Ravens of Eternity

Chapter 255

255 Fatal Consequences

Chase chuckled at Eva’s small rebellions. He found them useless and pointless. Sometimes, hilariously so. But he didn’t find the harm in them, and even found them somewhat endearing.

He looked over at her half-stripped body to inspect his work, but his libido suddenly jumped into his throat as he saw her naked flesh. His desire swelled yet again, and he decided to take a short break.

And a few liberties.

The commander set his atomic scalpel down, then went for her chest yet again. This time, he bent down right on them, and suckled her nipples with his mouth. She clearly froze in shock under him, and even tried to back away as far as she could.

But of course, she had nowhere to go. Especially after he grabbed her upper arms and kept her still, for the most part anyway. This allowed him to molest her further with his tongue, his mouth, his teeth.

He switched from breast to breast, and toyed with them gleefully. All while she squirmed under his grasp. The power he felt over her was intoxicating. Combined with his unchecked lust, he lavished himself on her body with relentless exuberance.

After a while, he stopped and pulled away. His face was red, and his breaths were heavy and uneven.

“We’re going to have a lot of fun together,” he said in between breaths. “Been waiting a long time to do this, to have you. And now that you’re here... Well, we’re both gonna spend as much time as we need to make up for it all.”

He wiped his mouth dry, then went back to cutting off strips of her clothing.


Eva’s heart pounded in her chest after his brief violation of her. She felt his disgusting saliva, even as it cooled on her skin. And she could still feel his mouth on her somehow. She wanted desperately to wipe it all off her.

The stench of his lust wafted off him in droves and filled the room. It hit a point where it felt heavy in the air, enough to suffocate her. There was a hint of fury in that lust, buried deep inside. It was the root of the power he held over her. Or at least in the enjoyment of it.

Her fear of the future, of what he was going to do to her was overwhelming. She felt as though she was going to drown in it. Although she did her best to push away all those thoughts, she couldn’t help but get inundated with them.

Despite it all, she did her best to keep calm, and kept her heart from bursting right out. The last thing she needed to do was panic and lose control. It would give him more power over her. Which was all he had taken thus far.

Eva began to breathe in and out evenly, and fought hard to stay calm. She needed to maintain it, no matter what was happening.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to get angry and freak out and get loose. She simply felt she needed to preserve her strength.

Her body was detoxifying itself more efficiently as the moments passed. She found she was getting more and more control of herself, and that the limits on her stamina pool began to lift.

But she was still far from strong. Far from being able to get herself out of this.

Plus, she still had to deal with her restraints, which she had no idea how to get out of. If she had full power, she was certain that she could get out through brute strength alone. However, she needed plenty of time and energy to pull a stunt like that, and she was severely deprived of both.

Not only that, but she was certain that he was going to inject her again with his genetic suppressors. And likely soon.

She rolled her head and tried to look around the room for something, anything, that could help her. It was then that she found his wall shrine to her.

The fears she held magnified even more as she looked at it, as she watched her own videos on its screens in the corner. Her eyes settled on the center of the whole thing, where a black and white collar hung from a peg.

There were a handful of medical vials and devices affixed to it.

Her eyes went wide when she realized it was meant for her – that it was likely filled with his drugs. And that it no doubt would keep her under a drug-fueled haze for as long as she wore it.

Certainty filled her then, that she needed to find a way out before anything like that could remotely happen.

Stay calm, she told herself. Don’t freak, no matter what. You can get out. You can do anything.

Her chest rose and fell deeply as she regulated her breathing. She sucked in lungfuls of air, and exhaled it out evenly. As she did so, she undid more and more of Chase’s medications and regained a bit more of her strength.

She froze when she felt his hand squeeze her inner thigh. Her body went slightly rigid out of alarm, but she quickly forced herself to relax. She didn’t want to give away the fact that she was regaining control faster than he anticipated.

Instead, she forced herself to suffer through whatever indignity he was going to do to her... But she was unable to stop herself from closing her knees together when his hand crept further up her thigh.

Despite her defensive reaction, he simply pushed her other leg away forcefully, then brushed his fingers against her labia. His lust swelled further as Eva’s body shivered. He felt her fear and anxiety spill out in droves, and that only seemed to empower him further.

