Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 197: Death From The Deep 8

Chapter 197: Death From The Deep 8

The dragon was massive, it was dead just seconds ago and its body was curled up, and even then it was really large that it would have taken up to a minute or three for Rezar to walk around its corpse, and now that it was standing at full attention, the word intimidation didn't do what he was feeling justice, there was pressure, a pressure he quickly realized was the same one he felt when he had swum down here. And it was now all encompassing and invasive, he had raised this dragon from the dead, using two skills in turn that did different things when it came to the realm of the dead.

He was not so disillusioned to believe that he was in control of this dragon, especially now that it was staring right at him, instead of the enemy he had woken the dragon up to eliminate. And much to Rezar's chagrin, Malik didn't wait to be blown to bits like Rezar had envisioned, he turned around with a flourish and ran out, going down another path quite different from the one Rezar had used and in the opposite direction. Rezar half expected Lenore to chase after him, in fact he fully expected her to do so, because the brunt of Dragon's pressure was solely focused on Rezar, its why the young king couldn't move, and the Reaper Malik was able to run away with his life.

There was always a mountain above a mountain, and even if it was the highest mountain, there's still the sky above it, and in more ways than one. This dragon even though dead, was the galaxy above the speck of dirt on a planet that was Malik. Of course Rezar knew the dragon wasn't as strong as it was when it was alive, that's the tradeoff of raising something from the dead, at least a quarter of the strength they had when alive would be lost. It could be regained, but in that moment they were pretty much far off from their peak. Rezar reckoned Malik might stand a chance in defeating the dragon, but without skills, and having two other variables in play, the man had no other choice but to turn tail and run, or there was a very obvious possibility that he would not be seeing another sunrise, Rezar would not have minded such an outcome.

"You are the one who has woken me up, what right have you to meddle with the souls of the dead!" the dragons voice.... everywhere. it was in his head, in his blood, he could hear it with his ears, feel it with his tongue. He bled from his eyes, nose and ears, and his broken body seemed to break even more as his organs seemed strained from not just the blood of the dragon in his body, but from the power of its voice.

"You! Demoness! Leave this place, when I have need for you I shall send for you...I will not kill him. But as for what state his mind would be when you return, I cannot guarantee it. But there's a price to be paid for disturbing my eternal rest, and nothing will stop me from having my due." Lenore's response to that shocked Rezar, but none was as shocked as the dragon when Lenore pointed her rapier at the legendary beast and spoke, with lightning arcing off her blade and body.

"His armies are mine to command, his wars and battles mine to fight. Protecting the future and legacy of his kingdom is my duty, and it is the only thing noble I've ever done in my life. So even against a dragon, I will not abandon my king."

"What-the hell are- you doing! Get out of here L-Lenore! G-go!" Rezar forced himself to speak through gritted teeth, his sight blurry from the blood that had bled out of his eyes. He felt weak, and he wouldn't go so far as to say he was touched by her gesture, but she was being stupid, she had to get out of here. Even if he dies here, she was the only one strong enough to keep Morte Bianca going, and keep that Snake Gynaika at bay and under control, her dying here due to this surprising strong sense of loyalty she seems to have discovered would defeat the purpose.

"Is this love I see...wonderful, I can hear it in your voice and see it in the way you face me. You are afraid, but you refuse to back down even against one as superior as are a foolish child." The dragon said to her as it shifted its posture, turning to face Lenore as a formless pressure raised Rezar into the air.

"Call it what you will, but I'm not leaving here without him." She said with even more conviction than Rezar ever thought possible.

"His blood runs through me, just as my own runs through him. He has tasted that which is forbidden, the heart's blood of a true dragon, and it is changing him. He will become more, but since I was already departed from this world he will become death. I see into his mind, his soul. He lacks it! What you want he will never be able to give to you, and I tell you this not so you will begin a useless crusade of love to seed the feeling in his heart. But your king can not love you, for he is incomplete and will forever remain so if he is to live, and after ingesting my blood it is all but set in stone. Rezar Deathwind can't feel fear, even now he fears me not. Rezar Deathwind can't feel hate for without Love there can be no hate. Rezar Deathwind has no compassion, he is pragmatic and realistic, a sociopath in a degree you can never be able to comprehend. Rezar Deathwind cannot and will never feel love, not even for the children he would have.

He is broken, but it is because he is broken that he is strong. If you love him, it will make you strong, but if you want him to love you back, it will make him weak. And his mother did not make him weak. Yours's is a fool's errand, turn away from it while you still can...your king will destroy you!"

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