Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 177: The Games (IX): Just Another Normal Day

Chapter 177: The Games (IX): Just Another Normal Day

Rezar spread his arms wide as the wind rushed last his ears, frankly speaking he couldn't fly yet, he could move about in the air at extreme speeds due to his (Bat Apparition) skill, but to truly be able to fly and enjoy the wonders of sky while moving through it at a leisurely pace. Rezar looked down and noticed he was currently heading for a massive body of water, this should probably be a lake within the valley, but while falling into it won't kill him, it definitely won't tickle either.

He moved his head to the side and noticed a corpse of trees right on the banks of the lake, he shifted his trajectory aiming for those trees, because frankly speaking landing in the middle of a lake during a battle royal was stupid, he would be easy pickings for anyone who wanted to finish him off while he was having his unplanned afternoon bath. The trees grew closer and just before he smashed into them, a bubble encapsulated his body and slowed down his accent, he landed right on the branch of a tree without so much as a scratch on him, guess he might have not needed to watch out for the lake.

The first thing Rezar did was take notice of his surroundings, there was wooden cask laying at the foot of s tree seven meters away from him, a little ways further his eyes caught sight of an orc moving through the underbrush, trying his hardest to keep his huge bulk hidden, and in retrospect he was quite successful as the color of his skin helped him blend in deeper with the forest, but even without his skills and traits, Rezar was still a vampire, which is to say in a forest filled to the brim with ordinary people...he was like a lion who had been through in a cage with a bunch of sheep, they were all prey.

Rezar was under no preconception that he hadn't been noticed, from what he could see the orc had already reached the ground long before him, and his descent though not loud had been quite showy seeing as he was covered in a glowing force field that pretty much announced his arrival to everyone within his immediate vicinity. Now the problem is not whether he had been discovered by the orc, it was that the orc shouldn't know that he had already been discovered by Rezar himself.

So in the end they both had to play the waiting game, whoever moves first loses. Rezar dropped down from the tree branch he was standing on, landing softly on the ground without a sound. That should have been the first sign that thing weren't exactly normal with Rezar. It would take significant years of training for a person to be able to move or make sudden movements without making a sound, but Vampires were not just powerful but so unnatural that nature actively tried to erase their presence, and this time it seemed a little more stronger than expected.

Rezar walked towards the wooden crate, it was about two meters long and a meter wide, it was held in place by leather buckles that had seen better days as Rezar could find traces of teeth and claw marks on it. The only problem was that the teeth marks weren't from an animal. Rezar didn't know how he knew this, but from the depression and it's on jobs marks, he knew these were teeth marks from a human or at least a humanoid being. There were few animals with similar teeth marks, but it couldn't be this symmetrical unless it was as close to human as it could get, maybe a monkey of some sort.

Rezar shifted to the side as the huge form of the orc bulldozed it's way past him and smacked into the tree in front of him where the case had been placed. Now normally an Orc should be more than powerful enough to smash through most trees, of course the one in front of them was a whole lot bigger and thicker, but Rezar found it hilarious when the orc dazed himself and one of it's tusk went flying.

"If you want to be stealthy, or better yet even more stupid to ambush me from behind, you need a few more classes, levels, and a facial upgrade or two. Now if you don't mind, why don't you try again." Rezar said as he moved backwards and the orc turned around with a short revealing himself to be Porc.

"Oh you're ugly." Rezar said to him, but the only response he got was the Orc roaring out in anger, saliva and a bloody tooth flying out as he charged at Rezar again.

Instead of moving to the sides, Rezar moved forwards, his fingers angling into a blade that stabbed through the chest of the orc. He utilized greatly strength to raise the orc up and brought his massive body slamming into the ground with enough force to crack the bones in his body. If the orc was not dead when Rezar stabbed him with just his fingers, he was very dead when his body was smashed into the ground.

Rezar got up with an annoyed look on his face, he shook his bloody hand a bit to get rid of the blood on it before moving towards the wooden crate. He felt a tingle on the back of his neck that forced him to look up, there was no one there though, just a bird with dull blue feathers and eyes a little too bright forms creature of it's size. It was a bird but Rezar felt no hint or feeling of life from it, it was just like looking at a statue.

Rezar wasn't one to feet too much cover the unknown, because there wasn't much out there that's unknown and could actually cause him problems. The bird he just saw was probably responsible for keeping an eye on the competitors, it wasn't a threat and frankly speaking Rezar had nothing to hide so he didn't care so much about it, or what sort of information it would be relaying back to the people who were watching.

He placed his attention back to the crate in front of him, for starters it was filled with weapons and supplies. There was a water bottle, well a couple of them along with some dried rations. The kind of food normal people would need to survive, unfortunately Rezar was not normal people, so he ignored the food and paid attention to weapons. They were mostly projectiles; bows, slingshots, throwing knives and stars. Rezar didn't do too well with ranged weaponry, he wouldn't mind if it was a fun or something similar but bows and slingshots were not his cup of tea.

The throwing weapons would be better, but Rezar was more attracted to the edged iron knuckles placed at the edge of the case. No that he needed weapons, but who knew what might happen or what kind of truck the other competitors had up their sleeves. He took the knuckles and placed them firmly onto his arms, then he strapped a bandolier of throwing knives around his thighs, and a belt of throwing stars around his waist. He looked up to determine the location of the sun, but the trees were not much help, then again this valley was isolated, it was a Dungeon as the orcs had said, so there was no guarantee that the sun he was seeing was the right one, as such he had no idea where he was or how to properly navigate.

He needed directions to the middle of the valley, but there was no map in the case. Which left only one option and that's to find an orc and press him or her for answers. He orcs have been a part of the plain games year after year, and the area where the horde had migrated to this time seemed to be a holy ground or site, so in retrospect any random orc would know more about this valley than any other person playing this game, so they were the prime target.

But therein lies the next problem, he had no idea which direction to start looking for an Orc, he had lucked out with the first one, but even if he could rely on his senses, his nose wasn't strong enough to pick out a particular scent out of the hundreds if not thousands currently assaulting his nose. He got lucky with the direwolves because the scents were narrowed down and it was in an enclosed tent, not a bloody open forest! In a bloody open valley!

But maybe it would be better to set a trap, he was close to a lake, and three days was a lot of time to go without water. Those water bottles he noticed in the case were Practically empty, so he would play the waiting game until he finds new prey, or the so called barrier begins to push him towards the center and enemies, where bloodshed would be displayed and destiny would be fulfilled.

"Yep! This is just another normal day."

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