Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 120: Beauty, Beautiful Legs

Chapter 120: Beauty, Beautiful Legs

When confronting Shen DaiYings attack the last time, Lin Xiao utilized a strong concealed wind blade to force her back at the last second, but this time she was already prepared. Even if he instantly cast a wind blade, she would just avoid with Shadow Blink and wouldnt stop attacking.

On the other side of the stage, the large amounts of magics floating in midair have already gone out of control, Shen DaiYing was already speeding towards Lin Xiao, so those magic were already useless. The magic lost their target and exploded in succession, changing into clouds of dazzling smoke, spiraling overhead the stage.

Who knew how much magic Lin Xiao actually casted, but the mist left behind by the explosions completely blocked the audiences line of sight. The entire stage was foggy, and nothing could be seen, except the light radiating from Shen DaiYings sword.

Currently, only Momm and Woos could clearly see what was going on.

Finally, Lin Xiao moved.


A sharp and clear snap, meaning he used chantless instant cast again.

Was it a wind blade? No, this time he chose to use the Hidden Fog technique.

It was like a flour silo exploded with Lin Xiao as the center, a thick white cloud surged forward, surrounding tens of meters around them. It completely enveloped the two of them as Shen DaiYing broke through the restricted territor.

This way, not only would Shen DaiYings pace be slowed, but even Woos and Momm couldnt see what was happening.

Lin Xiao, do you think a mere Hidden Fog technique can hold me back? It seems like youre out of schemes! Shen DaiYings laughter was permeated with transparent delight, My sword can cut through fog!

The gorgeous cherry blossoms bloomed, with the drop of the sword, the fog between Shen DaiYing and Lin Xiao was completely dispersed, even the blizzard in the sky and the sludge on the ground was cleaned up with this single slash.

Shen DaiYing stood there silently smiling and looking at Lin Xiao who was only a couple of steps away, like she was proclaiming her victory.

Scheme? Hehe, perhaps. Lin Xiao bitterly chuckled, Sister Ying, you dont really think that the Hidden Fog technique was meant for you, right?

Was it not?

Of course not, my Hidden Fog technique was used to deal with Woos and Momm. Lin Xiao calmly replied.

Deal with them?

Hearing Lin Xiaos words, Shen DaiYing realized, because of the large-scale magic explosions, the audience couldnt see what was happening, and Hidden Fog technique also blocked the two judges line of sight, this meant that she was completely isolated with Lin Xiao.

Strange, was that his plan all along?

After snapping out of it, Shen DaiYing shockingly noticed a small detail, she didnt know when it got there, but there was a circular blood-red magic array on the back of Lin Xiaos right hand.

She finally realized that she fell into his trap, but it was already too late.

For some reason, Lin Xiaos body began to slightly tremble. Was he afraid? No, he wasnt shaking becasue he was afraid, but because he was maintaining tens of similar circuits at the same time.

As the fog began to disperse, Shen DaiYing could clearly see what was happening, those were pale green circular circuits, the flowing circuit lines were fine and transparent.

She knew that it was the circuit for wind blade, but what surprised her wasnt only that.

Currently, there were dozens of circuits next to both sides of Lin Xiaos body. They intertwined with each other like a pair of wings, suspended next to his sides, and along with the flow of magic, emitted a gentle resonating sound.

Dozens? No, there were at least a hundred, if it wasnt for Lin Xiaos Hidden Fog technique blocking most of it, he would be the sun that the stars revolved around, the monarch that controlled all.

Hundred times multi-cast Wind blade.

At that instance, all of the circuits abruptly vanished, and what replaced them were wind blades that filled the skies.

Hundred times multi-casting? I see, I should have known, you Shen DaiYing was still gently smiling.

She gently grasped her sword and swung it in a beautiful arc, at the same time, her sword also began humming!

Assassination technique, Moonlight soul flower

Under the moon, butterfly dance!

A gorgeous butterfly dance, flying under the brilliant moon, numerous swords filling the air, that scene seemed like a painting in front of Lin Xiao.

