SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 199: A Robbery?

Chapter 199: A Robbery?

I will only say it once. You will give me 50 peak-ranked spirit stones for the safe and uninjured return of your genius. My price will not lower and if you attempt to waste my time, I'm sure your sect will be willing to send other profitable geniuses to me that the Golden Serpent Sect would be willing to pay for. As an evil sect on par with your strength, theres no doubt in my mind that they have wicked martial techniques that can brainwash or steal the talent from geniuses. Tia relayed to Mr. Geniuss master and some elders from the Nine Swords Sect. 

Release Shu Dai immediately and well leave you with a complete corpse! He responded back. 

Tia didnt like this response. She mercilessly chopped off Dais left arm as he released a shrill scream. Unaware that she would be so ruthless and crazy enough to harm him in front of his Mortality Ascension realm master. Realizing that she was completely nuts and was willingly to maim and kill him, he quickly sunk into fear.  

Master... Save me... Tears were falling from his eyes. 

Now the price has increased to 100 peak-ranked spirit stones. Oh, and I wouldnt get so excited just yet Mr. Mortality Ascension. If I see you move even the smallest bit, I'll decapitate him before you can even think about saving him. Tia could see in his eyes he wanted nothing more than to rip her apart. 

And if you think youre faster than me, a simple Core Stage cultivator, normally, youd be right. However, I placed a special technique inside Dais heart. There are three ways it could activate. If my heart stops beating, if my brain suddenly shuts down, or I will it so. So, I'd recommend you just give me what I asked as I'm not opposed to chopping off a few more limbs and asking for triple of what I initially asked for. You have 30 seconds. Tia was not playing around. 

Shes got us Elder Cao... Unless we sacrifice the life of your son for hers, we can only give her what she asked. The Major Elders eyes looked into the distance. 

Only known to him and Elder Cao, they brought several other high-ranked elders to aid them in ambushing the Mad Slasher. Finally putting an end to her and taking the Ancient Dragon Medallion that shouldve found itself in their hands back then. They hid in the distance to not reveal themselves and would only act when given the signal by Elder Cao. Elder Cao has yet to give the signal. 

You think I dont know that!? Go into my treasury and give her what she asked! Now! Elder Cao was at his breaking point but his son was everything he had. The lower-ranked elder did as he asked and disappeared at his fastest speed. 

He coddled Shu Dai, spoiled Shu Dai, and taught that boy everything since he was a baby. Everything was supposed to go perfectly for both of them but his stupid son just had to leave the sect on his own when he was busy cultivating. Now hes run into this unfortunate situation that will definitely leave a wound on his heart and soul. All the work and resources hes put into making sure that his sons cultivation journey was smooth and easy gone to waste in only a few days! 

Elder Cao could barely contain himself from blowing a casket and doing everything it took to save his son and kill that disgusting repulsive bitch! But he knew that she must have something in place to protect herself and escape besides that technique inside his sons body. What that something was? It could literally be anything. His only hope was that it wouldnt prevent him from being able to track and find her after he saves his son. 

20... 21... 22... Tia counted, playing both on the nerves of Dai Shu and Elder Cao. 

Dai Shu was terrified out of his mind, shivering and shaking like hes inside a blizzard. Wondering which limb was she going to take next. Was it his arm? His leg? What if she decided it was his third leg!? In such a frightening situation, it was no surprise that Dai Shu was unable to think clearly and control himself. Hes never been in a situation like this before or anything even remotely similar. 

His father was only a few meters away but even he couldnt prevent him from losing an arm from this woman. Despite being a Mortality Ascension cultivator, he was helpless in the face of a Core Stage cultivator! All this information only frightened Dai Shu of the Mad Slasher even more. Even in their fight, he knew that her skills were not bad. It held more ferociousness and experience than his own. Coupled with her cunning and demonic mind, it was no surprise she overpowered him. 

28... 29... Tia stood behind the tied up and helpless Dai Shi.  

He was unaware what she was going to chop next and could only scream in terror as he heard the sound of the wind being slashed apart behind him. 

