Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 198: Death From The Deep 9

Chapter 198: Death From The Deep 9

Rezar didn't have to think too much about this reveal, the dragon was right, he didn't feel one smidge of a romantic emotion towards Lenore, he was pragmatic enough to k now that this was a total waste of time. And it was weird and random and so fucking sudden, how in the hell did this happen, Rezar didn't have an answer for that, but he needed her to have her head in the game. This dragon wasn't one they could defeat, and he needed her alive if he was going to ever get a chance at surviving this giant reptile, he needed her to remain alive.

"Don't be stupid Lenore! I do understand what you are feeling and quite frankly I think it's a waste of time, but what's important is that Necron and Morte Bianca needs you. No matter what the home that we've built should come first, so if a dragon tells you to get the fuck out, then by all means Lenore get the fuck out!"

She didn't move a muscle, it was almost as if she wasn't even hearing a word of what he was saying as still held her blade up and kept her gaze locked with that of the dragon. Malik had been an extremely scary opponent, and by now Rezar realized that maybe he was being a little too brash in and irresponsible in trying to bring a dragon back from the dead to help him in that fight.

Everything that has happened so far has been entirely by chance, and this was an unexpected development than he expected, but while this dragon might think he didn't have a smidge of compassion in his heart, Rezar knew for a fact that he cared greatly for his city and kingdom and for the people in it. And since he really couldn't feel love, then this was more than enough for him.

"I understand what you're saying and why you want me far away from here, but there's no future for Morte Bianca without her king, so I expect said king to grow a pair and not give up so easily. Your blood and magic is what is giving the dragon life, do you think for one second that it can kill you or go against your wishes. You might not be able to command or control it, but it would not go against your best interest either!" Rezar was stumped, he didn't think of it that way, and he wasn't so sure about what she was saying as it could be possible that it was just speculation on her part.

"You are smarter than you look Demoness, and quite frankly have much more of a pair than the two men I have met upon my resurrection. I am livid about my resurrection, though I'm not to clear on what my afterlife was like, a chance to live once again and take care of my still yet to be unborn child is more than I could possibly ask for. But being bound to such a weakling does not perform wonders for my pride and ego, not to mention this king of yours is one without a proper direction, even as an incomplete living being. I would say you all have failed, his should have been properly prepared for the task that has now been laid at his feet, yet you all let him move along with just the bare minimum of training and haphazard foundation.

I can feel the changes in the air, even within the embrace of death, her whispers told me of a world of new, of great power and new weaknesses. I do not plan on being bound to such weakness in this new world that is barely a few minutes away. But what I can do, what I can promise, is that I will train him myself, as punishment and as gratitude for my resurrection. But once that is done I and my egg will leave this land forever, never to return."

And with that said the pressure and power that seemed to hold Rezar aloft completely vanished and he crashed to the ground. And that was when he realized exactly what just happened, it was all showboating of the highest grade. He had almost lost his life because felt the need to be extremely intimidating and scary, to stroke its own ego and pride in front of beings it very much considered lesser than itself, and even more so to show and instill the true scope of its superiority on Rezar, to show that even though he was pretty much responsible for bring it back to life, that he should not put stock or up in commanding a creature of its caliber. A dragon was no one's servant.

"I'm sure there is much that you need to know, and even much more that you need to understand as to the reason behind my presence here, my death, and the city that's dead beyond these halls. We only have a few moments before the world changes for good, but I believe there is time for a tale, or two. And in the case of your first general, I believe explanations about why the man who just tried to kidnap you, is or rather was married to her.

Never the less I cannot give you my name for death has taken it away from me, I remember it not and honestly do not see a need for it. So you shall call me Great Dragon. As you can see I live here, or rather I used to live here. I don't know how many years it has been, but this used to be home to a great aquatic dragon race. They served me and I in turn protected them from harm and destruction, however one day, just after I had brought to this world my first fruit and decided to go into a blessed sleep to bring it into this world, the dragons of the mountains attacked...and they took everything."

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