Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 183: Play For Power (V): The Selfish Son Of Death

Chapter 183: Play For Power (V): The Selfish Son Of Death

Rezar moved forward, his clenched fist meeting the swing of Durga's axe as the edge knuckled dusters showed surprising resiliency and force in pushing the larger and heavier weapon back. A quick duck sent an arrow over his head as he surged upwards with an upper cut that was blocked by a green barrier. But Rezar would not let that stop him as he stepped forwards and gave a head-butt to the barrier and the tiger man behind it. The barrier wasn't shattered, but the tiger man was thrown off his feet and into the lake. Durga came back with a much wider swing aimed for Rezar's stomach, and at the same time an arrow was heading for the spot in between his eyebrows.

Rezar smashed his knuckle duster on the flat of the axe, sending the massive weapon smashing into the platform as the arrow found purchase in his right eye. But he did not even slow his stride as his hands grabbed Durga by the neck, then he unceremoniously slammed the orc chief down to the ground in a choke slam that forced a significant amount of spittle to fly out the mouth of Durga accompanied closely by the sounds of breaking bones. Rezar wrenched the arrow out of his eye and turned, and at the same time flinging two throwing daggers towards the female orc who had gotten close, before turning to get a spear shoved halfway through his body by the tiger man.

Rezar too the pain in stride and let the spear go through his body as he also moved forwards, riding the momentum until he was close enough to the tiger man, body to body and with barely a hint of space between the two of them. the tiger man knew he had fucked up, and neither Durga or the crazed female orc would be able to make any sort of difference in the immediate future. Rezar bit into his throat, fighting against pulling back to spit as the taste of fur assaulted his tongue. Rezar wasn't as gentle as he was with the snow elf prince, Rezar could hear his soul screaming in pain.

He wrenched with the ferocity of an animal, teeth and fang tearing and puncturing his out his throat with every second that Rezar was close to him. In this case, it was as if Rezar himself was the tiger and not the tiger man in front of him. In seconds he was extremely bloody, and the tiger man had lost all strength in his body as he had bled enough to the point he was already feeling anemic. Durga and the orc woman had paused to watch as Rezar led the tiger man to the edge of the platform, and then threw his bloodied body into the lake, the clear waters quickly becoming invaded by the red of blood.

"Whether or not either one of you gets to live is all up to the both of you, or maybe the two of you. But at this point, I know better than to trust in the words of an orc, but I don't have much of a choice so. Durga! what the fuck is going on."

Rezar's only reply was the sound of the wind whistling as an arrow was fired to the back of his head. the world seemed to slow down as Rezar moved to the side, a blood red hue tinged with purple, black and blue hovered over his body as the arrow moving more than ten times faster than the previous ones flew past his face. But it was not enough as Rezar moved with the arrow, following its trajectory to the chest of Durga, and coming to a stop just as the arrow began to pierce into the orcs body. And then the world sped up again, right back to normal.

Durga released a loud yell of pain as his blood painted and coated Rezar's face, the vampire only gave an amused smile as he turned to look at the shocked orc woman, while Durga fell to his knees, strength fleeing from his body. Rezar shook his head and left the orc chief on his knees as the orc woman incapable of letting go or giving up ran towards Rezar, her massive war bow held high like a club. She swung it left and right in a manic frenzy that Rezar didn't find too difficult to dodge. Then he stepped into her guard once she over extended herself and shoved his hand into her large mouth, grabbing a hold of her lower jaw.

A sharp wrench to the side and Rezar ripped her jaw from her face, blood and hanging tongue in full display as there was barely any spot on Rezar's body that wasn't covered in blood. The tusks of an orc went upwards and downwards for some, unluckily for her, her tusks jutted upwards, and as she barely screamed in pain and horror as the injury she just received, Rezar swung what was left of her jaw into her throat. Using enough force that he ripped it out, and left it hanging out in the open air with her what was left of her tongue and face.

He watched as she backpedaled, finally realizing the severity of her situation and how she was going to die in a place like this, without avenging the death of her love. She looked at him, this bone king, this Rezar Deathwind, and for the first time since she encountered him, she realized just why she kept on chasing after him. It was because she was afraid of him, unfortunately fear for orcs meant running towards their fear and eliminating it...she made a mistake.

*Splash! *

Rezar ignored the sounds her body made as it fell into the lake behind him, and then it was just him and the still dying Durga. They looked at each other for a few seconds longer before Rezar crouched down in front of him.

"I remember when we first met, at that time I thought you had the look of a fierce orc leader, too bad the lips and words of a goblin and a snake was your true defining qualities. But then again I'm not one to judge a person's way of ruling, I still haven't figured mine out yet. You see I'm just making this up as I go, but my actions sometimes actually have a deeper meaning to them after I sit back and think about it. I actually think 3 steps ahead and I don't know I'm doing so.

You see I believe I actually have two minds or two souls, but were one, and while I might seem really dense at times it's because I'm putting things in place to make my life easier. I don't care about power or kingdoms or wars, it's taken me a long time to figure out, but what I actually do care about is myself, my growth, my own personal strength, my evolution! Everything else is a bonus. You might call it selfish, but that's why you can't beat me and why everyone who comes after you will not be able to beat me. I care about myself so much that I make sure the people around are strong enough to fight and conquer so I don't have to. Your hunger for power means nothing in my hunger for self-preservation and advancement. And in order for me to grow and be strong, like all things in life; you and Bahrenburg...MUST DIE!!!!"

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