Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 184: Play For Power (VI): KING OF THE HORDE

Chapter 184: Play For Power (VI): KING OF THE HORDE

A beam of light shot high into the heavens, it was like a beacon to all who were within range to see. The eyes of many were focused on this beam of light, but it was not in anticipation as many felt horror, anticipation, fear and hope. The very world itself seems to have gone crazy, and no one had half an idea what to do or how to react to the situations they had now found themselves in. the light faded away, and there was Rezar in all of his glory holding on to the severed head of Durga.

There were flashes of light as those who survived the third trial but were incapacitated appeared behind him. Normally this was the point where the orcs would begin to cheer and jump and celebrate victory and the selection of a king, one who was destined to lead the horde. But the first thing Rezar sense was the smell of blood, then there was the smoke, and the all too familiar and thick encapsulating feel of death and destruction. He shifted his head downwards to notice that the platform was surrounded on all corners by two very familiar faces and hundreds of ninjas with their silver demon blades and a significant amount of armed people from a variety of races.

"Tyrese, Tyrene! I can't say I'm surprised to see you two here, have your perhaps come to make another business deal with me? Or have you really, really come to die?" Rezar asked as he sat on the edge of the platform, his legs dangling down as the rejuvenating feeling of all his skills and abilities coming back to him left a rather sinister yet happy smile on his face.

"no hard feelings Rezar, but the Dustin Crowe Merchant company won't be making any deals with you. Sure we've handed over most of our lands and islands, but at the time it was worth it to lose a hill so that a mountain can be gained, besides it was an attempt to reduce your suspicion of us. We never intended to make any deals with you, we just needed you complacent towards us and our movements. Who knew you would end up getting captured by a group of stupid orcs and putting the plan in jeopardy." Tyrene said as she looked at Rezar from the end of her nose, huffing every few seconds as if he was the very dirt underneath her shoe.

Rezar shrugged as he jumped down from the platform, ignoring the hundreds of orcs gathered as he threw the severed head of Durga towards his so called daughter Tepetal, who from what Rezar could see, was quite chummy with Tyrese. He closed his eyes for a second, and then he smiled, before quickly frowning. He turned to the twins and asked them in a steady and somewhat even voice, a far cry from the expected outburst everyone here imagined was about to happen.

"You put Screet in a cage? Seriously? And as if that wasn't enough why'd you have to nail all of Kitagawa's tails to a massive wooden board, and then hang up to bleed out before locking everyone else." He didn't even seem angry; it was just as if he was asking a neighbor a passing question.

"They are our prisoners! It is up to us what we decide to do with them, you should be thankful there are still alive, though in the next few moments the same could not be said for you. Then again how did you find out what we did to them, maybe if you tell us we might consider sparing your life." Tyrese said ever the business man and trying to make a beneficial deal.

Rezar didn't answer them as he looked at the hundreds of orcs gathered, they weren't as much as he had seen, but there was enough of them to bring down a small city. He turned to the twins again almost as if he was thinking, before turning back to the orcs and choosing to address them instead.

"I have won your plain games, by rule of law; the instructions left by your ancestors, I am now king of the Horde! And in that regard I would say to all of you, orcs of the great desert. Will you honor your words, honor the laws of those who came before you and KNEEL TO YOU NEW KING!"



A lot of orcs found what he said amusing, but Rezar wasn't just talking to the orcs in front of him, his voice was loud enough to reach across the entire camp of the horde which was practically the size of a city. And to those who it mattered to, they all bent the knee and bowed. Rezar smiled, in the time that they had been within the valley for the third trial, the orcs had experienced a civil war of sorts, everyone capable of leading or rallying the orc together were killed by the twins and the orcs that sided with them. so while this group may laugh, the other group left with a leader, took the chance to have one, and one that was strong and spoken off in the words and prophecies of their ancestors, and right now they could see him, and the sun that rose from the east behind him. Bright powerful and radiant like the very flame of life itself.

"Huitzilopochtli! King of Fire! King of Will! King of War! King of The Horde!"

"King of The Horde!"



Like a true horde their voices shook the very earth itself, the twins were understandably shocked by the current turn of events, and they would want to put an end to this really fast by killing Rezar. But just before they could give that order, there was a whistling sound in the air as Vita Gratia moved and planted itself in front of Rezar and his soon to be killers. The weapon vibrated, almost as if it had a mind of its own and was trying to communicate with its king and master. Rezar smiled and grabbed it, separating it back into its dual Khopesh form and feeling a vibration in his body like he has never felt before. For the first time since it was created, Rezar could feel the power of Vita Gratia.

[You have been given the King of the Horde! Since you have a previous title, both will now be combined.]

[Universal Announcement! Rezar Deathwind has become King of the Bone Horde of Morte Bianca]

[Special skills, traits, stats and any other reward would be given after the Rejuvenation of Elysium]

Looks like the system was still wonky, frankly speaking he had a lot of rewards that he was supposed to receive, but the system kept on withholding it, and now he knew why. The so called Rejuvenation was probably the update, but frankly speaking he might not even get the chance if Tyrese and Tyrene had anything to say about it. But never the less, Rezar was not one to back down from a challenge, even if it was coming from one of the most powerful groups in the current world.

"Hah! The King of the Bone Horde! In a few minutes you will no longer be the king of anything. Your death has been set in stone from the very day you decided to stand against my family, so necromancer! (spit!!) you will die for the glory of our family, and you should rejoice and be glad in it, because it is through your death that the Dustin Crowe merchant company, will become the Crowe empire." Tyrene boasted while Rezar bent his head to the side in confusion.

"Even I am just a king, how will killing a king get you an empire?" Rezar asked, though he was pretty sure he knew the answer to that question.

"Once were done ripping you to shreds! We will take all of Bahrenburg! Its wildlands are an ever expanding piece of lands that's not been fully conquered. We don't need what's beyond the canyons, it's all worthless anyway with all those warlords, but after you it's the Breone mountains, the fucking dwarves, snow elves and the ice wyrms and the scattered tribes of orcs, then the Kerwood forest itself. The fairies, the wood elves, the pygmies, sprites, human settlements, towns villages cities, all of them will be."

"Tyrene!! Stop exposing our plans to our enemy, can't you see he just wanted you to talk!" Rezar smiled as he looked at them, then he nodded his head and said.

"and it was quite the splendid talk, I now know just how stupid you both are. Even with everything I told you about an apocalypse, your greed still took precedence, so now all of you, all of my enemies...please die." And with that said he raised Vita Gratia up into the air and then stabbed it into the ground.

[Glorious Crucifixion]

And then the world shook.

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