Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 1228 - Devil Lord Tang Zhen

Chapter 1228: Devil Lord Tang Zhen

“You’re crazy!” Lei Zhe exclaimed loudly after hearing what Hong Dali said. “That’s a man who has 30 million battle power in one finger. You want to negotiate with him? What makes you think you’re worthy?! Do you believe he can simply kill you the moment you appear?!”

“I believe.” Hong Dali chuckled. “However, I do know one thing. A person will always have something he wants. I’m very curious, what would a man like that want? If he says he’s only here to kill people, I won’t believe it.”

Hearing that, everyone became quiet.

Hong Dali was right. Everyone should have their own goals and something to work towards. However, if this goal was just to kill people, that was absolutely impossible.

While everyone was silent, a low and elegant voice suddenly spoke. “Well said. This Tang has been here for three years and this little brother is the first person to have aroused my interest. Everyone should have a goal to fight for. This is true.”

That someone would show up at this time, could it be...

Everyone snapped around and looked in the direction of the voice. It was a man in his thirties walking in slowly from the direction of the gate. The man wore a purple cape that dragged on the ground behind him. He was handsome and had a blood-red Phoenix birthmark on his forehead. Was this not the Tang Zhen they had seen in the holographic projection?

“You’re Tang Zhen?!” Lei Zhe stood up hurriedly, immediately alert. Everyone else also immediately became on edge and alert. But Lei Zhe waved his hand, instructing them to step back.

If this was really Tang Zhen from the holographic projection, it would not make a difference no matter how many men came.

“Your guess is correct, I’m This Tang.” Tang Zhen confirmed his identity, then nodded slightly to Lei Zhe as a greeting.

He just stood there quietly, his very being suffusing might. Even Lei Zhe, who had been fortunate enough to have seen Oracle, felt that compared with Oracle, Tang Zhen seemed to be the more powerful one!

“You have matters to deal with here? Are you planning to kill us?” Lei Zhe looked at Tang Zhen, his breathing became rapid and his palms were wet with cold sweat.

Although he was already Astral-level, compared with Tang Zhen, he had absolutely no certainty of winning.

The pinnacle of the astral world, even the sub-god level was already an existence unimaginable to him.

“Kill you?” Tang Zhen looked at Lei Zhe with a faint smile in his eyes. “What ability do you have that makes it worthwhile for This Tang to kill you myself?”

His words were arrogant, but no one would doubt the sincerity in his words. Indeed, although Lei Zhe was a master, compared with Tang Zhen, the gap was huge.

“What is your purpose here, then?” Lei Zhe knew that he was not Tang Zhen’s match and could only put on a brave front.

“This Tang has only come by this time as a passing guest.” Tang Zhen wavered slightly, then he appeared in front of an empty chair in the great hall before sitting down. “You didn’t even offer a drink and fruits. This is not hospitality.”

He said it so naturally that anyone who did not know what was really going on would have thought he was really here as a guest.

“Guards, get Mr. Tang a drink and some fruits!” At this time, Lei Zhe had decided to throw caution out of the window. Since the other party had come to him, whether he came in peace or otherwise, they had not started fighting yet and he still had to remain civil.

Soon, some soldiers delivered the best drinks and fruits. Tang Zhen picked up the drink and took a sip. He smiled and nodded, expressing his satisfaction. “As expected, it’s more comfortable dealing with humans. The demons are too uncouth and their food and drink are not to this Tang’s taste.”

He drank elegantly, coupled with his magnanimity and manner, it did not annoy others at all.

“Fortunately, we are all civilized people.” Lei Zhe sat down. He looked at Tang Zhen and asked slowly, “Can you tell me why you have come?”

Tang Zhen’s presence here was strange, he had to ask.

“Since I already said that this Tang is just passing through, then it’s really just passing through.” Tang Zhen smiled. He did not get angry. Instead, he looked at Hong Dali and said with a smile, “This Tang agrees with what the little brother said just now. What do you think this Tang’s goal is? Care to share?”

He had directed the question to Hong Dali. Everyone held their breath. They could not figure out what he was up to.

“Regarding Mr. Tang’s goal, I’m really not too sure what it is.” Hong Dali was unflustered. He grinned and said, “Let me guess first. In this world, there are only a few things a person pursues. The first is wealth. I don’t think Mr. Tang is lacking there. Even if you’re indeed lacking wealth, you would not be looking for it here. After all, you would not be able to bring it home to spend, right?”

