Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 186: Play For Power (VIII): Escape

Chapter 186: Play For Power (VIII): Escape




The streets were filled to the brim with people as they looked up at the sky above them, sure there was a significant amount of fear, but this was Elysium. Seeing weird and unexplained things was the norm, besides as far as Elysium was concerned there was nothing that couldn't be explained, regardless of the era it was discovered. So even with the threat of destruction hanging above their heads, they had faith in God and his salvation, that the Grand Diviner, Grand Saint and Grand Templar would keep them safe, but this belief of theirs was far from the truth.

Hanging above their heads, the sometimes hidden and sometimes revealed second moon of Elysium had moved, it was blotting out the sun in what could be considered an eclipse, but the truth of the matter is, the second moon has never been the cause of an eclipse before. There have been many recorded eclipses in the past, especially by those who have the classes that had to deal with astrology. This was unprecedented, and more so the fact that said moon seemed to have developed a massive red eye that was pointed down at Elysium, more specifically the holy city and its surrounding lands.

Those of the people who were really smart knew something was up, and un fortunately these amount of people was a lot. Which meant it didn't take too long for the city to fall into chaos from the knowledge of the imminent destruction they were about to face. And once one person starts to panic, it's obvious that many others would also begin to panic too. And those whose heart are dark would take advantage of the situation to cause even more chaos. they have no idea what what's coming.

As for their leaders, they were all currently on an airship, speeding away from the lands and people they were sworn to protect. The airship was massive, almost half the size of the great city itself yet no one had noticed it life off, it wasn't until they crossed the border of the city itself were their people able to realize that their leaders had ran away. And then it was as if the gates of hell were torn open upon the city, horror unleashed, fellow man upon fellow man, it was a dark day and it was about to get darker.

"Your eminence is this really the right decision to make! You are the grand saint of the church! Surely this problem with the second moon is not something you can't handle! And with our combined might along with the foresight of the grand diviner, there's nothing and no power we cannot overcome, we have God! On our side." A voice rang out from behind closed metal doors while a familiar young Diviner acolyte stood behind it, listening along with a few guards and hundreds of other members of the church who had made the escape.

"Don't be Nave Bertolt, the Grand saint made the right call, a tough one, yes! And one she made based on a divination I gave her three days ago. The holy city will not survive what's to come Bertolt, in fact, the entire theocracy will become nothing more than rubble for the aliens that live in that ship masquerading itself as a moon. We're not just dealing with Aliens; Bertolt we're dealing with NPCs!"

"No! it can't be, how can NPCs have such a sizable force, strong enough to build a ship as big as a moon, I don't understand what's going on here, how could this have happened?" the Grand Templar's voice could be heard rumbling from behind the closed doors, the hearts of the bishops, pastors, priests, deacons and acolytes who had made the escape chilling with each reveal that was made.

"I do not know Bertolt, but we've heard rumors of an event, a universal event coined the Rejuvenation of Elysium, our contacts outside say the virtual world of Elysium is about to experience an update. I'm sure you have noticed lately how the system messages have been off, and how we all now seem able to 'feel' more than we used to. Skills are stronger and more versatile, some of them out rightly disappearing from our skill list. There's more to be said, but nothing that should be said to the ears of our children listening outside this room."

The people listening felt their bones chill, intruding on the three grands of the church was grounds for severe punishment. If you were lucky, you would be put in the chamber of repentance for months or years. or maybe that was the unlucky part when you consider the daily beatings. The only other option was death, and so they moved away, a lot faster and louder than they came, with only one acolyte remaining behind, no matter what, he was going to hear the end of it.

"Right now all that should be on our mind is survival, and to find a place where we can set new roots. Because honestly speaking, all of the known lands, all of it are a target, the things I've seen in my divination, the horror that's to come and that is currently happening has shook me to my very core. Please Grand Saint what do we do now?" The Grand Diviner asked, he got his reply after a few seconds of silence from the only female in the room.

"We need to find a new home and build a new kingdom, and the only place that can do so for us is the frontier. From what I've heard, we need to find unclaimed lands in wildlands and claim it fast before the update or there will be severe consequences. Then we will recuperate, and then just like our previous plans have always been we will launch a holy war to unite all of Elysium under our banner, and this time our enemies will be the aliens that took our home from us. We will burn a path of salvation and repentance in blood till we have their heads on pikes and their children in chains!"

"Grand saint, I understand your anger and anguish, but we will need an army for that, and without our resources, I doubt we can manage an army of that size. We will be CRUSHED!" the grand Templar said.

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