Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 195: Death From The Deep 6

Chapter 195: Death From The Deep 6

Rezar got the very obvious feeling that he couldn't approach a fight with Malik the same he has always approached his other fights, sure his healing factor would give him a severe advantage, but there was just something about this lackey of the theocracy that didn't sit well with Rezar, he had to be careful. Brute forcing his way through this fight absolutely won't help his cause, he had to use his head or he could very well end up very injured and very dead. But then again, just how much stronger could Malik be, Rezar was yet to come up against an opponent he couldn't triumph or surpass in one way or another, this time would not be any different.

Malik made the first move, skills were wonky and unreliable, but physical stats, and a little bit of instinct in using the magic and resources within your body, also helped a lot. Malik was fast, really fast, and it was from his speed Rezar realized that the man in front of him wasn't even human. He had pointed ears, and not like those of the elves, but something you would see on a demon. But then again demons had certain defining characteristics, and those where their horns, most of them had tails with a few exceptions to that equation. Never the less Malik wasn't anything that Rezar could recognize or have heard off, which crosses out an avenue of him finding a way to defeat him.

Malik swung his black and red spear upwards, the spear moving so fast it seemed as if the very air was split apart. Rezar took a step back, and even though he evaded getting hit directly by the spear, the displaced air was enough to leave a shallow cut on Rezar's jaw. But it was far from over as the spear was coming down just as fast as it went up, its angle changing to a slash that would cut Rezar open from collarbone to hip. Rezar raise the Khopesh in his right hand, hoping to intercept and deflect whilst shooting that on his left hand towards a wall.

Malik's spear crashed loudly into Rezar's Khopesh, with Rezar utilizing the curves of his saber to redirect the force of the spear to the side of his body, and at the same time the other pair dragged him away from Malik, its chain ring as it quickly retracted into itself. Malik whistled at that with an intense look of appreciation on his face for the weapon in Rezar's hand, he shook his head and said.

"That's an impressive weapon, like it's really amazing as I've never seen anything like it. If you can master it, then I assure you it would be quite formidable in your hands if you can master it. Because from what I've seen, you were either taught to fight by a brawler, someone with too many styles to have his own, or you learnt by yourself. Your forms are wrong, posture wrong, mentality wrong! connectivity with your weapon, wrong! Your awareness of a battlefield is good, from that observation along I know you're more suited to be a general or commander, not a fighter. But your usage of force and managing it when you deflected my strike is also quite good, like really good, as it was almost as if you could predict my next move and the amount of force I would put into it. And that's not a fighter's intuition boy. it's a general."

With that said he moved again, to Rezar it seemed as if he was blasting off the balls of his feet and gliding on the ground, this time the spear was coming for a pierce, Rezar was ready as he moved to side, the spear passing right past his face, just as Vita Gratia now in its staff form sliced over the spears form and towards Malik's head. but the Death Classer leaned so far back with just his neck Rezar was sure it was breaking. Only a single strand of hair was broken as this move forced Rezar to over extend and turn around only to meet a kick smashing into his chest that blasted him backwards and onto the body of the dead dragon.

No matter what story were told about Dragon scales, whether it was on that of a living dragon or dead, those things were harder than metal. So Rezar's spine snapping in three places after his back hit the dragon was very much understandable. He was crippled, and while his body was healing really fast, he hoped Malik would be a little too over confident and let that happen. Rezar was wrong.

Malik moved so fast he was in front of Rezar before the young man could blink, and then he unceremoniously stabbed his spear down into Rezar's right leg, driving it through his flesh and bone and into the marble ground below. Rezar let out a roar of pain as he felt all of the energy within his body begin to drain away, in fact it would be easier to say that it was the spear itself that was drawing it all out. Malik shook his head in much the same way a disappointed Parent or teacher would do, when trying to berate a student.

"Your second attempt was better, you baited me into that attack, and this time your strike was a killing strike. But its already been established that I am much faster than you, and by a large margin. Your stats should be around tier 5 or 6, at least 7. All my stats are snugly within Tier 9. In the whole of Elysium, I am amongst the top ten strongest people, I don't need to tell you where I rank, but! What I'm trying to say is, you can't win every fight, so you should learn to cheat and set traps or better yet, run for your pathetic life. A king who doesn't know how to retreat when necessary will die and so will his people. But then again I'm just too much for you to handle." Malik said as he looked at the currently paralyzed Rezar.

"Well is that so? Well then how about you face me instead...Husband!"

"Oh shit!" Malik said as he slowly turned to face the raging and very much on fire Lenore, and Rezar. his curiosity really was at an all-time high."

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