SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 145: Hu Tao's Brutality.

Chapter 145: Hu Tao's Brutality.

Two red shadows formed out of Hu Taos image split from his body. His appearance mimicked theirs and it was nearly impossible to tell which figure was the original! They all had a blood-red aura coating their bodies with a long wolf tail made purely of qi. Their pupils were no longer present either, making it look as if they all lost their minds. The Ren family prepared themselves for battle against the intruder(s).  

The wild clones ran forward on all fours while their chains jingled and iron balls dragged behind them. Hu Tao A fought exactly like a savage animal would fight. His claws tore through cultivators like tofu. None of them were able to predict his agile and animal-like movements. Giving him free reign to completely obliterate them while madly laughing.  

I cant keep track of his movements! 

Stay still you damn dirty dog! 

Look out Chen! He can still use his chains! 

Hu Tao B fought like someone who hasnt trained a day in his life in martial arts. Each attack thrown by him was as simple as they came. He even held one hand in his pocket as he fought! This caused those who were trying to kill him to become outraged that he was underestimating them! Did he truly believe that they werent capable of forcing him to use both hands to fight them?! Now that was looking down on them far too much! The fighters facing this clone fought with increased fury. 

Im not holding back because I'm making fun of you all. Its just that youre all so damn weak I cant even be bothered to use my other hand! Hu Tao mockingly laughed. 

With a simple punch that held both destructive power and speed, he knocked one cultivator into several others. He then sensed someone sneaking up behind him with a sword. A twisted smile soon formed on his face as he willingly let himself get stabbed to take out the cultivator. The sword pierced straight through his back and exposed itself from his chest.  

I did it! I killed one! The cultivator cheered in his great merit of killing the intruder. 

Did you really though? Hu Taos chains snaked up his legs and soon immobilized his entire body. 

I cant move! Help! Someone finish the job before he takes me with him to the grave! He screamed. 

Yeah! Come and help! Im on the verge of death here! Haha! Cant you tell!? Hu Tao laughed loudly as he reared his head forward and slammed the back of his skull into the cultivators face. 

Instantly dazing the man. His grasp on reality was blurred and indistinct from that one hit but it wasnt over just yet. Hu Tao continued to bash his head against the cultivators face until it was nothing more than a bloody mess. To those watching the sight, they could do nothing for their fellow family member as they were terrified out of their minds! This was a type of brutal and cruel martial arts theyve never seen before! They were raised knowing what death and fighting was but this... was unlike anything theyve ever seen! 

Hu Taos chains wrapped up the corpse and threw him towards those just watching like a bunch of scared girls. When they screamed at the corpse, he couldnt help but burst out loud in laughter. But this didnt mean he would stop fighting. It just meant that he would laugh and continue to fight. He ran over to them and when they crawled and started to flee from him, his mood soured. 

Come on nobles! Where is your pride!? The great and powerful Ren Family has pathetic members like you?! Youre all throwing dirt on the Ren Familys name! What kind of face will the Ren Family have once its known that theyre have you all as a bunch of cowards!? Hu Tao taunted. 

This momentarily stopped their terror from controlling their bodies as they thought about his words. When have those from the Ren Family ever had someone to back down from besides their own members? Never! Thats when! The Ren Family has been in power for years! Second only to the City Lord himself in strength! But those of the Ren Family knew that their time to rule Dragon City would come eventually. They just had to wait patiently and continue to slowly build and grow their power. 

You dare mock us bastard?! 

A youngling like you?! Are you even done weaning from your mothers milk yet?! 

Lets show this little bastard the strength of the Ren Family! 

They gathered their courage and pride as members of the Ren Family and charged down Hu Tao B together instead of letting him pick them off one by one. Hu Tao B excitedly grinned as he somehow invigorated the morale of his opponent by mocking them! He didnt expect it to work but it turns out nobles really do care about that pride shit a lot more than he thought. There were some stupid bastards like that at the sect too. Maybe they were just nobles all along and not just retards. 

Hu Tao B swayed his head from the sword that was threatening to add itself to his cranium and grabbed the face of the bastard. Another sword stabbed into his side as he was smashing the head in of the guy he grabbed. His head split wide open from the impact. After killing that guy, the clone turned with a sharp half-spin and landed a vicious elbow strike on the guy who stabbed a sword through him, killing him as well.  

Kill him! I cant believe that he is immune to our swords! Someone shouted. 

Multiple swords came flying towards Hu Tao B and if he continued to play around by using one arm, then more than a few of these swords would impale him. 

Hmm...Eh. What the hell? He shrugged then grinned. 

All the swords stabbed through his body. There was almost no spot that wasnt skewered with blades. His chest, stomach, back, sides, buttock, legs, arms, throat, and head. Hu Tao Bs chains flew across the floor and littered themselves around the cultivators as he fell. The joy and relief running through the body of the Ren Family cultivators that were fighting this clone was too much to contain. They excitedly cheered at the death of their foe. 

