Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 194: Death From The Deep 5

Chapter 194: Death From The Deep 5

The corpse of the dragon didn't seem to be a day old, hell if it wasn't for a certain sense of awareness that he had, it would have been incredibly difficult for Rezar himself to tell whether or not the dragon was still alive. Its deep blue and green scales were quite dull, but they still shimmered with an eerie power that just seemed to draw Rezar to them, however he couldn't remove his eyes from the man he had met in the chamber, there was aura to him, a charisma that Rezar couldn't put his finger on, and the way he walked around the body of the dragon, his eyes on Rezar was so eerie, that even Rezar for all of his poise knew that Malik had more of a presence than him.

"You work for the church? That seems a bit hard to believe if I have to be honest." Rezar said to him as ran a hand through his wet hair.

"Well I can't say I don't understand your plight young king, and many people tend to be as surprised as you are. but the church ain't as bad as you think they are. They'll give a room or a cell rather, and field and dungeons to train and then you go allover Elysium killing for them and preaching about the glory of their religion, sounds fun doesn't it?" Rezar paused and did a double take, Malik was completely serious with a rather pensive look on his face, he looked like a salesman trying to pitch a sale to a customer.

"Wow. you're even more sick in the head than I am, and no that doesn't sound fun, it sounds like an incredibly dull and boring life. Is that how you live? Why?" Rezar asked with his head cocked to the side with a look his people would recognize as the one he got when his curiosity was at the forefront of his common sense, and with a dead dragon laying a few feet away, it was safe to say his curiosity was at an all-time high.

"Well they have my family captive and I have no choice but to do all their dirty work for them.... nah I'm just kidding. They give me what I want, when I want, and how I want. They made the most powerful death class user, and in return I gather death class users, especially Necromancers, to build a division that would help them in their holy war and mandate to unite all of Elysium to the glory of the Great God almighty!"

The way he spoke, the gestures he made, told Rezar that this guy was being sarcastic and not at all taking him seriously. There was nothing in his eyes, no goal, no ambition, just a dog all too happy to do whatever his masters require from him. Even if he has to destroy and end lives in the process, for all intents and purposes Rezar could wholeheartedly say that this guy was no different from a zombie.

"You're pitiful, to be so bound by death and alive, but completely incapable of living. But never the less what makes you think that I'll just follow you to go be a slave for some religious order." Rezar asked as he held both of Vita Gratia's Khopesh in a reverse grip.

"I don't expect you to follow me, that would be boring. Like the others before you, I expect you to put up a fight, so I can beat you down and then take you along with me. It is so you would not have any delusions of a choice even if it seems I'm giving you one. Where I'm taking you, your life we no longer belong to you, it would belong to me just as it will belong to them. besides, wouldn't it be nice or you to be with your own kind, with other death class users and in a place where you won't be prosecuted."

Rezar felt the urge to laugh, with everything that he has gone through and been through, prosecuted wouldn't be the word he would use to describe his current situation. People were afraid of him, in fact animosity was always the first reaction he gets whenever someone knows he's a death class holder, someone who's hands and tools could bring about death permanently. But just as much as they fear him, he knew there were people who believed and trusted in him, it seems Malik here has no idea just who and what Rezar really was.

"Taking me away is not an option because one! I have people that need me and I have to take care of, two! Even if you succeed in taking me away, there are people or better yet an army that would fight just as hard to get me back. And then thirdly Mr. Malik! I am a FUCKING KING! I am not prosecuted, I am feared, respected just as much as I actually think I am loved. But given that I have no idea how that emotion feels, I would say my people have a certain fondness for me, so in light of that I cannot go anywhere with you either willingly or by force, because I have a kingdom to run and an apocalypse to avert; besides didn't you hear, the theocracy is nothing but rubble now, the entire territory has been terraformed by aliens, they destroyed your fucking church!"

The feeling of confusion he was expecting to see in the eyes of Malik was there, but it was different, like while the news of the theocracy burning to slag shocked him, there wasn't enough weight behind it to shake him. Malik twirled his staff, its form making eerie whooshing sounds that made Rezar feel a chill going up and down his spine.

"The Theocracy can burn for all I care, my masters still live. Cause if she were dead, so too will I, and as long as she lives, then so too will the church. Enough talking boy! Prepare yourself!"

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