Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 176: They Weren't Useless

Chapter 176: They Weren't Useless


The Dwarven Kingdom is an isolated kingdom for a reason. It was surrounded by the tallest mountains, acting as a natural perimeter that deterred intruders and made any direct assault near impossible. The mountains were jagged, their peaks disappearing into the clouds, creating a nearly impassable barrier that encased the kingdom in stone. Within the kingdom's perimeter, the terrain sloped down into a deep valley, where the dwarves had built their fortress-like cities, nestled safely between the towering rock faces.

Vincent had hoped that his air support, particularly the fleet of Apache helicopters, could be used to rain down firepower on the advancing demon forces. But as he stood on the battlements, gazing at the surrounding mountains, he realized the grim reality.

"The mountains are too tall," Vincent muttered, frustration seeping into his voice. He had already communicated with his commanders, explaining the situation, but the response was the same. "The Apaches can't maneuver at this altitude. They're designed for low-level attacks, not for fighting in terrain like this."

But here, within the confines of the towering mountain range, the helicopters were rendered ineffective, their range and flight capabilities severely limited by the sheer height of the terrain. The peaks soared too high, creating air currents that made maneuvering dangerous, if not outright impossible.

He clenched his fists. Within the confines of the towering mountain range, the helicopters were rendered ineffective, their range and flight capabilities severely limited by the sheer height of the terrain. The peaks soared too high, creating air currents that made maneuvering dangerous, if not outright impossible.

"Then what do we have?" Marcus asked, stepping beside him.

Vincent turned to his second-in-command. "We can send the AC-130. It's equipped to operate at higher altitudes, and it can fire from up to 10,000 feet."

Marcus nodded. "But it's our best option?"

"It's the only option for air support," Vincent replied. "Besides, there is nothing we can really do against those demons because they are too powerful. We have not yet enhanced our conventional weapons to effectively kill them. Our only hope of shutting them down is through Velara, who had been holding up on her own against the Demon King Generals so far."

Vincent continued. "But she won't be able to hold them forever. If the demons manage to break through her defenses, there's no telling what kind of destruction they'll unleash on the kingdom."

Marcus crossed his arms. "We can help this kingdom by taking down the dead dwarves controlled by one of the Demon King Generals."

Vincent affirmed with a nod. "We'll do just that."Nôv(el)B\\jnn


Twenty minutes later.

"Spooky-1, this is Alpha Actual. There is a Demon King General that we want you to take down. The one that is controlling that vortex. That's the one who was controlling the dead, I want you to terminate him."

"Spooky-1 to Alpha Actual, acknowledged."

Inside the aircraft, the crew coordinated as they locked onto their targets below. The necromancer was their priority. His vortex of dark energy swirled ominously on the ground, consuming everything within its reach. His control over the undead dwarves had decimated the defenders, and if left unchecked, he would overwhelm Velara and the remaining forces.

"Spooky-1, target acquired," the weapon systems operator announced, his finger hovering over the trigger. "Preparing to engage."

"Engaging with 105mm. Fire for effect."

The AC-130 banked slightly as it adjusted its trajectory, ensuring the perfect firing angle. Below, Velara struggled against the overwhelming pressure of Morgath's dark magic. His vortex swirled relentlessly, pushing her back, her defenses barely holding. She had already fended off Garruk's relentless assaults and Thalor's shadowy attacks, but the constant barrage was wearing her down.

As Morgath's skeletal hands directed the vortex toward her, Velara felt the crushing force intensify. The dark magic threatened to engulf her entirely, but just as she braced for the final onslaught, the sky above lit up.

Without warning, a thunderous explosion erupted nearby. The ground trembled violently as a massive 105mm shell from the AC-130 struck just meters from Morgath's position. The shockwave ripped through the vortex, dispersing the dark energy in an instant. Morgath, who had been standing at the center of his magical storm, was caught completely off guard. Another 105mm round from the M102 howitzer hit the ground, this time even closer. The explosion disintegrated everything in its radius-stone, debris, and Morgath himself. The sheer force of the blast ripped through his ethereal form, his skeletal grin frozen in shock as his body was torn apart by the impact. His dark magic flickered and faded as if snuffed out by the blast, leaving nothing but a smoking crater where he once stood.

"Spooky-1 to Alpha Actual. Stand-by for confirmation."

Thalor's gaze darted around in confusion, trying to comprehend what had just occurred. Morgath, the necromancer who wielded immense power over life and death, was gone- obliterated in the blink of an eye. His life force, which had always pulsed like a dark beacon, was suddenly snuffed out. The shadowy assassin could hardly believe it. He looked toward Garruk, who also seemed momentarily stunned by the turn of events.

"What just happened?" Thalor hissed, his form flickering between the shadows. "Something struck from above, but I see nothing in the skies."

Garruk, still reeling from the explosive shockwave, gripped his massive axe tighter, his eyes narrowing with rage. "The humans. This reeks of their handiwork." He spat, his gaze sweeping across the battlefield. "Morgath was powerful, but his arrogance left him vulnerable. It seems these dwarves and their allies have tricks of their own."

Velara, taking advantage of the sudden shift in the battle, steadied herself. The pressure of Morgath's dark magic had vanished, allowing her a brief respite.

Her body ached from the strain of the fight, but her spirit remained unbroken. The sudden destruction of Morgath had given her a precious window of opportunity, and she wasn't about

to waste it.

It seems that the humans weren't useless after all. Now there are only two Demon King Generals in her way, if she killed those two, then she could respond to another place where the other two Demon King Generals were laying waste on her kingdom.

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