Ravens of Eternity

Chapter 254

254 Toxic Desire

Eva’s eyes opened slowly, but to shadowy darkness. Her mind was still incredibly groggy, and she easily felt the drugs that had flooded her system. It seemed to her that she was laying on her back with her arms by her sides and with her legs stretched straight out.

She tried to look around, but could only see fuzzy shapes surrounding her.

All that she could really tell was that she was in a poorly-lit room, and that someone else was in the room with her. She could hear him breathing, and she could smell his musk, even if she couldn’t quite see him.

“You’ve finally woken up,” he said.

Though her mind was a whirl, a sense of recognition swept right through her. She had heard his voice before, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint who. Not yet, anyway.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out but a mild groan followed by a slight whimper. It dawned on her that she had little control over her body, thanks to whatever concoction was in her body.

Not only did she find focusing extremely difficult, but her body also felt sluggish and tired. More than she’d ever felt in her whole life. It seemed as though she was slightly disconnected from herself, and that everything was just slightly out of reach.

“You woke up a bit earlier than I expected,” the voice continued. “By at least an hour. You refugees really do have such amazing physiologies. I’d better up your dosage just to keep you nice and tame.”

Alarmed by what he said, Eva tried to get up. But she found she was unable to move. It wasn’t just that her body felt exhausted – she was physically tethered down to what seemed to be a medical bed.


Her wrists and ankles were all physically restrained with thick, flexible collars wrapped around them. They appeared to be made of a reactive metal compound, and attached directly to the medical bed itself.

Eva immediately tried to struggle out of the restraints, but found they were impossible to get out of. They tightened even further the more she wrestled with them. And because she had no energy to begin with, ended up panting heavily and sweating profusely just from a few seconds of fighting.

Thankfully, as she relaxed her muscles, so too did the bindings. It was as though it responded to any use of force with increased pressure. But they still remained tight and kept her locked in.

Fear swept through her when she realized exactly how helpless she was. It spiked greatly once a shadowy figure stepped up next to her. He loomed above her like some sort of dark specter.

He put a medgun up to her arm and injected it with more drugs. She felt swarms of nanites as they spread through her body and deposited their intoxicating payload straight to her blood. She felt her mind become even more numb as she dissociated further from her body.

His drugs swam through her system and utterly soaked her to the bone.

Then he bent down and peered straight into her eyes, and watched as her pupils dilated further.

And now that he was that close, she could easily see who it was. The man who had tied her up and drugged her was none other than Commander Ryan Chase. She immediately wanted to scream at him, curse him, and demand he let her go.

But she hardly had any energy to fight.

“Why?” was all she could mutter.

A vulgar grin grew on his face as he withdrew his nanites and put away his medgun. Then he looked over Eva’s body and admired her curves openly. In the past he tried his best to keep his glances surreptitious. But now, she was completely at his mercy, and he didn’t need to do anything secretly any longer.

He placed a hand on her body, and began to roam it.

“Because I want to,” he began. “I need to.”

Eva immediately felt sick to her stomach when she realized what he was actually up to. That this was all a product of his unbridled lust. She felt his hand cup one of her breasts, and massaged it through her workout clothes.

His fingers brushed up against her nipple, and caused it to rise.

Eva struggled as much as she could while restrained, and tried her best to shy away from him, to move her body as much as she could. But there was nowhere she could go, and his hand stayed where it was.

She realized that even though her mind was incredibly foggy, and that she had little control over her body, her senses were still acute. His touch was plain for her to feel, and she shuddered.

“Stop,” she muttered.

Chase simply laughed, then slipped both his hands under her tight workout shirt in response. His rough hands roamed her skin, then pushed her clothes up and revealed her breasts to him.

He drooled uncontrollably at the sight, then kneaded them with his palms. His fingers played with her nipples, squeezed them, twisted them, flicked them. He shivered with great delight, as though he was experiencing pleasure for the first time in his life.

While he enjoyed the feel of her skin, Eva attempted to use Ascendant Form to purge the drugs from her system. She closed her eyes and breathed deep as she focused in on herself.

Like with alcohol, she poured what little energy she had into her liver, and did her best to start detoxifying herself. Her body began to collect the drug and broke it down as fast as it could.

But since her system was practically flooded with it, and because she had little energy to begin with, the detoxification took a long time. It was working though, bit by bit. All she had to do was weather what he was doing.

And also hope that he didn’t med her again.

Something struck her as odd though – she felt much weaker than she normally would. It wasn’t just exhaustion that wracked her body. There was something else. It almost felt like she was sick with the flu.

“What’d you do?” she muttered again. “Feel weak.”

The commander didn’t stop touching her, even as he answered. He had been waiting and planning for so long that he couldn’t help himself.

