Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 1227 - God-like Opponent

Chapter 1227: God-like Opponent

“Dali, you don’t have to worry too much. Let’s go take over the military power first.” Lei Zhe knew it was not the time to be anxious. After all, this Dimensional War was not something that would end in a day or two. They had better head to the place to take over the military power first. Hong Dali could do what he wanted after that. With him around, Hong Dali would not stand a chance to play the fool.

“Oh, okay.” Hong Dali nodded. Then, he thought for a while and suddenly whispered to Ling Xiaoyi. Ling Xiaoyi received his instructions and went on to make arrangements.

Teyi Astral’s Dimension Battlefield was located in one of the medium galaxies of this Astral. The total population of this galaxy was about ten trillion. The Dimension Door was right in the middle of this galaxy. The Tuka Planet nearest to it was similar to Earth. Most of the humans on Tuka Planet had migrated. The entire planet had been transformed into a huge interstellar fortress. Spacecraft flew in and out often and there were several space carriers patrolling around it.

Soon, Hong Dali and the others entered the atmosphere of Tuka Planet and landed in an area full of steel fortresses.

“Salute!” Once the spacecraft landed, several officer-like people approached them and saluted. “Subordinate Teyi Astral Command Division Lieutenant Griffin greets Lieutenant General Lei Zhe!”

“En, okay.” Lei Zhe nodded slightly and said as he walked in, “Let’s talk after we go in.”

A group of them entered the fortress noisily. It did not take long before they arrived at a hall full of various monitoring equipment. This should be the command headquarters. Lei Zhe found himself a chair and sat down. “How is the situation here?” He explained the general situation to Hong Dali on their way over. As for the detailed situation, the person-in-charge would be able to better explain.

“It doesn’t look very optimistic.” Lieutenant Griffin summoned a holographic projection in the center of the hall. The image was much clearer than the one they saw previously. It was divided into eight large areas.

Griffin introduced. “There are over 100 billion warriors arriving from other dimensions through the Dimension Door. They are all very powerful. This is nothing. The previous Dimensional War was about the same scale. The problem is that there’s a very impressive character from the Cultivators’ team.”

“Oh? Very impressive character? What situation is this?” Hearing that, Lieutenant General Lei Zhe immediately frowned.

In general, the determining factor in the Dimensional War was the number of people. That meant both parties would keep pushing in troops until the Dimension Door closed. The total time taken was about one hundred years.

Powerful warriors often appeared from different dimensions. For example, the Demon King and Fire Dragon King. They belonged to similar levels as leaders from their respective teams.

It was obvious this was not what Griffin meant.

“This person is named Tang Zhen.” Griffin manipulated a holographic projection, tapped on it twice, and a person’s face appeared.

It was a man in his thirties. He sat steadily on a huge Dragon Throne and appeared calm.

The man was dressed in a purple magnificent-looking suit covered with a long black cape with golden lining. He had a three-inch gem belt around his waist which shone brightly. His presence was strong. His shoulders were broad and his waist was thin. He was viciously handsome with his angular face and narrow eyes. He looked dignified and not a bit insidious.

His complexion was bright and translucent, like a piece of jade that shone brightly or that of a month-old baby. His shiny black hair was center-parted, his nose tall and straight, his eyes were expressive and bright like lightning. He had a phoenix-shaped red birthmark on his forehead in line with his stature, leaving a deep impression on others.

He seemed like how the Devil would look like if it were reborn. This was the very impressive character Griffin mentioned, Tang Zhen.

“His name is Tang Zhen, known as the Devil Lord.” Griffin introduced him to Lei Zhe. “We already know he’s extremely powerful. Almost all the Cultivators from the Cultivator World take orders from him. They fought the Demon race recently and defeated them. The ratio of loss of men between Tang Zhen and the Demon race was 1:15.”

“What?!” Hearing that, Lieutenant General Lei Zhe stood up in shock!

He stared at the holographic projection image showing the Devil Lord Tang Zhen and said with a trembling voice, “Battle loss ratio 1:15?! How is it possible?! How did he do it?!”

Battle loss ratio of 1:15 did not sound too exaggerated. However, they battled in the universe. Both parties depended fully on their strength. It was impossible for the Cultivation dimension to vary so much from the Demon Dimension.

