Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 187: Play For Power (IX): Aliens Invaded

Chapter 187: Play For Power (IX): Aliens Invaded

The sound of the wind howling greeted Rezar when he woke up, the tent he was in was large and ornately designed, but even if wasn't strong enough to withstand the battering of the wind as its entire frame shook and flapped under the coaxing and battering of the wind. Rezar felt sluggish, his body was a little too heavy to move, so after struggling to get up, he was forced back down by a strong and steady hand, as the sounds of water trickling down a jug was heard, but he wasn't so sure it was water, the liquid was thick, viscous and it smelled really sweet.

"Drink, you've been out of it for the better part of two weeks, the weakness you're feeling right now is from starvation." Rezar could recognize Gynaika's voice anywhere and anytime. For some reason it sounded really warm, but then again Rezar felt as if his head was filled with cobwebs, anything would be sounding really warm to him in his current state of mind, but at the very least he had someone he could trust close by and that help him ease up a bit, it seems there was no danger here.

"What's going on?" He asked as he took significant mouthfuls of the blood Gynaika had offered him, it was satisfying but it wasn't enough. And the way he fed felt wring as his fangs got caught on the edge of the cup. He felt really refreshed from it, but his bloodlust acted up and he became a little frantic, spilling a bit of the blood over the fur sheets that covered his frame. Gynaika's strong and steady arm grabbed his and took the cup away, before handing him the jug that contained the rest of Rezar's well satisfying lunch or breakfast, he really couldn't tell the time except that it was daylight.

"The Great desert blew a storm over the plains, everything's been quite windy these last few days, making it extremely difficult to move you back to Morte Bianca. It wouldn't have been too hard if Alistair had way of completing the Eldritch Star, unfortunately it would take a few dozen years to reach that level of technology. Rezar looked up at her confused, then he asked.

"What's the Eldritch star?"

"Oh you didn't actually look at those blueprints when you gave them to Alistair did you? Typical Rezar, your head just can't help hanging in the clouds most of the time young king." His only reply to that was raised eyebrow and an annoyed look at her amused state of mind.

"When you had turned that lackey of the Dustin Crowe merchant company into a doom knight, the system had awarded you three blueprints. All three of them are way ahead of their time and were specifically tailored for Necron or rather the kind of civilization we hope to build. The first blueprint; The Gate of Dread is a teleportation device similar to spawning ability of spires. In Elysium all teleportation are pretty much one way unless there are return scrolls for a specific spires or connected waypoints like the ones owned by the orcs, the gate of dread is like a homing beacon, once built, any registered vehicle or person would be able to use it to return home from any spire, anywhere in the world, and even then there's a tiny device attached to it that can enable the use of its teleportation even in the wild without access to a spire.

The gate is fully magical in nature, but the requirements for building it is pretty harsh and specific. Some of the materials we can get with enough money, others we have an abundance off from mining it, but then a lot of calculations would have to be placed in its location, as that pretty much matters. We need a geomancer, and alchemist, a wizard, a sage and the damn best blacksmith in all the land to build that gate. We can train people with such professions up, but they actually need significant knowledge and not skills and levels to build it. What we need is not what the system can give, but the creativity of man. And with the way things are going, that won't be a problem very soon.

The second blueprint is the Dread Dreamer. I have no idea why your so loved by the system, but seeing the requirements for the b building of the things in this blueprints, it makes me rethink that train of thought. The Dread Dreamer is a ship, that can travel to the land of the dead, of course it could be sailed normally, and is actually right up Alistair's alley being a mixture of magic and technology. it can sail under the see too you know, and would be almost unbeatable in open sea long as its night anyway. Turns out the ship is a vampire too, or something like that, guess we'll know more if we ever get to build it.

And finally the current pet project of Rezar since everything seems to be taking care of itself quite nicely. Last I heard the roads being built have met up with the tunnels we used to escape the mines. And there are a whole bunch of towns and villages connected to the roads and easily accessible to us now, making it possible for us to have a proper census of what our kingdom holds. As I was saying the third blueprint is the Eldritch Star, and it's a small sized airship capable of space flight, for a single pilot and has enough firepower to lay a significant part of Necron to waste before we even get the chance to breathe. It's really fast and needs lots of metals and get need an actual star to power it, like we need a piece of the sun it. Or at the very least an energy source that's as close to it as possible. Oh! Before I forget, the second moon of Elysium has destroyed all of the Holy Cross Theocracy, we're being invaded by aliens now."

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