SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 124: Wan Qing's Progress & The Void World.

Chapter 124: Wan Qing's Progress & The Void World.

Wan Qing gracefully backflipped through the air with multiple butterflies flying near her body. With her fan being basically a hive for them, it wasnt an exaggeration to say that she had eyes everywhere. This was because she could connect her own senses together with the butterflies. The butterflies could also talk to her in a way. They didnt speak the same language but could basically convey their thoughts with her in a way that she could understand perfectly. 

Hyah! Wens spear shot out like a deadly viper. 

Wan Qing blocked his attack with her closed fan and her butterflies began releasing powder on the two of them by flapping their wings. Powder fell down towards them and Wen immediately backed off at the sign of this blue glowing powder. In his place, Ju Ju arrived from below with lightning covering her body. This protected her from the dangerous powder that both she and Wen learned the dangers of earlier in the week. 

Qings giant fan exploded into a beautiful shower of butterflies that rejoined together into two smaller sized fans that Qing grabbed. Ju Jus palm was redirected with a simple wave of one of her fans. The wind altered Ju Jus attack path and momentarily opened up a weak spot for Qing to attack. But the past week of fighting against her and Wen taught her better than to try and take advantage of an opening given by Ju Ju. Her status as a Great Prodigy wasnt exaggerated in the slightest. Even when she restricted her qi to the same cultivation stage, Qing still stood no chance against her. For now. 

Jings miraculous recovery pills were the only reason she hasnt been horribly crippled by fighting the two superior fighters. At first, just constantly getting beat the hell up by the two made Qing question Jings training regime. But it wasnt just filled with her getting knocked around by the two throughout the week. Jing regularly forced her into doing strange activities that somehow were making her stronger. 

The bone breaking inhuman poses she was forced to perform, gaining a deeper understanding of her butterflies by trying to get to know them as a hive and regularly talking to them, and other things such as being fed unbelievably disgusting food that somehow stimulated her bodys physical and spiritual growth after being brought to the edge of death. All of it was so strange and unfamiliar that it made Wan Qing question if Jing was even human. So, nothing out of the usual really. In all of her years of life, she hasnt seen or heard anything in the world that she learned about from Jings training. Despite the number of questions that have multiplied since her training started, Wan Qing didnt regret asking Jing for help, not in the slightest.  

The Wan Qing of right now could defeat the Wan Qing of a month ago in a single move. That was just how effective Jings training was. It hasnt even been too long and her strength has already improved this much! Wan Qing would never doubt Jings ability again. Qing doubted that even a Pillar Elder couldve helped her as much as Jing did. It was like she knew exactly where her flaws were as a person, martial artist, and a cultivator. 

Stop. Jing spoke out before Ju Ju and Wan Qing could clash again. 

They stopped just as Jing ordered and split apart before walking towards her. 

This is enough for now. Wen, Ju Ju. Ill be sure to reward you properly for your help. Wen, Id recommend you find a new master sometime soon. Ju Ju, I'll be in touch. They suddenly found a talisman tossed at their chest. 

Their senses couldnt react in time before they were teleported back to the Golden Serpent Sect. Now Jing, Wan Qing, Li Li, and Ni Xong stood together. The serene atmosphere of the Immortal Forest played out around them. Jing showed a small smile towards Wan Qing. She couldnt reciprocate and looked elsewhere to avoid Jings eyes. 

I must thank you for everything youve done for me. A faint blush appeared on her face. 

No need. Lets return back now. Jing told her. 

Wait... I need to say this. I appreciate your help a lot more than you think. Ive never really had anyone I could trust besides my sisters who raised me since I was a baby. So when you spent all this time and wasted all these resources just to help me. It means a lot to me. Thank you, Jing. Im happy to be one of your angels. She deeply bowed. 

[Wan Qings loyalty has reached 100%] 

[She is now able to receive a SCP from the Host as a gift for her loyalty.] 

