Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 94: Goblinshire (VI): Blood Rain

Chapter 94: Goblinshire (VI): Blood Rain

[Blood Rain]

Rezar felt as if there were a thousand and one versions of himself, it was all over the town itself and while he couldn't exactly control it, he knew his influence over his abilities now stretched to cover the entire 20-meter radius that his blood rain had covered. The silence was palpable, and the high from his bloodlust and hunger had slowly came down. Now these bandits were no longer facing the monster called a vampire, now the person facing them was just Rezar, the Necromancer and the death lord.

[Blood Rain: Basic Lvl 1: Kill as many enemies as possible the moment this skill is activated and have their blood deposited in a blood cloud bank twenty feet in the air. The cloud would burst open after 3 minutes, showering a radius of 20 meters. Within that zone, all skills, would be blood attributed, and the power of blood magic would be increased by 150%, you have limited control over the blood coating the area. // Duration: 5 minutes// Cost: 100 magic]

This was the most expensive skill/spell in his arsenal, and after using it more than half of his magic stat had bottomed out. And even if he couldn't see it due to the absence of MP bars, he could feel it. But even if that were the case, within this twenty meters which was not much but wasn't small either, he had completely covered most of the attacking bandits. He wasn't fighting out of the goodness of his heart, he and the goblin king were enemies, he was hungry and the bandits had been foolish enough to attack him when he would have preferred to just be a bystander.

But this was a statement, he couldn't use an undead to fight as that would expose him and would probably rally the factions of not just Kerwood forest, but the entire Bahrenburg Wildlands against him. So he would give them something else to fear than just a horde of undead, and that was invariably himself.


Whips made of blood surged out of the ground and pierced into three bandits, Rezar wasn't exactly sure how many of them were left, but their numbers were well over twenty. He rushed forwards, his scythe swing above his head as he turned and slashed forwards, the blazing edge of the scythe developing a bloody red glow as it surged forwards towards another group of bandits rushing towards him.


The very fabric of reality seemed to cut open as the red glow passed over their approaching forms, and moved forwards to clip three other goblin guards that were part of the militia defending the village. At first it seemed as if nothing had happened, but a few seconds later, their bodies burst apart as it seemed as if their skeletons were ripped out of it. Quickly following that were their souls and the prompt to either absorb them, release them or imbue them in a weapon.

[Rend] Was the AOE form of reap, and while reap was very precise and needed contact and dint cause as much damage, rend focused on the damage and had no guarantee of grabbing souls out of a body. And even worse the souls didn't last long as they burst into a shower sparks immediately before Rezar had a chance to see if they scythe could accept the souls.

But never the less his attack had shocked a few people, because he had killed both the goblins and the bandits together, but Rezar was in no mood to explain himself, they were all his enemies. He turned his attention to the three that had been bound before and was a little surprised by what he saw, their entire body had become dried husks as they were complete drained of blood. It was then he realized that his skill [Siphon] was active on the [Bind] skill, working like a passive.

Rezar was shocked this time, this [Blood Rain] skill didn't just change the nature of all his skills to blood, but it also created a synergistic effect, allowing him to use some of his skills without costs. He smiled, he was no longer being driven by his hunger and bloodlust, his mind was open to the sight in front of him. While this might end up biting him in the ass, he wanted to show those stuck up people from the Order of the Innkeepers that he was not some guy that would just bend over for them and their threats.

He was dangerous, and he would make a faction that was just as dangerous as he was. That way he wouldn't have to worry about if his appetite for conquest became too much for people to bear. But honestly, he just wanted to live safely and freely, but being passive and holing up wouldn't do that. He wouldn't go looking for trouble, but he wouldn't sit still and let others come trouble him either. So this would be a statement, a coup de gras of sorts, to show the innkeepers and anyone else that would stand against him and Necron that there would be hell to pay.

He hung his scythe on his back, and raise his hands up into the air, and as he did so the blood within the area stabbed into anyone caught within its web, bandit or goblin, he took care to avoid those who were dressed in civilian attire and seemed to be just simple people. Grotesque whips of blood stabbed into the people and raised them into the air, draining their blood in the process as their bodies rapidly became dried husks. And then he decided to speak, but his eyes were not the scary red and gold, no this time it was the eerie blue that would haunt the dreams of the many who would survive this night, the eyes of one who has been touched and blessed by death.

"Tell the Goblin King, tell him that this is a message straight from the blood soaked lips of The Bone King of Morte Bianca, this is war. From the very moment your vermin infested riders encroached my lands, your life and those of your people is forfeit! Prepare yourself for a retribution the likes of which Bahrenburg has never seen, or will ever see. And let this be a message to any other who think Morte Bianca and her capital Necron is a place to be messed with, your end will be much worse than this."

[Power Strike]

The bodies were all smashed into the ground, crumpled and broken into a mass of flesh, organs and bones that were unrecognizable and horrific. This was the first time he had utilized that skill without a weapon or his fists as a medium, showing just how power the skill [Blood Rain] was. Rezar turned and left, his steps loud within the silent night as everyone else still alive watched him in fear and horror as slowly the forest itself swallowed him, its darkness enveloping him like he was child, brother and lover to it. But no matter what the morning brings, the name of The Bone King would be horror tales for years to come.

[You have completed a milestone! Name your territory and crown yourself King! You have been awarded the Trait [Bone King], 5 platinum elys, and the template to design a mantle of power and authority, and a template to design a personal guard force]

[You have unlocked the requirements for the Dhamphir Racial advancement quest! Please return to your spire for more details]

[Blood Rain has leveled up to 2]

[Blood Magic Mastery has leveled up to 3]

[Death is please with you and has awarded you 10 skill combining gems, please her some more]

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