Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 190: Death From The Deep 1: A Worthy King

Chapter 190: Death From The Deep 1: A Worthy King

When Rezar said he wanted to address his people, he never did expect that finally, when said people were spread out in front of him, he would be at loss for words. It was a veritable sea of green, with a few reds and blues, and then the normal skin tone of. well normal people. Goblins and orcs made up the majority, but in the time he has been away, more and more people had migrated here and there was a little more versatility than before. He knew it was only a matter of time before the population became a little more balanced, but never the less there would be no shortage of manpower, either in a fight or for the developments of the city.

Rezar turned his head to the right where Gynaika was standing beside him, Lenore wasn't too far away behind her, looking all fierce and dangerous as her gaze carried a promise of death should anyone attempt to make a move on her king. Honestly he still didn't like that woman, she was and still is the only person in all of Elysium to have stepped on him, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to doubt her loyalty to him. It was crazy, but he knew she was a hundred times more loyal to him than Gynaika who would happily scheme behind his back to get more power for herself.

Priest was to his left with the one armed Screet standing as a sentry and completely unwilling to let anyone or anything come close to his master. And there was Kitagawa and directly behind Rezar was Alistair, with Jason hanging at the edge of the crowds, keeping watch and Brutus being God knows where. This was his circle of trust, his closest confidantes and the people he trusted the most. But then again trust was a strong word, and if Elysium has thought him anything, is that you truly survive by your own strength. What he was trying to do now, was make them his strength, and from the results, he could at least say he has succeeded quite a bit.

"There's much I have to say to you all, but in all honesty I wouldn't know where to begin. When I came here; into this world I had nothing. I was blamed and punished for getting justice for myself. The only problem is I don t remember what I wanted justice for, the world outside, the one many of us feel is the real world broke me. And in sending me here it tried to do the same again, it tried to leave its scars on my body and soul, leaving me vulnerable so that Elysium can pick me apart piece by piece and rip me into so many shreds I would be akin to dust in a desert.

I've been lucky so far; I've had good teachers and wonderful encounters, and I've made connections and allies that can and will truly help me grow. And now I have all of you, I'm not going to lie you all seem like too much work and responsibility for me to handle. Because let's face it, as far as kings go I'm not exactly what you would call a stellar example. But like all good kings I wouldn't shy away or run from my responsibility, it is now my job to take care and protect you all. To feed and clothe you and make sure you are all in good health. And now more than ever you and I need each other!

I'm sure you all know that this world is coming to an end, in just few short weeks, if not days; everything that we know, everything we understand, everything we love will change. And it's not going to be peaceful or smooth, but a world of fire and death and blood flowing like rivers. An apocalypse, a war that would stretch for generations, upon generations. A war your children and my children and their children will fight long after we are all gone from this world and life. So I will fight for you, but you all must serve! I will die for you a million times over, but you all must be able to do the same not just for myself, but for each other, because this is your HOME!"

"YEAH!" Rezar had no idea who shouted, but that guy's voice was so loud it set a fire within the hearts of all who were listening.

"Necron! And Morte Bianca's foundation was built on conflict, it was built on blood and war! And I'll be damned if I let that be the legacy we live to our children! The world that's coming would be dark, wicked and bloody and fucking aliens from the sky will want to take what's ours, and they won't ask nicely, no they won't! But as long as you as you live here, as long as your blood has watered the earth beneath your feet, Necron will fight for you! Morte Bianca will fight for you!" Rezar didn't know what it was, but he really was on fire, he was pumped up and whipped into a frenzy the likes of which he has never felt before. His fangs slid out and found their way to his wrist, bright red blood flowed out happily staining the patch of earth beneath his feet red.

"War bends to us! Life Falls for us! And Death! She Smiles for US ALL!"


And just as their king had led, so too did the people of Morte Bianca did the same, it didn't matter their age, it didn't matter their race. On that day when the moon sun shone the hardest, thick clothes covered the heads of hidden vampires, sweat slick on the skin of those who lived and the aura of death wafted off the bodies of those that were undead. The king spoke and acted and his people followed, on that day when their bloods touched the earth, making a lifelong oath that would span a thousand generations of kings and subjects. It was on this day that Morte Bianca was truly born, and due to that, for the first time in a long time. The Necron stirred; it has finally found.... A worthy King!

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