SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 125: Some Nice Rewards.

Chapter 125: Some Nice Rewards.

Jing was currently relaxing inside Yings Void World with the rest of her followers. Weeks have gone by and it seems that this was the new spot to hang out instead of her home which was actually a good thing for her. While she was their leader, she did need her own privacy every now and then. She didnt know how to explain their disappearance if anyone was to find out. So, she took extra caution and teleported them very far away before going inside Yings Void World.  

While she was relaxing in her chair, she decided it was time to use the 5 epic tickets she gained from completing the missions in the Treasured Plains after it was over. She saw no reason to immediately use them right after obtaining them. Saving them for an emergency seemed better than using them carelessly but soon she thought that was rather stupid. It wasnt like the lottery function would give her what she needed at the moment. It would randomly gift her a selection of items based on the rarity of the ticket and the number of tickets she used. Thats all. There was no hidden function that secretly gave her what she needed most in the near or far future. It was all complete luck. So, Jing used them all. 

[Host has received Training Wristbands] 

This wasnt a bad item. It didnt give off any qi but it did hold mystical qualities. These wristbands would cut their wielders strength in half but at the same time double the efficiency of their training by doubling the gains they make while training. There wasnt anything that stopped the user from taking them off when placed around their wrists either. So, overall this was a great first pull. Maybe if she used these tickets earlier, Wans training wouldve taken half the time it needed. 

[Host has received SCP-355] 

Jing immediately planted this SCP in Yings garden. An SCP like this was definitely interesting but there would be little use for it in the long run. That would be the case if Jing didnt also hold SCP-914. There were already a few ideas surfacing in her mind about the possible uses of something like this refined. And since it was an SCP without sapience, she could refine it instead of just taking on its anomalous properties for herself.  

SCP-355 was a simple plant. It looked like ordinary grass but it was anything but simple grass. This leaf was extraordinarily inflexible and sharp unlike common grass. It was sharp enough to pierce wood and plastic. But just being sharp blades of grass wasnt enough for this plant. Along with its sharpness, explosive growth rate, and lack of flexibility, it also drains the bodily fluids of any organic creature pricked by it. A simple answer to being pricked would be just pulling the grass out of your skin but SCP-355 also accounted for that possibility. In response to prey attempting to get away, it will release sharp splinters from its edges to keep itself inside and continue to drain their captured food. With enough time, a creature could be reduced to meat chunks from this lethal simple-looking plant. 

Jing couldnt use this SCP like SCP-353. It wasnt the type of SCP that allowed her to manipulate with her body alone. The system gave her a single blade of grass that would have no doubt pricked her finger and started to drain her of her fluids if she didnt have a body refined by SCP-914. In its current state, it would only be useful against common beasts and mortals. But with a little improvement from SCP-914 or the spirit qi in the air, it could possibly become something useful against cultivators. For now, Jing would let it grow in Yings spiritually-rich garden and see how it turns out. If shes not satisfied with its progress, shell refine it into something useful just like everything else she gained from the system that was initially useless. 

[Host has received Heavenly Milk Bath] 

Now Jing was pretty excited to see something like this. Her skin might have already been refined into a near flawless state but every woman enjoys a good bath. Something like this would be very relaxing to take a dip in after a long day. This sky-ranked spirit tool could bring several benefits to those that bathe inside it. It promotes recovery of physical, mental, and spiritual fatigue, it could give those who got inside healthier, glossier, and more radiant bodies, and it could strengthen those who jumped inside it while injured. Her followers would definitely benefit from a magical treasure like this. 

She remembered the first day when Ying brought them inside here. Only Hu Tao and Wan Qing managed to remain standing after facing their shadows. Hu Tao was mortally wounded by his shadow and required direct healing from Jings refined pill or he wouldve died from his injuries. It turns out the shadow version of Hu Tao was no less ruthless than the normal one. If he took a bath in this spirit tool then perhaps, he wouldve gotten 2x stronger once he recovered. 