And I'm glad to have you Wan. They teleported back to Jings home. 

In no time, Jing could sense multiple figures outside her home but also a few inside her home. Once she and the others teleported inside a certain familiar round youth screamed at the sight of them suddenly appearing next to him. 

What are you all doing in my home? Jing asked, lowering her killing intent. 

Where else would we be? Hu Tao answered, lounging out on her bed. 

We didnt know where you were or when youd come back so. We just decided to hang out here. Ying spoke up. 

I see... Jing narrowed her eyes. Maybe she shouldnt have chosen her house as their meet up place. 

Hoo... Youre smelling a lot better Sissy. Where did you two just come from? Hu Tao complimented as Li Li flew over to his head. 

Nowhere you need to be concerned about. Wan Qing proudly responded. 

Dont be such a bitch. Come on. Didnt you say you were going to train or something before we left? Did you ask Jing for help during your training? He somehow perfectly guessed. 

Wan Qing didnt respond. 

Oh! That reminds me! Everyone, I need to share something with you all related to training. Ying suddenly exclaimed, catching all their attention. 

Is this related to the treasure you found in the Treasured Plains? Jing asked. 

So, you knew already? Ying felt a bit foolish. 

It was obvious! Hu Tao yelled. 

Shut it! Ying snapped. Anyway... Itll be better if I show you all instead of trying to explain. I dont really know all that much about it. I need you all to come near me. Ying said. 

Heavens Angels gathered around Ying. She raised her greatsword above their heads as its demonic eye glowed a deep purple. The space around them started to warp before swallowing them all whole and bringing them inside Yings Void World. Mostly everyone awed at the impressive sights before them. 

It was like a land of untold beauty and grace. The plentiful amount of qi in the air that felt as if it was embracing every single one of them whole. It made a few of them think that they could spend decades here cultivating and the qi around them wouldnt dry up. Jings eyes focused specifically on the numerous shadows that held similar shapes to them and the massive garden in the distance filled with normal crops and a few spirit plants. 

This is my Void World. Its the only reason why I've been getting as strong as I have lately. Ying started to give a tour of her Void World to them all. 

No fucking wonder you were getting so strong. With shit like this, I doubt youd ever run into problems while cultivating. Hu Tao said. 

And to think youre willing to share something like this with us... Lei Zhi was in awe. 

Truly too kind. Tears fell from Bings eyes. The amount of progress he could make with his martial arts in a place like this was something he could only dream of. 

I usually use this place to master my martial arts but when I'm sick of that I'll use it to eat, practice alchemy, or get some alone time. Ying shared. 

You know alchemy? Jing asked as she planted spirit grass, a cloud seed, and a refined grass seed that would grow into spiritually-rich blades of grass that promoted the growth of other plants. 

Not really but I've been learning. She rubbed the back of her head. The shadows can teach things other than martial art techniques. Ive been learning from it how to do alchemy but no proper teacher that can talk to me and teach me about it. She answered. 

I might be able to find something for you in the future. Jing told her. 

Id appreciate it. Ying smiled. 

What about me!? Dont I deserve something too? Hu Tao shouted. 

Not really. From what I heard you were going to let your teammates die and look for replacements for them. Jings words pierced into Hu Taos guilty conscious. 

Where could you hear something as fucking ridiculous as that? He nervously laughed. Like I'd let any of these absofuckinglutely adorable allies of mine die anytime soon. He held his arms around the waist of Bing and Lei Zhi, making them both uncomfortable. My heart would shatter into a million itty bitty pieces if any one of them died before I could see them grow to their full potential. Which wasnt a complete lie. 

Good. Im not looking forward to needing to replace any one of you. If I hear anything like intentionally letting your angels die, I dont know what would happen to that person. She softly smiled as killing intent leaked out from her body. 

Jings angels vowed to do everything they could to prevent one of them from dying if they could help it. 

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