“Nothing fancy,” he replied. “Just a little genetic suppression, along with some neural controller. And a little something extra, too.”

With that, he pinched one of her nipples, squeezed hard, then twisted it quickly.

Pain suddenly shot through Eva, far more than she normally would feel. She glared at him hatefully from the act. If she had the ability to spit in his face, she would have.

“It took me a while to develop it,” he continued nonchalantly. “And it’s specifically for you, you know that? Months and months of work, all for you, to make you mine. Aren’t you proud?”

“You’re a waste,” she replied quickly.

But he only laughed lightly at her defiance. He finally stopped groping her and instead got right up to her face. He looked into her eyes and soaked up the anger she was pouring out of them.

“Hate me all you want,” he said, “but it isn’t gonna change a thing. Not even if you get free! You see, my antigen isn’t any old drug – it’s suppressing you in just the right ways. You’re practically a normal girl while it’s in your system.”

His face came closer to hers as he spoke, and his musky smell filled her nose to the point where she felt like choking.

“Your precious refugee strength?” he continued, “Gone.”

He then pressed his lips into hers and forced a kiss from her. And when she pressed her lips shut and tried to turn her head away, he simply grabbed her, and stopped her. And continued despite her struggles.

Chase practically covered her mouth in his slobber as his overwhelming desire overtook his mind and his body.

Eva scraped together what energy she could, opened her mouth, then bit down as hard as she could. She grinned widely as he jumped backward with a yelp and touched his split lip.

Even that little bit of effort caused her to breathe deeply. Then her head fell back as she recovered what little stamina she had. It felt as though her huge tank of energy had been capped off, but she was gaining it back bit by bit.

She realized that she needed to keep that fact hidden, no matter what he did to her.

Though anger crossed Chase’s eyes after being bitten, they quickly faded away. He walked over to some of his tools and picked up another medgun. He lightly chuckled to himself as he injected himself with some fresh biocells and healed the tiny wound.

“Calm down,” he said. “You’re mine, now. The faster you realize this, the better it’ll be for you. I personally don’t care either way. You’re my perfect plaything. You don’t have to eat, you don’t have to sleep. I can do whatever I want to you, whenever, now and forever. Literally, until I die.”

“I’ll make sure,” she muttered in response, “you die.”

“Oh, I will, I’m sure,” he said. “But not before I make you mine, over and over again. Now, time to get back to schedule.”

Chase turned back to his tools and pulled a pen-like device from a pile. He then hunched over Eva’s body and activated the pen. A thin stream of energy emitted from its tip, and cut into her clothes.

Or, more precisely, it deatomized her clothing at very fine and precise points, but left her skin completely intact. He pulled away strips of fabric as he slowly unwrapped her like a present. The commander had dreamt of this moment so many times, and finally got the chance to lavish himself in it.

He truly sunk into it and enjoyed every second that he could.

While he worked at stripping her bare, Eva went into her DI and attempted to message everyone on her friends list. Unfortunately, every message she sent simply failed.

Multiple error messages popped up, no matter what she tried.


She also attempted to get into SolNet to send messages through there, but also found her ability to connect hampered. It was as though there wasn’t a single connection node around her.

No doubt there was something that either suppressed her connection, or shielded her from the connection nodes outside. It was also possible that she was far out in space, but she didn’t feel that to be right.

It still felt like Helios – the artificial gravity, the perfect atmospheric pressure. In fact, she was almost certain that she was still on the megastation.

Eva also attempted to roam his local network, but only found a couple of terminals and a handful of datapads in the room. They all held highly restricted access to SolNet, and were also securely protected behind heavy code walls.

“I’ve been watching you,” Chase began, “on your ‘Cast, everywhere, really. Always prancing all around the Federation. It was almost like you owned it yourself. I bet you were proud of that, huh? About how free you were. What’s it feel like now that it’s all gone?”

He continued to cut into her clothes as he spoke, and stripped her further with absolute delight. Chase peeled back another strip of cloth and tossed it aside. It landed on a small pile of strips, which grew ever larger as time passed.

Thanks to her training, and her confidence, Eva didn’t feel any humiliation from what he was doing to her. She definitely greatly feared the violation that was surely going to come after, and so wished for him to take his time.

The last thing she wanted was to be reduced to someone’s sexual toy. Not for a minute, an hour, or a goddamned lifetime.

Though the thoughts threatened to tear her soul apart, she did her best to keep herself calm. She needed time to think clearly, to find a way out of this, to escape.

Eva had no doubts that the Ravens were already looking for her, but she didn’t have the luxury of waiting for them. There was no chance in hell that she was simply going to turn herself over to this creep.

“Not gone,” she muttered. “Interrupted.”

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