Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 189: Updates

Chapter 189: Updates

What he could see with his eyes was not something he ever imagined he would get a chance to see, good and fine he brashly announced himself a king and his territory though a bit small, a kingdom. Now his territory was large enough to house millions with ease, and even more so it was slowly shaping up to be a whole lot more than what he could have possibly envisioned. And it was not a part of his plan, honestly speaking he didn't think he would ever get this far, but here he was, at the head of an extremely long procession of orcs, and on a road that until a few moments ago, he didn't think it was possible to exist in Elysium. There were actual lamps on the road, lots for stops that have not been built yet, and military outpost of sorts to patrol the roads, and keep watch on the canyons to the north and the monsters it held.

After another week on the road, Rezar could see the sea on the horizon, and with an unfamiliar stone wall that was a good 30 feet tall, there were towers built on the wall that from a distance looked to be about five to seven meters thick. When and how Alistair had time to build such walls completely eluded Rezar, but the bottom line of the matter was that, it was probably the most defensive structure in all of the wildlands, maybe the snow elves and dwarves had something similar, but since he hasn't been there and seen such, he's would be the best in all the land. Rezar rode on Tony, walking under a tunnel with a pair of thick wooden gates. But from what he could see the wooden gates were being removed and a metal one was being installed.

He went past the tunnel, leading a procession of orcs that seemed veritably endless as they streamed behind in droves. Past the wall was a vista that shook the hearts of many. It was beautiful, the open sea to the west and the soft sea breeze that seemed to blow toward their direction, it was as if the west wind was welcoming them home. To the north were the farms, and they looked impressive with endless rows of golden and green stalks, gardens with greens and reds and variety of other colors and a bunch of other designated areas kept aside for the growing of food. It was a really amazing sight and Rezar was no different from his new subjects who were struck by awe from what they could see.

Rezar shifted his gaze ahead of him to notice Jason walking towards him with a couple of men dressed in similar black and white clothing as him. The police force seems to have grown quite a bit in the time that he has been gone, which I n this case should be just above three weeks and almost a month. But what was really baffling g was how leisurely they all well with a fleet of ships docked a few kilometers from harbor. It was almost as if they didn't realize that their lives were practically at stake.

"Master! It is good to see you safely returned back home." Jason said as he took a knee, making sure to bow his head as a show of respect to the king in front of him. The officers behind him were flustered for a second before they too all got on their knees as a form of welcome for Rezar. Following close behind them was Alistair with a stack of papers in hand, Rezar didn't know why, but seeing those thick bales of papers left him feeling really apprehensive for some reason.

"Your Majesty, it is good that your back, the world has gone crazy and I need your approval over some projects, and I need you to overlook the trade deals we've received from a bunch of merchants and companies." Rezar raised an eyebrow, the fact that Alistair was this busy came as a shock to him because honestly he didn't expect that even in the process of having an altercation with one of the best, if not the best Merchant company, others would be willing to strike a deal. something wasn't right.

"Let me see." Rezar said as he took the pile of papers from Alistair and started walking towards the city properly.

Most of them were a sign off over a bunch of housing and development projects, the sewer systems were already active, and there was actually and underground river, well a bunch of them within the rocks of the cliffs. Those serves as a stable source of clean water and also energy as a few engines utilizing the pressure from the rivers have been built to give power to the city. And thankfully with everything that has been going on, the system could still seamlessly integrate any new technological advancement with what has already been built.

The pier was still pretty much abandoned, but construction on a few simple fishing boats were already underway, with the increase in population the need for more houses had arisen, however the entire area of the city cover area wouldn't be enough, so an expansion above, where the barracks were located, and the building of houses into the caves, wall of the cove. The bottom of the cove was actually the most prime location, so it would be better if the most required buildings were placed there and the residence were moved.

Alistair also wanted to build another wall, this one would go further and cover a larger surface area, encompassing much of the Kerwood forest to give Necron city a natural feel, as it was also his attempt to make a park of sorts. That would be the next major projects as with the leveling up of the town, their population limit had increased, and they had also surpassed it again due to sheer amount of orcs they now had. But it wasn't just housing that was the problem, creating jobs and a stable source of income for those who had joined, the biggest issue now was how to create a stable economy, and with the Dustin Crowe merchant company turning out to be a bunch of snakes, that option was off the table.

"Tell me Alistair. These ships that have been sieging us, is it that they're refusing to attack or they're waiting for something?" Rezar asked as the matter about the merchant company came up.

"Not really, they can attack because the mist veil is deployed in front of the city, and its working in tandem with the city barrier. Not to mention the Necrotic ants have been causing a bunch of problems for them, they don't need to breath for too long and they're very good swimmers. With the constant assault from the ants, they can't use any of their large weapons, and frankly speaking y this point the constant battles probably has them at the end of their rope, a significant assault and we would destroy all their ships, it's quite unfortunate that we don't have any long range assault capabilities as of yet. I'm working on upgrading the arrow towers to gun towers, plus vie even success in fusing both the arrow and scout towers into sentry towers, but it would take me a little more time to get them ranged combat ready and worthy."

It looked as if the Dustin Crowe merchant company weren't much of a problem at the moment, he would still deal with them though, but at the moment he could look over some things in his town and address his population. He didn't need Priest to tell him that with the increase of people, he needed to talk to them and give them assurance so that they don't feel left out, plus with the Orcs now being the dominant population he had to have policies in place to ensure that there was no sort of segregation and peace reigned as much as possible.

But bringing him back to the deals from other companies, Rezar read through a few them and then paused, he literally had a massive entourage behind him, but he was so preoccupied he hadn't noticed. The deals were bad and really worse, obviously all of these companies were trying to pull a wool over Rezar's eyes because they felt that he was in a tough spot being targeted by the Crowes. If he wanted help or to at least ease the pressure a bit, he would have to sign a couple of deals that wouldn't be beneficial to him, and would end up crippling his city's economy before it even gets the chance to stand. One even wanted stakes in the ruling of the entire kingdom, and safe to say it got Rezar really pissed off.

He turned around, ignoring Alistair's all too obvious flinch as the annoyed look and murderous aura that was currently wafting of Rezar's body. He looked back at the sea, and then at the orcs as an idea slowly took root in his mind. He turned to Alistair.

"Coming up with breathing apparatus or maybe a formula that can help someone breath underwater shouldn't be too hard for you, you have three days, I need 300 of those for orcs and 50 for kitsunes. We're going to go destroy that fleet, on the other hand begin construction on a magic tower, based on your calculations there's a dual ley line convergence zone where the Kitsune village once stood. Build the tower on one of the lines, keep the other vacant just in case, and then cordon off the land where the line converges, we build that teleportation gate there. Any other thing we have to take care of let's discuss it when our waters aren't so polluted with scum, in the meantime gather the people. their King shall address them."

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