He pinched the strip of clothing that covered her womanhood, and pulled it away and tossed it aside with pure joy. It was the last strip of cloth, and was somewhat symbolic to him. It was almost as though he was filled with pride as he took it away.

She was now completely bare to him, which caused his member to throb in his pants. He stretched his hand out again, and began to massage her down below.

Eva felt herself empty out and grow cold as his rough fingers began to probe her. Her heart stuffed itself into her throat and her hands formed into fists. Her whole body trembled out of fear, and out of a primal need to run.

But all that happened was his slow violation of her body. She hated the feeling instantly, of being touched without her desire or consent. Worst of all, her body betrayed her. While her mind and soul screamed at his touch, her body became aroused instead. And it infuriated her deep in her core.

“You’re just about ready,” he said. “But I’d better make sure...”

He dipped a finger into her, which she cringed at. Then, he pulled it out, tasted it, and savored it with delight.

She hated every moment of it. She hated being betrayed by her body.

“Last part of my antigen, you see,” he said. “Sure, I numbed most of your neuroreceptors. Except for the ones that regulate your pain and pleasure. You’ll feel both so much more than normal. It’ll make you far more receptive to my touch. By the time I’m done, you’ll be begging for more.”

Eva’s heart thundered furiously – she could no longer take it. He already began his invasion of her, and he wasn’t going to stop. But she was far from ready to make a move. She still didn’t have much energy, and there was still a ton of his drug in her.

But if she didn’t act now...

She shook the thought away. It was pointless for her to dwell on it. There simply was no later, only what she did now.

Eva stilled her mind and heart. She relaxed her body and breathed deep, then focused on herself once again. She didn’t have the energy to overpower her restraints, but perhaps she didn’t need to.

She imagined that the more she resisted, the more pressure it applied. But what if she did the opposite? What if she relaxed to a point where it simply didn’t react? Maybe she could even get it to loosen...

No matter what, she needed to try. It wasn’t as though she had many other options otherwise.

So, instead of hardening her bones, she instead softened them. Rubberized them, in a way. She felt her bones stretch as she made the calcium in them elastic. As she did so, she also pulled her right arm out of its restraints, ever so slowly.

At first her collar clamped down on her wrist painfully, but she forced herself to relax. Even while the commander continued to “prepare” her with his fingers. Then, she slid it out millimeter by millimeter.

It seemed as though an eternity had come and gone as she slowly slid her hand out. In all that time, waves of unwanted pleasure struck her from down below.

How she found the control to keep it together was beyond her. But she found the strength regardless.

Commander Chase hardly even noticed what she was doing. He was so engrossed with her body that he simply didn’t see her hand as it slowly slipped out. Besides, he had absolute confidence in his medical concoction, as well as his equipment.

He was absolutely certain that she had no chance of getting out of his grasp. Not only had he studied her physiology and understood her limits, but he had even prepared for any growth she might have made.

Unfortunately for him, Ascendant Form was something he could never truly see or understand – it wasn’t some trait that could be easily read. It was something buried within all humans, all people.

And only those who had become truly aware of themselves would even know to look, much less develop

Had he known that she was one of the few experts in the entire galaxy, he might have been able to actually keep her chained. In fact, it was possible that he would never have taken her at all.

Once Eva was completely free of her restraint, her hand shot forward with incredible speed. She grabbed Chase by the neck, and began to squeeze. Hard.

She poured whatever energy she had left and strengthened her grip. Her fingers closed around his neck and choked the life out of him, one second at a time.

The commander was utterly surprised and astounded that she was able to get free. He quickly reached up to try to prise her fingers apart, but she was far stronger than him. His mind shot in alarm – he found her strength impossible. There was no way she was able to get past his suppression.

Well, at least in his mind.

His hand flailed to the side as he grasped for one of his medguns. He recklessly smacked around whatever tools he had on the medical stand as his hand searched for a familiar handle. Chase found a medgun despite his desperate flailing, and immediately swung it over towards Eva’s arm.

His vision began to fade as he struggled to place its injector on her skin.

Eva saw as he brought the gun over, and tried to clumsily inject her. Fearful that he would be successful, she poured every last bit of energy into her fingers, and squeezed as hard as she could.

And then, with an intensifying grip, snapped his neck with a satisfying CRACK.

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