eerie shade of blue that would leave everyone else feeling like they were looking at the wolves of death themselves, but then again they might not be wrong as Rezar felt a connection to them.

In Orcish methods, the best way to train a Direwolf is to get bonded with it at a young age, and that was done when the direwolf opened it's eyes for the first time. Rezar already felt a connection to them, he had no idea why he was led to use words like that, so much that he put all seven direwolves in a collective and completely changed their face, they were no longer direwolves but Wolf Kings. Now that shouldn't be a race, but a title, but it seems it crossed into that realm.

"Nothing is impossible, I've heard that when there's a will there's a way. I take it I've passed this trial and can proceed to the next." Rezar asked as he got up to his feet from his crouching position besides the direwolf mother.

"Indeed you have passed this trial, the Cubs would be delivered to you and your people once the third and final trial is over. And you don't have the worry about them being exchanged or harmed, I'll keep them safe; besides sight heir unique features, there's no way someone else would switch them." The female orc said, as if to assure Rezar, the way she spoke to him had obviously changed, but he paid no need or mind to it.

"I'm not worried, anyone who thinks it's wise to steal from me will end up a dead man, or rather the very moment you decided to go against me or slight me in anyway, you're dead. And I have many uses for dead men. A few of my undead are on the way here, they'll keep the pups and their mother safe. Now where do we go for the final trial?" Rezar asked as he walked out of the pen, the mewling cries of the new born canines following after him as he moved farther away from them, their actions shocked everyone who was standing there.

Sure they were just born, but to the orcs present they knew direwolves didn't cry or keep when they're born, all they did was eat. And it was either the corpse of their mother, or if she was still alive they'll eat her, or food should the person responsible for taking care of the direwolves throw them some food. They don't beg or posture for anything, all they did was take whatever they wanted, when they wanted.

"The final trial would begin immediately, there's a cleared out valley dungeon further east and at the foot of the Breone mountains. The horde has a doorway that can take us to valley, the only problem is that the doorway would drop the competitors in different locations in the valley rather than a set location. The valley can't be escaped except from the doorway that's planted in the middle of the valley, the aim of the third and final competition is to get to the doorway.

But it would only allow one Victor to pass through, which means it would be a free for all battle royal until there's just one man left standing. Everyone else has to be either severely injured, incapacitated or Dead, before a single victor can be chosen. No weapons or tools are allowed, and within the valley all skills and the bonus from traits would be neutralized until after the game.

The valley would provide weapons for the competitors, and the entire trial time would be for three days. By the third day, much of the valleys barrier would have shrunk, forcing what's left of the competition to meet in the middle for a final showdown. Of course you can all head to the middle and wait for your enemies to come to you, it would probably end the trial a lot faster. But whatever the case may be, I wish you all the best of luck."

The orc lady gave an explanation as she left everyone else outside the tent and then went back inside. Just as she did so, another Orc walked towards them, and following behind this orc was the veritable horde of people who were watching the process of the trials. And now the trials were about to progress to a stage that no one else could see, it wouldn't be too farfetched to see them off.

The orc that was in front of them was extremely frail, calling the orc old would be wrong, as he still had a hair full of luscious silky black hair, and his eyes were bright. But his body on the other hand left much to be desired as he was sitting on a wheelchair, and was practically skin and bones under the open robes he had on. There was a staff in his hands that pretty much reminded Rezar of the old orc woman he saw at did she call it again? Doorway located within his territory. He looked very shamanic or something like that.

"At this point, I take it that wolf mother has more than made it clear what your next trial would be like. So I don't have to say shit to anyone of you outsiders, because orc folk already know that which must be done. It is knowledge in our blood and the very air we breathe and not one single one of your freaks should be here apart from orc folk. But this is the will of the gods and I am much to unworthy to stand against them. All of you will follow me and I shall prep the doorway, by the time this in 3 days, one of you will have the title; Huitzilopochtli! The one of fire, of will, and of war and king of the horde!

I am not supposed to say this but can you outsiders please just do me a favor and make sure you all die, the idea of serving one of you on the scenario of your Victory makes my skin crawl with nervousness and anger. Those that are not of the blood are not fit rule orc people. Now come along!"

His words left a lot of people pissed, but Rezar actually like him, he at the very least showed his stances about what he thought about the plain games. But then again all this could stem from his bitterness about being in a wheelchair, as such he felt the need to make anybody different than himself from feeling bad. He was a bully, Albeit a crippled one, but then again this is Elysium, most disabilities were actually advantages.

Rezar and what was left of the competitors, 79 out of the original 100 plus followed after the cranky cripple orc, he led them north of the horde to a platform of solid stone that was about half a kilometer in diameter. It was really huge and it was resting on equally massive stone wheels that were being pulled or rather are meant to be pulled as no animal or monster of any sort was noticed. There was a set of wooden stairs leading up to the platform as the damn thing stood 10 feet above the ground. They all went on top of it with the cranky orc staying behind to glare at every un-orc like person that went past him, at least until Rezar.

"If you so much as fall out of line even once, or hear a single squeal of protest with the way I do things and talk bullshit behind my back. I'll fillet you alive and make sure to put grounded chilly in your sounds along with a healthy serving or piss!"

Safe to say the side open jaw and shocked look was understandable, and not just from the orc shaman but for everyone else watching or on the platform with him. Rezar gave the Orc shaman a warm, smilling as there was a flash of light and he suddenly found himself falling from the sky.

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