In other words, this Tang Zhen managed to defeat the Demon Race solely by tactics.

It was obvious this was not the only complicated matter.

“This Devil Lord Tang Zhen is very strong.” Griffin played a video. “This is a video of him in a battle that we painstakingly got. Lord Lei Zhe, please take a look.”

It was a short video, about one minute long. In the video, the leader of the Demon Race roared as he charged toward Tang Zhen. Its frame of about one thousand meters tall dashed across the universe. Tang Zhen looked like a little bug standing in front of him.

His body radiated rage and blood-red beams shot out from his eyes. His large claws could tear the universe apart. The terrifying energy was violently swept toward Tang Zhen. Before this attack reached him, the leader of the Demon Race stepped forward and drew a half-circle with his right claw. The power of his second attack was faster than the first one. Two claw marks tore a dark and black opening in space striking Tang Zhen!

Space was torn by his attack, there was no doubt about its strength and power.

At this moment, Tang Zhen made a move. Lei Zhe and the others could only see his slow-moving action, every detail of his move, his clothes, his every strand of hair, as he squinted his lightning eyes slightly.

Tang Zhen’s expression was extremely leisurely. His left hand was behind his body as he slowly lifted his right hand aiming for the center position of the Demon Race leader’s claw and pointed gently. Violent energy stirred and that terrifying claw which could tear space apart could not advance even one step further.

“Po...” A slight sound like the burst of a bubble sounded in everyone’s ears, and the immense and powerful claw disappeared strangely into the vast universe.

The Demon Race leader took a step back, his face pale and his eyes dull. A trace of blood ran down the corner of his mouth slowly.

Tang Zhen did not move. It was as if he had just done something insignificant.

Everyone could not believe their eyes.

That was the leader of the Demon Race, a character worthy of being the leader of an entire camp. All it took for Tang Zhen to defeat him was the effort of one finger. He was defeated and injured without even getting a chance of striking back.

“This... how could this be?!” Lei Zhe stared with his eyes wide open. He stared at Tang Zhen in the video, who remained calm standing in the vast universe, and said anxiously, “How can there be such a powerful person?! What level is this Tang Zhen’s skill at?!”

Everyone kept silent.

Forget about the battle loss ratio 1:15. He had seen quite a number of tactical geniuses—for example, the legendary Marshal Rommel from the same dimension. But this Tang Zhen was so incredibly strong. Such an opponent was simply a god-like existence!

How were they supposed to fight against an opponent like this? He had both tactics and strength. The leader of the Demon Race was defeated instantly.

“According to our detailed analysis of this video,” Griffin sighed deeply, “Tang Zhen’s true strength should be the peak of the Astral. It’s completely possible that he has achieved a sub-god level. The battle power of his finger in the video is about 30 million.”

His battle power reached 30 million with just a single finger. How would anyone fight such an enemy?!

Lei Zhe took a deep breath, then looked around. He realized everyone was silent.

Tang Zhen’s real ability was too powerful. If he was just a tactical genius, they could at least discuss how to proceed to their next step. Or if he was just powerful, then they could use some good tactics to lower their battle loss. But he was good at both...

“Dali, if it cannot be done, we should quickly escape.” Tang Muxin was extremely nervous. It was impossible to fight against a god-like opponent!

“Yes, let’s do that.” Lei Zhe felt depressed. He said helplessly, “Our opponent is too strong. In fact, I was considering retreating as I saw the video, to ask everyone near the Dimension Door to retreat. It’s almost impossible to defeat such an opponent. He’s simply too powerful. We don’t have anyone worthy to match against him.”

Although it did not feel good to admit defeat, Lei Zhe knew it was impossible to go against such an opponent.

He was good in both tactics and strength. This was the legendary dual-strength opponent. If one was better in tactical, he would kill them directly. If one was not as good tactically, he would play them to their death.

There was no way to fight.

“En, I think it’s worth a try.” After looking at Tang Zhen’s image and considering for a while, Hong Dali chose not to escape. Instead, he clenched his teeth. “Although our opponent is powerful, he’s human, after all. At least we can choose to have a talk with him.”

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