[Host has received SCP-113] 

Jings eyebrows furrowed once she learned of this SCP. This SCP was absolutely perfect for someone like Wan Qing. Too perfect... Was this gacha system really random? It had to be. The missions it gave her werent random as they were obviously made to fulfill some sort of agenda by the being that gifted it to her but this, Jing didnt know. 

SCP-113 was an interesting ore. An ore so interesting Jing didnt dare to retrieve it from her inventory and grab it with her bare hands. It was a combination of several materials that so happened to look like jasper, red all over and smoothly polished. There was a reason why Jing said it was the perfect SCP for Wan Qing. That was because SCP-113 reversed the biological sex of the one who made physical contact with it for around a minute and once the transition has begun, SCP-113 cannot be removed from the beings flesh.  

If Jing gifted this to Wan Qing, which she could, Wan Qing would turn into the woman she always felt like she was. But there was no reason to do that as of now. There was that one mission she still had to complete with Wan Qing. But Wan needed to be gifted an SCP before she could attempt it. Perhaps she could gift her SCP-1331 and then send her off on a task to kill Kun Lao. Once they return, shell try it. If it doesnt work, shell just wait till she gets a SCP that she can gift to Wan Qing so that she can kill Kun Lao. 

[Host has received Golden Blood Elixir] 

A concoction like this would best be used for one of her followers that went down the path of a body cultivator. Ying or Bing preferably but Hu Tao could also benefit from it since he is both a qi cultivator and a body cultivator. This elixir grants the drinker golden blood. It transforms their blood into the color of gold and changes the blood itself into something incomparable to a normal persons blood. A downside of this changed blood is that others also benefit from their blood if ingested or refined through alchemic means. Once an experienced or knowledgeable cultivator finds out that they hold blood like this, theyll probably go through any length to get their hands on them. 

Ying, Bing, and Lei Zhi were flying through the air on their personal cloud rides. They came from the cloud seed Jing planted in Yings garden and took a liking to it ever since they rode Hu Taos cloud. Hu Tao was still fighting against his shadow and rapidly improving his martial arts to heights that wouldnt be possible outside this realm. Hes been fighting it every day and Jing was jealous at how he could go all out against the shadow like that. When she tried using her full power against the shadow it exploded for some reason. Yings sword said that it couldnt make a shadow on her level. Jings body and qi were too strong to replicate as a shadow. The shadow already knew the martial arts of the person theyre fighting to the completion realm. This sadly, still wasnt enough to handle someone on Jings level. 

Besides that annoying little fact, Jing decided she need to increase her followers who were in the Outer Courts strength a bit more. Ying was on the verge of reaching the 9th stage in the Qi Gathering realm. Bing and Lei Zhi have definitely benefitted from being inside this place for so long and were catching up right behind Ying. Lei just reaching the 8th stage and Bing close to reaching the 8th stage. When they all made it to the 9th stage, that was when her plan to take over the Outer Court in full force begins. 

But, until then, she would continue to gather more and more information about the other factions and the latest news within the sect. Wen, the former student of Elder Sun, was now her personal informant on everything inside the sect. His focus was on Inner Court information but lately Jing had him stick around the Outer Court. As her goal was the takeover of the Outer Court before moving her way up to the Inner Court. Jing needed him to tell her of any sudden knowledge she should be known of at all times as she couldnt be bothered to do it herself anymore. Plus, her followers werent all that good at gathering useful information.  

Wan Qing. Jing called out. 

Yes? The feminine figure responded high above, flying on her giant fan. 

I might have a task for you with a particularly interesting reward. This caught her attention. 

Hey! I want a task too Jing! No playing favorites! Hu Tao yelled out. 

Are you confident in killing a 9th stage Qi Consolidator Hu Tao? Jing asked. 

Forget I said anything. He knew his limits. 

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