Haha! Cocky brat! 

Thatll teach you to underestimate the Ren Family! 

The Ren Family never loses! 

Now lets go deal with the others! 

Hu Tao Bs retaliation happened in an instant. The chains lying on the floor moved with the swiftness of a starving great serpent! All of those that stuck their blades into Hu Tao Bs body was wrapped up in chains and tossed around like dolls! Their screams and the pain from being slammed into the nearby structures blinded them to the fact that Hu Tao B was rising from the floor like an unkillable demon! It was a chilling sight, seeing the blades plop out of his body with black sludge flowing out of it. When the sludge dripped to the floor, it seemingly hissed in horrible pain as part of it was melted right through to the lower floor. 

Hahahahaha! You dumb bastards! Get those strong bastards upstairs hiding to come down here! I want a real fight not whatever this shit is! And I know you pussies can hear me! Hu Tao B shouted as he used the captured bodies of the Ren Family caught in his chains to destroy the building around him. 

As Hu Tao B was having his fun, the original Hu Tao was dealing with the strongest fighters they sent down. It just so happens that the strongest fighters they sent down happened to be on the same level as Ting from the Su Family. But their bastards were a lot more annoying than Ting could ever hope to be. It was a spellmaster and body cultivator duo. 

The spellmaster continually aided the body cultivator with spells to save him from Hu Taos attacks and annoy the shit out of him. Neither of them ever separated long enough for Hu Tao to target one of them. It was him vs the two of them at all times. And avoiding getting trapped in an array was difficult with the limited space on this floor. But Hu Tao wasnt known as a fighting genius for nothing.  

Alright, you annoying bastards. Hu Tao cracked his neck to the left and then to the right. Lets see just how much you can really handle. Ive only been bothered to use this move once before and that was because the fucker was in the Core Preparation stage. Hu Tao was preparing to use one of the killing techniques of his Flowing Palms of Judgement. 

His qi concentrated itself solely around his palms. Both the spellmaster and body cultivator were surprised to see it because of how concentrated it was. This sent their danger sense into a frenzy. The spellmaster flicked a pill to his ally that he promptly swallowed. They needed to prepare for whatever was about to come and the body cultivator wouldnt be able to handle what was coming without enough qi.  

If we dont use That array, we wont be able to survive this Bojing. Liqiu told her cousin. 

Im ready. I wont allow this man to do as he pleases inside our home. No matter how strong he is. I will stake everything I have to bring him down. Bojing gave her the okay. 

Liqiu slapped 5 talismans on her cousins back and hopped back as he began to roar out in pain and transform. Bojing turned into a hulking giant that towered over everyone on the floor. The size of his muscles was enough to dwarf the average cultivators and the power of his qi was large enough that even the worst qi sensors would be able to detect him a mile away. However, none of this mattered to Hu Tao. 

Raging Ocean Current. Hu Tao suddenly appeared in front of the giant with a print of his palm imbedded into Bojings ripped abs. 

One palm thrust. A burst of qi could be seen shooting out from the back of Bojing. Another palm struck the giant and another, and then another. Non-stop palm thrusts began striking Bojing who stood there unable to retaliate as dozens of palms turned into hundreds and those hundreds turned into seemingly thousands. To the eyes of those witnessing this, Hu Tao no longer had two hands but an infinite number of hands that could strike within the blink of an eye! By the time Bojing processed he was being hit, he was already hit more than 500 times! Hu Tao finished his killing technique with a single thrust to the dantian. 

Hu Tao then bent his head backwards and looked towards Liqiu with a grin on his face as Bojing exploded into a mist of blood in front of him. The look of terror and shock that formed itself on her face was almost unexplainable. It was at this point that Liqiu realized that she and her cousin never really stood a chance against this monster. They were only delaying the inevitable death that already awaiting them once they challenged this freak to a fight. A clear puddle unknowingly formed underneath her robes without her knowledge. She tried backing away from the terrifying figure that invaded their home only to slip and fall on her behind. Even though she didnt understand why she slipped, that didnt stop the fear in her heart. Liqiu continued to crawl away backwards from that figure of death seemingly approaching her. 

Dont kill me... The words escaped from her heart all the way to her mouth. 

Hehehehe... Hahahahaha!!! Come on! Show me some of that Ren Family pride babe! An accomplished spellmaster like yourself acting like this? What would your elders think!? What would your master think about the shame youre bring him!? Hu Taos madness stared deep into her horrified soul. 

No... No... No!!! She screamed once she saw him step closer and quickly tried to flee with all her strength. 

Now thats no fun.  He shook his head in disappointment. Hu Taos chain perforated her heart and she dropped dead with her eyes open and tears flowing from them. 

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