A beauty, flower dance, butterfly dance, dying under Shen DaiYings sword must be blissful thing, right?

As the wind blades fell from the sky, Lin Xiao sighed sorrowfully.

Boom, boom, boom the ear-piercing explosions continued to ring out, and persisted for a minute without stopping.

Below stage, Momm and Woos were getting impatient.

Damn it, we cant see anything? Hey, old man Woos, what should we go? Should we help? Momm said as he began running towards the stage, but was pulled back by Woos.

Help? Help who?

No shit, of course Lin Xiao! Shen DaiYing was already next to him, with her speed, theres no way he can resist! Ahh, stop pulling me, if I dont save him, she might accidentally cut his neck!

Cough w-what are you rushed for? Just wait a I can see! Take a look!

Woos excitedly discovered that as the explosion sounds stopped, the fog above the stage also finally dispersed.

After all the magic gradually disappeared, only a man and woman were left on the stage.

They were separated by a couple of steps, and their backs were facing one another, like they just crossed each other.

There were no wounds on Lin Xiao, just the front of his shirt was cut open.

Shen DaiYing was in a much more miserable state.

Although her clothes werent damaged, but her slender legs suffered, the black silk stockings were tattered and her fair skin was exposed. Her entire legs were full of small cuts. The most severe cuts were the two on her left leg, one on the inside of her thighs, and the other on the outside of her calves. Although the wounds werent deep, but they were continuously bleeding.

The outcome of this fight was already decided.

Shen DaiYing sighed, sheathed her sword, then turned her head towards Momm who was about to rush on stage and said, I concede.

Ah? Momm opened his mouth wide in a daze, and couldnt respond.

Not only him, but the entire audience was stunned and didnt understand what was happening.

What just happened? Why was Shen DaiYings legs covered with wounds after the fog dispersed and only Lin Xiaos clothes were cut? Did Lin Xiao use some sinister trick?

But most importantly Shen DaiYing admitted defeat, doesnt that mean, Lin Xiao won?

There was an absolute silence in the packed training grounds, everyone held their breaths awaiting a reversal, and hoping that her conceding was just a hallucination.

They must have misheard! How could princess Shen DaiYing lose?

But the anticipated reversal never came. Shen DaiYing, who voluntary conceded, didnt stop for long. She supported her injured left leg, and limped off the stage as the loser.

As she said before, she would never shed tears because of pain, but the pain still existed. Before she could even get off the stage, the pain from her wounds made her left leg go soft and she lost her balance.


She thought that she would for sure fall and make a fool of herself, but a pair of hands supported her.

Lin Xiao ran over right on time, used his body to support her, and asked with deep concern.

Sister Ying, s-sorry the wounds must hurt, right?

Hehe, its okay, Im just afraid to put too much strength on it. Itll be fine as long as I stop the bleeding quickly. The princesss smile was always so charming regardless of the time and place.

Originally, once a student gets injured, the supervising teachers would immediately supply first aid, but today, Woos and Momm were both derailed, the two were just standing on the sides watching, and completely forgot about their own duties.

Um the wound looks so deep, it might leave scars?

Scars? Probably not. Even if it does leave scars, as long as I wear stockings, you guys wouldnt be able to see it, right? Shen DaiYing said, not in the least concerned.

Cant see it? Lin Xiao shook his head.

Is it fine just because you cant see it? How could Lin Xiao allow that?

He couldnt care less about the match anymore, the outcome was already decided, so hell leave the rest to the teachers, now he had to quickly make up for his mistakes.

Shen DaiYings beautiful legs couldnt be ruined by his hands!

Please trust me he muttered in a quiet voice, then put one hand on Shen DaiYings back, bent down, and another hand under her thighs.

Shen DaiYing was about to say something, but realized her body became lighter all of a sudden.

Eh? Lin Xiao, w-what are you doing?

She realized that Lin Xiao actually picked her up with a princess carry in front of the audience.

Sister Ying, I can heal your legs!

After saying that, Lin Xiao ran off with her in his embrace.

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