Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 93: Goblinshire (V): Horror

Chapter 93: Goblinshire (V): Horror

The bandits attacking Goblinshire weren't exactly goblins alone as the racial demographic for this area of the Kerwood forest might suggest, there were humans, goblins, orcs, elves, and bunch of other races he couldn't really point out, though quite a few of them seemed to be members of the wild tribe. Rezar ran towards the current killing, stealing and pillaging group of people, paying specific attention to the archer that just tried to take his head off, or rather actually succeeded in putting a hole through his head.

He was guided mostly by instinct rather than skill as his hunger seemed to be at the forefront of his mind. He felt an axe whistle through the air heading for his neck. Rezar moved towards the strike, getting into the personal space of the person who held the axe and letting his hand overextend over his shoulders. Fangs drawn out and stomach still burning with anger, Rezar took a deep bite on the neck of the axe wielder.

This was a different flavor than goblin, for a vampire all blood was a delicacy, but there were different flavors to it and different richness. It was like one food giving more protein than the other. Rezar drew him in deep, he tasted of wild fruit and earth, and silk, assuming silk had a taste. But maybe that silky taste that he couldn't exactly put a finger on was exactly what elves tasted like. It was amazing and extreme and it tasted expensive.

Rezar pulled back dark red blood flowing in horrific rivulets down his jaws past his chin and neck and onto his clothes. But the clothes themselves were so dark they seemed to absorb the blood, becoming darker, becoming something else. Rezar planted his Scythe on the ground, from the way things were looking, it's obvious he wouldn't be finding any use for it at the moment, and that was because his hunger was insatiable.

He rushed forwards with rhyme or reason, ignoring the fact that he had a plethora of skills to draw from as another arrow smashed into his chest, except this one just gave him pause as he remembered that his clothes themselves were armor. A trio of goblins rushed at him, each holding a spear to compensate for their extremely short height and thrusting towards different parts of Rezar's body, however fierce claws from his hands met the advent of the spears with a speed so fast all they could see was a blur, as the loud cracking sounds of wood breaking filled their ears.

But his movements were far from over as Rezar's claw found the underside of a goblin's jaw, then he proceeded to rake it upwards, cleaving through bone and skin and tissue. The goblin didn't even have time to scream before he fell on the ground dead, however for some reason his blood began to float up and out of his body, going up almost 30 feet to gather up in the air like a cloud.

The other two goblins attempted to run away, but their bodies didn't seem to respond to them as Rezar's clawed hands smashed through their green skulls, blasting apart like a watermelon. He was fully invested in his instincts as a vampire, and following close by was an instinctual use of its skills as he pulled his hands back, dragging streams of blood out of the bodies of the dead goblins and then slashed forwards with his claws, a piercing red light flashing in front of him to slice an elf in half.

[Blood Magic Mastery has leveled up]

He turned his head to the left, his senses going haywire as an orc barreled into his body, spearing him right into the stone and wooden frame of a well. The Orc was able to bring himself to a halt, but Rezar fell into the well in an awkward position, neck and back badly bent and broken as he fell into the water below with a loud splash. The bandits at the top looked down the eight-meter-deep well wondering if the monster that suddenly showed was dead, but in the end that was all just wishful thinking.


An infernal chain shot out of the dark murky waters and spear through the shoulders of the orc, his scream of pain startled his companions as they all pulled back, watching helplessly as their companion was pulled down into the well, his screams echoing all the way down until he fell into the water within the well, his body splashing about as they all crowded around to see what was going. But all they could see was the water bubbling, the moon choosing that moment to shine its light into the well, fully showcasing the process as the bubbly water went from black to red as pieces of their comrade's body showed up.

[Bat Apparition]

Loud and infernal screeches sounded out as bats came up from the depths of the well, scaring the shit out of the bandits leaning over the edge in fear, they all fell back in fright trying to gather themselves as a cloud of bats flew into the sky and made a circled around the massive pool of blood hanging above the town like a sun of its own. The cloud of bats was traveling really fast as they made a beeline for the archer, who at this point knew he was the target for his earlier attacks. Without so much as a word, the archer threw down his bow and turned around, sprinting for the entrance of the village, and he was really fast.

However, the Apparition skill, even before it got its visual/vampiric upgrade was a skill that exponentially increased Rezar's speed, he could reach his current tier of speed, but now he could go much higher, and move much faster.

The swarm of bats caught up with elf archer, and surrounded him, each shadow bats taking a bite out of his body, one nibble after the other as he was raised into the air, his screams of pain casting a deep chill over the village as the bandits and even the goblin Militia fighting for their town all froze, horror etched deep into their bodies, all the way to the marrow.

And blood rained from the sky, along with pieces of meat and flesh, and limbs partially eaten to the bone, bloody and horrific, innards, organs. It was all one gory mess until the bats gathered themselves into one point gradually forming in to the image of a man with a hood on his head. A scary looking scythe flew across the village to land in his hand as he looked at the remaining bandits and the residents of the village behind him, each and every single one of them frozen by the sight in front of them, frozen by those bright orbs of red and gold. And then it began to rain, but not a rain to wash away the carnage, but one to make it even more bloody. This; was the [Blood Rain]

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