Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 177: Stubborn Fool

Chapter 177: Stubborn Fool

Velara stood firm, gripping Stormbreaker, her gaze locked onto Thalor and Garruk. The battlefield around her was in ruins, with debris and the aftermath of dark magic scattered across the dwarven defenses. The air was thick with tension, and she knew she couldn't take them both down alone-not without help.

Above her, the low hum of the AC-130 could barely be heard over the chaos below. It was circling at high altitude, preparing to engage. Vincent's reinforcements were finally making their presence known, and the support from above would give her the edge she needed. Thalor moved quickly, his twin blades flashing in the dim light. He was fast-too fast for most to track-but Velara wasn't most. As he darted toward her, aiming for a strike to her side, she swung Stormbreaker with precision. The crackling energy of her warhammer collided with Thalor's blades, sending sparks flying as the assassin was forced back, barely managing to keep his balance.

Garruk, on the other hand, came at her like a battering ram. The massive Demon King General lifted his heavy axe, ready to strike with raw power. Velara braced herself, raising Stormbreaker to block. The impact was brutal, shaking the ground beneath them as their weapons collided. Her gauntlets flared with energy as she absorbed the force of the blow, but Garruk's strength was immense.

"Spooky-1, this is Alpha Actual," the voice crackled in Velara's ear, the communication relayed through the device Vincent had given her earlier. "We're locked on to the big one. Engaging in three, two, one..."

A second later, the sound of heavy artillery tore through the air. The AC-130's 105mm cannon fired a massive shell, the ground shaking as it struck near Garruk. The impact was immediate - an explosion of dirt and stone sent the hulking demon stumbling backward, momentarily disoriented.

Velara took advantage of the opening. She lunged forward, swinging Stormbreaker with all her might. The warhammer connected with Garruk's chest, sending a powerful shockwave through his body. He staggered, his axe slipping from his grasp as the electricity surged through his armor. For a moment, it seemed like the giant demon might fall.

But Garruk wasn't defeated yet. With a roar, he regained his balance, his red eyes burning with fury. His armor was scorched from the blast, but his rage made him more dangerous. He grabbed his axe again and charged, but before he could close the distance, another barrage from the AC-130 struck the ground in front of him.

A second 105mm shell hit the ground, even closer this time, sending Garruk tumbling backward. The explosion was devastating, throwing the massive warrior off balance and injuring his legs. Velara didn't waste any time. She advanced on him, her gauntlets crackling with energy as she prepared to deliver a decisive strike.

Meanwhile, Thalor had slipped back into the shadows. His form flickered in and out of sight, trying to find an opening while Velara was focused on Garruk. But the AC-130's crew had already spotted him. The gunship's 25mm GAU-12/U cannon fired a burst of high-explosive rounds, forcing Thalor to retreat as the shells struck the ground near his position. He barely avoided the shrapnel, his agility saving him from a direct hit.

Velara heard the incoming fire and pivoted just in time. She spotted Thalor as he reappeared, moving with his usual speed, but now his movements were more frantic, his attempts to stay ahead of the AC-130's fire making him less coordinated. She swung Stormbreaker, releasing a blast of energy that connected with the assassin, sending him crashing into a nearby wall. The gunship fired another round from the 40mm Bofors cannon, the explosion impacting near Thalor. The ground trembled from the blast, and the assassin, already off balance from Velara's attack, was thrown further back, his twin blades clattering to the ground.

Velara took advantage of Thalor's weakened state. She closed the distance and slammed Stormbreaker into the ground, sending a surge of energy into the earth. The shockwave knocked Thalor off his feet, his form flickering as he tried to disappear into the shadows once again. But he was slower now, the repeated hits from the AC-130 taking their toll. He couldn't evade forever.

The AC-130 crew continued their assault, switching between the 25mm cannon and the 105mm howitzer, pinning down both demons. The continuous fire kept Thalor from using his full speed and forced Garruk to stay on the defensive, his massive form still reeling from the earlier blasts.

