Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 107: Important to Me

Chapter 107: Important to Me

Just as I was about to go back inside, my phone rang again. I pulled it back out and answered it.

"Clive?" I asked.

"My boy! You are awake! Good, Good!" Clive announced, and I was forced to hold the phone away from my face to save my ears.

"What's up?" I asked, and Clive laughed.

"I have been working my magic! You can't be a proper trainer if you don't earn some gym badges, but you are in a bit of a pickle with your uncanny Pokémon!"

"You aren't wrong. I was kind of worried about having to use the girls in an open battle," I mused, and I could almost hear Clive's head shake over the phone.

"The beauty pageant was a good start, but I agree that they are not what trainers are used to facing! Still, we find new breeds of Pokemon all the time! Anyways! I am getting off-topic! The short of it is that I got you a private battle with Katy, Leader of the Cortondo Gym!" Clive exclaimed, and I blinked a few times in surprise.

"Really? I was considering that yesterday when I was talking with Nemona," I replied.

"Perfect! Bring that firecracker along with you, and Tallia if she isn't busy. Katy likes both of them so it should make everything go smoother," Clive explained.

"Sounds good. I will get everyone ready, and then we will meet you in Cortondo."

[That solves one problem.]

I ended the call and slipped my phone back into my pocket. True, this was my plan anyway, but I had planned on training the girls more before attempting my first gym.

[Unfortunately, Captain Phyco is right, and time is not on your side. There is a chance that you might not win, but you can consider this as training. Even if your Pokémon loses, if you can win a few of the fights, they will gain experience.]

I nodded, acknowledging Cryo's point. "You're right. This gym battle could serve as valuable training for both me and the Pokémon. It's not just about winning; it's about gaining experience and learning from the challenges we face."

With determination, I headed back inside the house to share the news with the others. Tallia, Jolene, and the members of the Ultra Recon Squad were still seated around the table, engaged in conversation. I cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Hey, everyone. Change of plans. Clive managed to arrange a private gym battle for us with Katy, the Leader of the Cortondo Gym. We'll be heading there soon," I announced, and excitement flickered in Tallia's eyes.

"That's awesome! A gym battle is just what we need to kick things off!" Tallia exclaimed.

I looked at the Ultra Recon Squad members, wondering if they would join us. Soliera seemed intrigued, but Zossie maintained her stoic expression.

"We'll come along to observe and support. It's a chance to see how battles are conducted in this world," Soliera said, and Dulse nodded in agreement.

Zossie simply crossed her arms, but her presence suggested that she wasn't about to let the others have all the fun.

"Great! Let's get ready then. We don't want to keep Katy waiting," I said, and the group dispersed to prepare.

As they did, I closed my eyes, reopening them in Joy's Habitat within Prisma. I knew everyone was here, and I could hear the women's voices coming from within Joy's Poke Center.

"You should have seen him!" Nemona laughed as I got to the front door. "I'm not a Pokémon!"

I walked in just as Nemona finished her mocking version of my voice to see Lusamine burst out in laughter. While it was at my expense, she really did look much prettier smiling. Zossie could stand to learn a thing or two from her.

"Oh, look who it is! Mr. I'm-Not-A-Pokémon!" Nemona laughed as everyone turned to me, and I grinned.

"Well, I can't argue with that. How's everyone doing here?" I asked, joining the lively group.

Joy stood up and walked over to me, her cheerful demeanor radiating positivity, but it slipped away as she got closer. "Something is bothering you, isn't it?"

"Am I that easy to read?" I half-joked and then sighed before taking a seat and explaining everything.

"So, something is coming. We also know nothing about it, or what it wants, right?" Lusamine asked and I nodded, making her sigh. "That is more than troubling if they could have the same abilities as you do. Nemona told me about the skins, and she showed us the effects. This kind of power could turn the world upside down."

"I 100% agree with you on that, but I don't know what to do about it besides get stronger," I sighed, but then shook my head. "Regardless, Clive did set up a gym battle for me today, and everyone in the real world is getting ready to go. I don't think it will be enough to face something like these Endbringers, but I have to do something.

Joy took one of my hands into hers. "You are not alone, Landon. Nemona and Tallia are much stronger trainers than you currently are. We also have the Ultra Recon Squad," Joy encouraged.

I held her hand, but shook my head firmly, looking at each one of the girls. "You all have to promise me that you will stay out of this. If the Endbringers come, I will release you all before going to fight it. That is the least that I can-"

I didn't get a chance to finish before Lusamine's hand slapped me into next week. The strike made my head spin, and I put a hand to my cheek as Joy jumped up.

"What are you doing?!" Joy demanded, but Lusamine ignored her as tears poured down her face.

"You don't get to do that! You don't get to just leave us behind like we mean nothing to you!" She screamed at me, and I didn't know what to say. This was not the reaction I had expected.

"I say this because I care about you all!" I exclaimed, but Lusamine raised her hand again. Thankfully, Joy caught it this time. Lusamine's training had paid off a little too well.

"Landon does care about us, and you know he does, or he wouldn't say something so stupid," Joy said, making me wince. Here I thought she was going to defend me, but then she turned on me. "You don't get to make that choice on your own. While Lusamine didn't join on her own, we both did. Regardless of that, our lives are linked to yours, not controlled by it. If we wish to follow you, then you should respect that."

Joy's words hit me with a force I hadn't expected. It wasn't just about my abilities or the challenges ahead; it was about the connections we had formed. I looked at the determined expressions on Lusamine and Joy's faces, and my heart softened.

"You're right," I admitted, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "I shouldn't make decisions that affect all of you without considering your choices. I appreciate your willingness to stand by me, and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared. People have died trying to fight these Endbringers."

"People die, Pokémon die. It happens, and I don't want that to happen to any of us," Nemona said, finally speaking up. "You two have known Landon longer, but I understand how he feels. While this is going to sound funny, we are Landon's Pokémon. Just like our own Pokémon, I am sure that Landon feels responsible for us."

I sighed. That was a funny way to put it, but it wasn't completely wrong. I was the reason they were all here, and now their connection to me could get them killed. How could I not feel the way I did?

"I get it, Nemona. I do feel responsible for all of you, and I don't want any harm to come your way. But I also understand that you've made your choice to be here, just like the others," I replied, grateful for their loyalty.

Lusamine wiped away her tears, her expression softening. "I just don't want to lose anyone important to me. I may not have chosen to come with you, but things are different now. You are... important to me..." Lusamine said, her words trailing off, but as they did, I got a notification.

[Quest completed! Melt The Ice.]

[Quest Rewards: 100 HP, Special Rare Random Artifact x1, Special Rare Glacier Grade Impact Skin x1.]

"Special Rare?" I said out loud, but Lusamine glared at me, making me put up my hands. "You are important to me as well!"

"Oh? Of course you would get an even better reward after I picked my skin!" Nemona half complained half laughed.

"Stupid name for a quest anyways," Lusamine growled, making Joy giggle.

It would probably be best to keep the next quest I just got to myself. I wasn't sure if Lusamine could see it or not, but this was probably the wrong time to think about "Injections."

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