SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 146: The Su Family/Runt.

Chapter 146: The Su Family/Runt.

This boy really isnt so simple... Su Fa commented. 

Honestly speaking, he felt as if his daughter brought in a tiger to do a wolfs job. This Hu Tao must be without a doubt one of the Golden Serpent Sects top prodigies. How his daughter was able to convince such a man must have not been a small cost. Seeing his true potential right now was more than enough for Fa to realize how disrespectful he was to this great talent. The boys personality needed much improvement but with talent like his who would dare say how he acts is wrong!? If he's able to grow to his full potential then nearly no one on the Evergreen continent will be able to say anything about how he acts. 

And if he manages to marry his daughter, that means a powerful addition to the Su family would have been made... No longer would conquering Dragon City be a mere dream but the natural progression of things! In fact, why should he be satisfied with a mere Dragon City when he could take over several other cities nearby!? And if the boy and his daughter are able to conceive a child, that child would no doubt share his parents fantastic talent! His grandchild will become one of the strongest cultivators around! 

Su Fas attitude towards Hu Tao has turned completely around after seeing him in action. He thought his daughter was speaking nothing but rubbish when she talked of the boys strength. Fa thought that she simply fell in love and couldnt accept that her lover was anything but the greatest cultivator around. This was why he was so hard on the boy at first. His commoner background and disrespectful behavior didnt help his daughters case either. But now, he knows that his daughter wasnt as foolish as he thought. It was embarrassing to admit but he shouldve trusted his daughter, he was the one to raise her after all! 

The rumors surrounding the Golden Serpent Sect disciples arent to be underestimated... If anything, the rumors dont do them justice! Su Biyu exclaimed. 

Just like her husband, Biyu didnt hold great feelings for the boy that managed to snag her daughters heart. She wanted nothing but the best for her daughter and when she finally came home after several years with a boy that looked and acted like that. It was hard for her to accept it. Both she and her husband demanded she explained herself and everything that happened since she left. But most importantly, what they wanted to know who Hu Tao was and why did she associate herself with such a vulgar-looking uncultured man.  

Even after her explanation, they still couldnt place their trusts in a total stranger like Hu Tao. His behavior was completely awful and the lack of respect he showed them only increased their negative feelings towards him. It was only when he completely outclassed Teng that she and her husband started to think that maybe their daughter wasnt just blindly in love. She may have denied several times that she didnt feel that way towards Hu Tao but Biyu and her husband couldnt believe such a statement. Otherwise, how could she possible have convinced such a talented cultivator to do something like this out of the goodness of his heart? None of it made any sense so, they knew she was hiding something from them. 

However, unlike her husband, Biyu wasnt completely against Hu Tao. She was willing to give him a chance to prove himself. Defeating Teng was the first half, the second half was actually doing what he was brought here to do. And it seemed that he was successfully doing that. His manners still needed some work but with talent like his, Biyu was completely fine giving her daughter to Hu Tao. He was very handsome, attractive, and strong if you excluded his personality. Women all over the city would be clamoring over a young man like him if they only knew of his face. 

See. I told you he could do it. Jies heart warmed seeing that Hu Tao was actually doing what he was asked. 

Back when she met Hu Tao in the Treasured Plains, their relationship wasnt anything like how it was now. In fact, Hu Tao was a lot more tolerable when they traveled up the floors together. They never done anything back then as far as he knows but Jie couldnt say she never thought about it. He was a lot nicer when they were alone together. Unlike now, where hes willing to dismiss her, insult her, threaten to kill her. Hes never done those things before in the Treasured Plains. 

It sort of feels like the time she spent with him in those Plains was nothing more than just a distant dream. While they traveled together, he never outwardly showed much care but Jie could tell from the small acts he did that he was watching out for her. There was one time where he saved her from getting bit by an Emerald Smoke Snake whose deadly poison couldve ended her life in seconds. Allowing her to take most of the spirit beasts they killed while traveling together in her storage ring. Sharing his food with her when he had no reason to. Watching out for her whenever they got in fights with other cultivators. 

Hes saved her life more times than she could count back then. She thought with her strength there would rarely be anything in the Treasured Plains that could threaten her but she was nave. Incredibly nave! Every day it seemed like she had moments where she couldve died if it wasnt for Hu Tao or the knowledge she gained from her tutors growing up and Master. There was only one time that Jie could say Hu Tao faced a moment where his life was in danger when they traveled together. That was the first time shes ever kissed a boy on the lips. 

Hu Tao was poisoned by a beast 4 small stages higher than himself. He managed to kill the beast by using all of his strength but wouldve soon followed the beast to the grave if she wasnt there to drain the poison out of him. The whole experience was embarrassing for a girl like herself who was raised to cherish her body but after what hes done for her all that time, a simple deep long kiss wasnt much. Now here he was risking his life once more just to take her first time.  

It made Jie doubt if Hu Tao really didnt care about her. With how much trouble he places himself in for her sake, she cant really get behind the idea that he doesnt hold some feelings for her. Jie still didnt know how she felt about Hu Tao herself. She knew that she hated him but along with that hate was several other feelings that she couldnt exactly explain. It drew her towards him, made her think about him, and gave her heart deep wanting. Was it possible that she held feelings for that despicable, unruly, rude, hateable, perverted fiend? He mightve been really handsome, strong, talented, had a nice body with great hair, and smooth skin but was she the type of girl who only cared about appearances?! If that was the case, she wouldnt have ran away from home! Her fianc was one of the best-looking boys in the city. The Ren Family heir mightve been more feminine than Hu Tao but what did that matter!? Some girls prefer those types than the muscular ones like Hu Tao. 

Get ready to move in. Hu Taos already done more than what we expected of him. Now that hes up against someone almost at the Core Preparation stage, he most likely will retreat at this point. Once hes about to lose, thats when we attack. Su Fa relayed. 

Yes! The Su Family members responded. 

So this is what my parents looked like... Runt muttered. 

The green-haired handsome man looking at him with such gentle and caring eyes while his pink-haired beautiful mother cradled him in her arms. He was crying his eyes out. Behind them was several cultivators all thirsting for their blood. There was no sun in the sky, only clouds, rain, and lightning. In no time, they would be upon the three with their weapons. His father kissed his forehead before giving him the name hes always had but never knew. 

Lei Gang... Your name shall be Lei Gang. And I'm sorry your weak parents werent strong enough to raise you... Promise me when you get older you shall become strong. His father asked. 

He was only born a few hours ago stupid. He cant talk yet, he probably wont even remember our faces. His mother scoffed. 

You dont have to do anything like taking revenge for us. All we wish is for you to become someone strong and start a family of your own that you can protect... Dont become weaklings like me and your mother. The weak only serve as food and playthings for the strong. I love you Gang. 

We both love you... His mother kissed his forehead next as their enemies came upon them. 

His father gently placed a piece of paper on his forehead and the next moment he arrived in Dragon City. 

Runt didnt know how to feel after seeing the memories locked away in his baby years. Tears streamed down his face but he didnt understand why. He always wondered about his parents and why they abandoned him but finding out that it was to save his life made him feel conflicted. Their message telling him to get strong... it was easy to understand why they would tell him that before sending him away.  

Who were those men? Runt wondered. 

Why did his parents have to be killed? Was it because of him? Did they do something wrong? Runt didnt want to accept that his parents died solely for the reason that they were weak. That was too unfair. Too unreasonable. Forcing his parents to face their death just because they werent strong? It angered Runt.  

I promise to find out about the people that did this to you and make them pay... Lei Gang vowed as a tall black figure slowly appeared behind him with a grin. 

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