Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 121: Then I’m Coming!

Chapter 121: Then I’m Coming!

Loran Academy


Shen DaiYing wouldve never dreamed that Lin Xiao would be so brazen, and swept her away with a princess carry!

At best, one could say that he got impulsive and did something frivolous. At worse, this would be called kidnapping a foreign princess, a severe crime! If Shen DaiYing reported him, then tomorrow he would be able to get a taste of what execution by hanging feels like!

Actually, it doesnt have to be tomorrow, Shen DaiYing wasnt some weak and delicate girl, she could just draw Snow right here and right now and hack this frivolous skirt-chase to death, but she couldnt.

If it was another man, she would have already done something a long time ago, but this was Lin Xiao, the youth that once bravely confessed to her. She should feel shame and anger after being embraced by a man she has nothing to do with, but she was unable to say why, but being hugged by Lin Xiao made her feel at ease.

Lin Xiao would never hurt her, he would never overstep his bounds, he definitely wants to help her.

Similar thoughts continuously emerged inside of Shen DaiYings head, she continuously mulled over it, and in the end she even unconsciously blushed.

Lin Xiao, w-where are you taking me? Shen DaiYing was shocked by the words that came out of her mouth.

What she should do first is ask Lin Xiao to put her down, why did she start caring about the destination? Could it be she already accepted the reality of being embraced by Lin Xiao?

The confusion, embarrassment, and the pain from her wounds, all kinds of emotions intertwined, so Shen DaiYing couldnt calmly think at all.

Dont worry, Sister Ying. He lowered his head and gave her a confident smile, then continued running.

Perhaps it was because the previous fight was too intense, there was a faint smell of sweat emitting from Lin Xiaos body. This was the first time that she was embraced so intimately by a male, she could feel her heartbeat speed up, and her breathing becoming erratic.

They quickly entered the school building, and turned into an empty classroom. Lin Xiao kicked away a nearby desk to make some room and gently placed Shen DaiYing on a chair, then turned around and locked the door!


Lin Xiao, w-what do you want to do? Hearing that locking sound, Shen DaiYing nervously gulped.

Although she believed in Lin Xiaos character, but she couldnt stay calm in this current situation.

A man and woman alone in a locked room, she was also injured, no matter how you look at it, the events were developing towards a strange direction, as if to confirm her worries, Lin Xiao said something that made her blush to the tip of her ears.

Sister Ying, hurry and take it off! Lin Xiao urgently pressed her.

Take, take what off?

Of course your stockings!

Eh??? Shen DaiYing was bright red, her eyes were spinning, afraid of looking at him, and faintly said, Lin Xiao, do you think that Im that kind of casual woman? Even if its you, Ill get angry if you do something like this!

Why are you still saying stuff like this? Hurry up and take it off! Lin Xiao complained angrily, while take off his own coat.

After than, he walked towards Shen DaiYing, reached out like he was going to take off her stockings himself.

Shen DaiYing jumped, was Lin Xiao muddled by his desires and planning to take advantage of her? If that was the case what should she do? She couldnt actually go along with him, and let him play with her legs, right?

Ill be troubled if you do this please stop! Shen DaiYing endured the pain and stood up, then took a few steps back. No matter what, Im Caesars fiance, and also a princess please respect my identity!


Just as Lin Xiao was about to bend down to take off her stockings, she suddenly evaded and surprised him.

What are you talking about? He tilted his head, and stared blankly at the angry princess.

Recalling his previous actions and words, he finally realized.

Uh no, no, no, dont misunderstand! I didnt mean it like that Lin Xiao desperately shook his head like he wanted to be cleared of his crimes.

Was it not? Shen DaiYing vigilantly asked.

Of course not! I just wanted to treat your wounds! Lin Xiao quickly took out a small medicine vial from his coat and shook it in his hand.

Is that medicine? Shen DaiYing asked suspiciously.

That small medicine bottle had a nice looking round body with a cork stuffed in the opening. The bottle was filled with a dark red liquid, like the medicines that adventurers carried with them. There was magic faintly flowing through the sides of the bottle, its probably a circuit used to prevent it from going bad.

