Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 178: The Games (X): Suspicions

Chapter 178: The Games (X): Suspicions

Rezar moved to the crate and lifted it up with a lot more ease than most would expect for a man or boy of his frame. With everything that's happened so far, it was almost too hard to remember that he was just sixteen, but then again it was not as if his age really mattered in the long run, Elysium didn't really make youth or age as important as it should be, due to the fact that an old man might be younger than a toddler on account of how many lives they had both lived. Rezar raised the crate and chucked it with all of his strength, throwing it over the tree line to land into the lake with a loud splash. Then he quickly scaled up a tree and rested his back on it, happily content to remain there and watch the chaos that might ensue due to the distraction he just caused.

Rezar didn't have to wait too long though, he had dozed off for about fifteen minutes when a scream of pain roused him up, he turned his head to look at the left where the sound came from, he noticed a battle going on the eastern shore or what he assumed to be an eastern shore. It was weird, there were orcs, humans, and a couple of other races, elves included working together to hunt down three orcs, and there was barely anything left of them as the three victims were severely assaulted and then killed, their bodies ripped apart and then thrown into the lake.

With the orcs dead Rezar expected the others to turn on each other and continue with the killing, but much to his shock they did nothing like that. He watched perplexed as they actually began to make camp and settled down to make plans of their own. Whatever plans they were making it should be pretty redundant as there could only be one winner, so joining forces was much too risky as you wouldn't know when your so called partner would stab you in the back. But then again from what he could see this was not some random partnership, two of the orcs were even fondling and kissing each other which spoke volumes of their relationship.

Rezar's interest was properly piqued as he observed them long enough to see Durga come out from the trees to join this rowdy group of unlikely partners. The thing that was really crazy was the fact that they were all making as much noise as they could. Like they really had nothing to fear in here and they couldn't be touched by any of the other competitors. Rezar would say he admired their courage, but looking down on him would be the worst mistake anyone could possibly make, but he wasn't one to judge, maybe they just wanted to have a good time.

With Durga in the equation it was quite possible that their goals and aims was help the orc chief become orc king, but to say that Durga needed help to win this was so out of place for the Orc chief and Orcs in general that it left Rezar very confused. Unless the orcs outside weren't watching this, there was no way they would accept a king incapable of gaining a victory of such magnitude by himself and all by his own effort and power. And Durga would definitely not take such a risk, he seems to be the more sensible of all the orcs Rezar had met so far, or rather calling him sensible would be a compliment.

Durga was a sleazy dirt bag politician, and he would definitely not take unnecessary risks, so what the absolute fuck was going on there. Rezar cocked his head to the side as his thoughts were filled to the brim with what Durga was up to, but since he couldn't figure anything out from here, maybe it would be better to go over there and ask them what they were up to. Though he would have loved to give them a bit of fair warning before he arrived, like sending an arrow into Durga's heart, but unfortunately, he had thrown the case of weapons into the lake and now he was left with practically nothing g but a pair of edge brass knuckles and couple dozen throwing stars and knives.

Rezar leaned back as a massive iron ball attached to a chain smashed into the tree trunk besides him, he looked down at the massive troll that was standing at the foot of the tree. He cocked his head to the side genuinely surprised by this sudden revelation, Trolls were actual monsters, but this valley was supposed to be isolated, completely void of any monsters, so why was there one here. Rezar didn't want to think too much about it, so he leaned back and fell off the tree, making a smooth transition from falling backwar4ds to a back flip that landed him on his feet without any sounds.


"Fuck! Now youre going to bring everyone to me." Rezar softly cursed as he jumped up turning his body flat as the massive chain connected to a giant metal ball flew under him with enough force to tear even the strongest of men in half.

Rezar landed and rushed towards the Troll, his hands up in determined fists, however before he could utilize his hands to put a hole in the troll, two other chains came flying from his left and right. He turned his body letting both chains go past him, scraping his body with barely any space left. They both smashed into the trees, creating a nerve wracking sound of wood splintering as trees were taken out in the wake of their movements.

Rezar was left off guard and so the troll took advantage and bashed its massive chain right into the chest of Rezar, blasting him backwards and through a few trees, it was enough damage to completely break all the bones within his body. And also just about enough to cause a black out for a few seconds, and in that time the world slowly changed.

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