“Haha, that’s interesting.” Tang Zhen laughed and said, “Well, for this Tang, wealth is nothing more than a fleeting cloud. It’s optional.”

“Then, what about power?” Hong Dali shook his head again. “Mr. Tang is already at the peak of the entire cultivation world, at least at the top of all the Cultivators who come here. I guess you don’t care for power either. Anyway, you’re already here. Who is there to dictate what you do? Right?”

“Yes.” Tang Zhen continued to nod. “This little brother is right. Power has no meaning for this Tang.”

“Third, beauty.” Hong Dali looked at Tang Zhen and sniffed hard. “Mr. Tang is wealthy, powerful, and handsome. Even I feel jealous when I look at you. I think if Mr. Tang is interested, there will be beautiful women queuing up all the way to the Dimension Door. So, I guess Mr. Tang is not here for beauties either.”

“Hahahaha, the little brother’s opinion is funny.” Tang Zhen laughed and said, “In fact, the beautiful exterior might hide an ugly heart. To this Tang, there’s no difference between beautiful women and ugly women.”

“Since it’s none of these three, then there’s only one possibility left.” Hong Dali finally stared at Tang Zhen with certainty. He chuckled and said, “The Way! There can only be one thing Mr. Tang is pursuing. That’s the Way of Martial Arts. Although I can’t guess how skilled Mr. Tang is, I’m sure it’s definitely top-notch.”

“This little brother is really brilliant.” Tang Zhen was very satisfied with Hong Dali’s answer. “Yes, This Tang is pursuing the Way. Unfortunately, this Tang has yet to meet an enemy who requires me to use my full power. Little brother, can you answer some questions from this Tang?”

If it were someone else, he would definitely have said “Yes, go ahead” to Tang Zhen in response to his question. Hong Dali was obviously different. He asked with his eyes wide open, “What if I don’t answer?”

“It’s okay not to answer.” Tang Zhen did not get angry. The smile on his face remained gentle and he said, “This Tang does not like to make things difficult for people. If the little brother does not want to answer, he does not have to.”

Their conversation befuddled the people around them. Everyone wanted to know what questions he wanted to ask, but Hong Dali just looked at Tang Zhen with a smile and did not probe further. Tang Zhen also fell silent for a while. He picked up his drink and took another elegant sip.

It had to be said that Tang Zhen was faultless. He maintained a calm and collected countenance. Even the most discerning person could not find fault with him.

The whole hall had gone strangely quiet.

No one on Hong Dali’s side dared to speak. Tang Zhen simply sipped his drink quietly, his intentions unreadable.

Fortunately, they did not stay silent for long. Tang Zhen soon put down the glass and closed his eyes. After about five seconds, Tang Zhen exclaimed in sudden surprise. “If I’m not wrong, little brother’s identity is a little unusual. Although you have absolutely no energy fluctuation within you, this Tang can sense that if the little brother is desperate, he’s capable of erupting with unimaginable force. Strange, haha, really strange.”

He seemed to have answered his own question. Suddenly, Tang Zhen appeared beside Hong Dali. He stretched out two fingers and pinched Hong Dali’s wrist. His movements looked slow, but everyone who was watching knew that it was actually because his movement had already exceeded the speed at which the human eye could see. What looked slow was actually extremely fast, exceeding the limits of one’s reflexes.

“Well, there’s nothing special physically, but... eh?” Tang Zhen was a little disappointed at first, then suddenly surprised. He let Hong Dali’s wrist go. In an instant, he returned to his previous position. The entire process took a while to narrate, but it actually happened in a split second. Except for the few seconds it took him to speak, everything else happened in an instant. After he had returned to his seat, Tang Zhen smiled and said, “No wonder this Tang had a feeling that he will gain something here today. So this is it.”

His words were cryptic and no one in the room understood what he meant.

At this time, Tang Zhen stood up and smiled at Hong Dali. “It seems that this Tang has gained a lot today. A strange little brother, and a strange girl.” Here, he looked at Gu Feifei again and smiled. “It’s an interesting combination, and it’s possible that it may create a miracle. Oh well, in this case, this Tang wishes to see if the combination of you two will give this Tang some surprises.”

Speaking up to this point, he suddenly became blurred. By the time everyone reacted, he had already disappeared, leaving only one sentence ringing in everyone’s ears. “Work hard, little brother. You’re still too weak now. Just a little bit stronger than those laughable Heaven’s Chosen Ones. This is not enough, it’s far from enough.”

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