Stop! I have what you asked! The Major Elder just barely arrived back to their meeting point deep in the Immortal Forest. 

Breathing heavily, sweating, and with a storage ring in his hand for Tia to see, he pleaded with her eyes to stop. Tia stopped as he did make it exactly at 30 seconds. Her machete barely scraping the right leg of Dai Shu, letting blood drip from the small cut. She brought her machete back over her shoulder and emotionlessly looked at the Major Elder. 

Im waiting. She told him. 

Before I show you this, you must promise to release Young Master Shi! He suddenly yelled. 

Are you brain dead? Why would I release him before getting what I asked and making sure of my own escape? Tia asked him. 

Then at least patch up his arm so he doesnt bleed to death! He changed his demands. 

He was bleeding a sizeable pool near her feet but cultivators were durable. Mr. Genius should be able to handle a little blood loss. Plus, she was the one making demands here. If she let them start making demands, she already lost. 

Toss me the ring and quit wasting my time. He wont have long with you delaying his recovery. The faster you make sure I have what I asked, the faster you can start helping him. She announced. 

"Throw her the ring and quit wasting time! My son is as pale as a ghost! Elder Cao shouted. 

The Major Elder did as he was ordered and with her machete slightly cutting into Dai Shus neck with blood dropping down from the wound, she emptied out the storage ring. Elder Cao was pleading with the heavens that the Major Elder did what he was told and didnt skimp out on the spirit stones. Unconsciously, a relieved breath escaped his throat as the Mad Slasher counted up all the stones and looked content. After sucking up all the stones back into the storage ring, she started forming a movement array right in front of them. 

Do not move a single inch! Elder Cao suddenly screamed. 

He knew what she was doing and so did everyone else. But she has yet to release the technique inside Dai Shus heart. Unless he wanted his son to die just when he was so close to saving him, then he could only let her complete the formation to escape. Unfortunately, his sudden scream altered the Mad Slasher that they werent the only four out here. 

Tia cant say she was surprised to learn that there was a hidden force surrounding them. She wouldve done the same thing but just slightly in a smarter manner. However, it didnt feel good to realize just how terribly this couldve ended for her if she wasnt careful and Father Mortality Ascension over there wasnt such a caring father. In her pocket, she had several teleportation spells on the ready for emergencies but since Daddy was kind enough to let her take their stones and escape whenever she wanted, why not make a teleportation array and secure her escape more safely? 

She knew that no matter how much time passes, Father Mortality Ascension would not let her off for what shes done to his son and put him through. Along with the Nine Swords Sect who also will be hunting her with even more passion than before because of this embarrassing incident shell make sure to spread around. So, since their bridge was already collapsed without any hopes of being repaired, why not break it a little more? Tias got what she needed and with this many peak-ranked spirit stones, she could stay low for a while and just build up her strength until shes run out and needs to get more. 

Once she completed the teleportation formation, she tossed Dai Shu towards his father. The relief and comfort that the father and son found once they were together again was something that was instantly destroyed. Tia burst Dai Shus heart with lightning technique just as she was being spatially moved more than 13,000-li away. Leaving the father only seconds to spend time with his son before he could no longer do so. 


My Shu... My little Shu... My boy... My baby... It's going to be ok. Daddys going to save you. Dont worry. Dai Cao began infusing his qi into the boys body, prolonging his life. 

What are you waiting for!? Go take out every life-saving treasure in my home and get them so that I can save my son! He yelled at all the elders in the distance. All looked on, realizing that an injury like that was not something that could be helped. 

Hes gone Elder Cao... We should split up and search for the girl before she gets too far. We can avenge yo--- A thin red line appeared on his neck before his head and body collapsed to the ground. 

Shocked expressions and gasps rang out from the death of Elder Pao. Elder Cao was the only Mortality Ascension cultivator here. If he went crazy and killed them all, there really was nothing that could save them. All of them were at the Qi Transformation stage or Core Stage.  

Im on it! The Major Elder that previously went to Elder Caos home disappeared. 