Velara pressed her advantage against Garruk. His movements were slower now, his armor cracked and his stance unsteady. She raised Stormbreaker high, bringing it down with a final, devastating blow. The impact sent a shockwave through the ground, cracking the stone beneath Garruk's feet. The Demon King General roared in frustration as he stumbled back, blood dripping from the wounds inflicted by both Velara and the AC-130.

Thalor, seeing the dire situation, made a desperate attempt to attack Velara from behind. But the AC-130 crew was ready. Another burst from the GAU-12/U cannon tore through the air, forcing the assassin to retreat once more. His form flickered as he tried to escape, but Velara wasn't going to let him get away this time.

With a swift motion, she swung Stormbreaker, releasing a burst of electricity that struck Thalor directly. The assassin screamed in pain as the energy coursed through his body, his form flickering violently before he collapsed, his body smoldering from the attack. Garruk, badly injured and outmatched, took a step back, his gaze shifting between Velara and the circling AC-130. He snarled, gripping his axe tightly, but the look in his eyes had changed. The overconfidence was gone, replaced by a grim realization that they were losing this fight. "Retreat!" Garruk growled, his voice filled with rage and frustration.

"What do you mean retreat? There is no way I am retreating!" Thalor spat. "My pride won't allow it."

"You idiot! Don't be too stubborn," Garruk snapped. "We'll be annihilated if we stay here much longer. Can't you see what they're doing to us?"

Thalor, his form flickering between shadow and substance, sneered, still refusing to back down. "I won't run from a dwarf and her human helpers. I'm not like Morgath-this battle isn't over."

Velara, her eyes narrowing as she watched the two demons argue, readied herself. Thalor's refusal to retreat might just be the opening she needed to end this once and for all. Stormbreaker hummed with energy, sparks crackling from its head as she prepared to strike. Overhead, the AC-130 circled once more, its crew locking onto the stubborn assassin's movements. "Spooky-1, this is Alpha Actual. Target is still active. Light him up." The response was immediate as another barrage of 40mm rounds rained down from the gunship, striking dangerously close to Thalor.

The blasts sent debris and stone flying, but Thalor dodged at the last second, his form shimmering as he flickered in and out of the shadows. "You'll have to do better than that!" he snarled, his twin blades flashing in the dim light. He surged forward toward Velara in one final, desperate attack.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Velara, expecting his speed, pivoted just in time, deflecting his blades with her gauntlets. The impact sent a shockwave of electricity through the assassin, forcing him to stagger back, but he recovered quickly. His movements were frantic, his pride fueling his attacks, but his body was showing signs of strain.

With a burst of agility, Thalor aimed for Velara's neck, his blades slicing through the air.

But Velara was quicker. She raised Stormbreaker, blocking the attack, and in one swift motion, swung the warhammer with enough force to send him crashing into a nearby wall. The impact reverberated through the battlefield, and Thalor's form flickered weakly as he struggled to stand.

Garruk, watching from a distance, growled in frustration. "You're going to get us both killed!" he barked, but Thalor ignored him, still trying to force himself up despite his injuries.

Above, the AC-130 crew recalibrated their sights, readying for one final shot. "Spooky-1 to Alpha Actual, target's weakened. Preparing for final engagement."

"Do it," Vincent's voice commanded over the radio.

The next sound was deafening as the 105mm howitzer fired once more, the shell exploding

just meters from Thalor. The force of the blast was too much even for the nimble assassin to avoid this time. His body was flung through the air, crashing to the ground in a smoldering heap, his twin blades clattering uselessly beside him.

Thalor's flickering form twitched, but he couldn't rise this time. His shadowy body was fading, the magic that sustained him failing under the relentless assault. He looked up at Velara, defiance still burning in his eyes, but it was clear that the fight was over. Thalor spat blood, his breathing ragged, but his pride wouldn't let him admit defeat. "You... will never win..." he growled, but his words lacked the strength they once had. Before Velara could deliver the final blow, Garruk, still injured but capable of movement,

stepped in. His massive form loomed over Thalor, glaring down at the defeated assassin. "Enough," Garruk said, his voice filled with anger, but also resignation. "You've proven your point, but we retreat now. You'll die for nothing if you continue."

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