Thats right, this medicine is very effective! Your wounds can quickly heal and wont leave any scars! Lin Xiao said emotionally.

It wasnt anything else but the Demon King HP Potion.

Oh Shen DaiYing finally understood his intentions, but her face became even more red, I see you want me to take off my stockings, then help me apply medicine.

So it was a misunderstanding.

It makes sense, how could Lin Xiao be that kind of person?

Finally, she relaxed her vigilance, then limped back over to her seat.

So do I have to take it off?


But Im wearing shorts, if I want to take off the stockings, I have to I have to take off the shorts first By the end of her sentence, her voice was barely audible.

Because they were pantyhose, to take them off, the exterior shorts must be removed first.

What should he do?

Make the princess take off her shorts in front of him?

Of course! Although those were his honest words, but he would never say that! He wouldnt want to be treated as a pervert by her, so he had to maintain her favorable impression!

But he was overthinking it

Are you sure that medicine can treat my wounds? Shen DaiYing quietly asked.

Of course! Lin Xiao confidently declared.

Demon King HP Potionguaranteed to cure all illnesses, treating young and old alike!

Alright then Ill take it off Shen DaiYing bit her lips and quietly whispered.

Eh? Lin Xiao was stupefied.

Shen DaiYing was actually willing to take off her pants in front of him? It was like a dream.

C-can you please use your coat to cover me? Shen DaiYing blushed and pointed at the coat Lin Xiao took off earlier.

Oh! Lin Xiao immediately agreed.

He quickly retrieved it, held it in front of her lower body like a curtain, turned his head and put on a firm expression.

Sister Ying, I definitely wont peek! So go ahead.


Looking at the youth within hand reach, Shen DaiYing hesitated for a moment before sticking up her butt, putting both hands at her waist and slowly took off her pants.

She didnt even believe it herself that she would take off her pants in front of a man but it wasnt just anyone, it was Lin Xiao, although she was embarrassed, but she wasnt worried, and it all felt very natural.

Her sexy shorts slid down her buttocks onto her thighs, she carefully grabbed onto them and slowly shifted them downwards.

But, then came the disadvantages of having long legs, once the shorts passed her knees, she couldnt reach that far with her hands so she could only endure the pain and pull back her legs, first taking off her high-heels then her shorts.

The pantyhose came after the shorts.

Taking off the pantyhose was much more annoying, the black silk tightly wrapped her legs, although there were many large holes, it was still difficult to peel off.

With tearing and pulling, she finally was able to remove the already ripped pantyhose and revealed her fair legs.

Although she took it off, but she accidentally touched her wounds during the process, and couldnt help but suck in some air.


Eh? Whats wrong? hearing that sound, Lin Xiao thought something was wrong, and turned around to take a look.

White laced underwear what came into view gave one unlimited wild fantasies.

Not only her legs, but were her buttocks also so perky and stylish? That was Lin Xiaos first impression, he originally was worrying about her, but his eyesight was unconsciously attracted to her underwear.

Ah! Dont look! Noticing his gaze, Shen DaiYing quickly used her hands to cover herself.

Her shorts and pantyhose were already gone, all thats left was her underwear, now that Lin Xiao saw everything, she could die from embarrassment.

Sorry! I-it wasnt on purpose! I thought Lin Xiao quickly shut his eyes and apologized.

Sigh, forget it give me your coat.


Shen DaiYing took the coat Lin Xiao handed over and used it to cover her lower body like a skirt, and barely covered herself. Her dignity as a princess was preserved.

Okay, I took it off, c-come Shen DaiYing quietly said, If possible, please be gentle.

She extended her white and slender legs in front of Lin Xiao, but turned her head away, and didnt want to look directly at him.

cough. Lin Xiao almost choked on his own saliva.

Although he knew that Shen DaiYing was telling him to apply the medicine, but it sounded so ambiguous, like a frustrated wifes sweet whisperings, he almost couldnt hold on!

He nervously gulped.

Then Im coming!

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