However, despite looking as if he was going to do what Elder Cao wanted. He actually went to Disciplinary Hall and reported Elder Caos betrayal to the Head of the Disciplinary Hall. A Mortality Ascension cultivator that was on the same level as Elder Cao as far as the Major Elder knew. The Disciplinary Hall Master naturally didnt believe the Major Elder but it wasnt like he had anything better to do at the moment. So, he followed him out to the Immortal Forest. If he wasnt joking, then it was good for him to be out here to stop Elder Cao from killing anyone else. If he was, then he would receive severe punishment for lying and wasting his time. 

Once the Disciplinary Hall Master arrived with an empty-handed Major Elder, Elder Cao did not take it lightly. 

Where is it? Elder Niu? Elder Cao asked with his bloody sword in hand while cradling his son still barely clinging onto life. 

I did not bring it. Traitors of the sect are not to be helped under any circumstance. Major Elder, Elder Niu, calmly responded. 

So, youve doomed my son, thats it... Dai Cao softly chuckled as a massive burst of qi exploded from his body. 

Qi in the form of swords flew towards Elder Niu without restraint. Disciplinary Hall Master Kongs eyes widen in surprised as he saw this attempted murder happen right under his eyes! He hastily saved the life of Elder Niu by blocking with his sky-ranked Heaven Piercing Staff. All of those qi swords were at full power! If he didnt step in to block it, Elder Niu would be sliced to pieces right now! 

Elder Cao! Are you aware of your actions!? Please calm yourself and talk to me! I can still reduce the severity of your punishment if you calm down! Kong tried to reason. 

Haha... Punishment? Dont you think I've been punished enough? My only son has been killed right in front of me... And I was helpless to do anything about it. He gently closed the eyes of his son and softly laid him down before standing up. 

Can anyone explain what happened to me!? Kong softly yelled, not understanding anything at all. 

The Mad Slasher held Elder Caos son hostage for 100 peak-ranked stones. After taking the stones from him, she killed his son and got away. Elder Ren tried convincing Elder Cao that we should chase after the Mad Slasher but he killed him for suggesting that over saving his son that couldnt be saved. Elder Niu quickly tried to explain. 

How in the hell did a simple Core stage cultivator outwit all of you!? He quietly shouted. Whats the point of you all living so long if some upstart brat can play you like helpless children?! 

The elders around couldnt really make an excuse. If they knew that Dai Shu was going to die anyway, then they probably couldve done something about it. But they werent able to see the future! How would they know doing exactly what Elder Cao ordered them to would lead to this? If they disobeyed his order, they probably wouldve died at his hands anyway just like Elder Ren for getting his son killed and acting on their own. There was no winning in that situation. The Mad Slasher was just too cunning and Elder Cao was too emotional. For an old man already thousands of years old, he could just make more children! At least, thats what the other elders were thinking. 

Im going to kill my sons killer. If you try to stop me, I wont be held responsible for what happens to you. That goes for you too Kong. Dai Cao calmly explained with a soft voice. 

Elder Cao, I know the timing isnt good, but you must return back with the sect with me to face punishment. If you leave now after your actions, there wont be much I can do to spare you from the wrath of the sects rules. Someone of your realm must realize that there isnt a need for you to leave right this instance. The Mad Slasher will show up again and throwing away all youve done for the sect for this small setback isnt worth it. 

Small setback...? Is that what my son is to you? Me losing my son is just a small setback? Dai Cao could only laugh. 

Kong just couldnt understand it. Elder Cao could literally make hundreds of children. While very few of them would have the talent that Dai Shun had, still, it wasnt like he was irreplaceable! They had geniuses of his level aplenty! Plus for someone his age, children shouldnt mean so much to him that he was willing to risk everything for them. Not just anyone could reach the Morality Ascension realm. Only the luckiest, talented, and those who knew how to keep their own lives could. It seems Elder Cao only had the first two or at least one of the two... 

You chose your words poorly Kong. Dai Cao disappeared and Kong quickly went after him to stop him. Someone of his stage couldnt be easily replaced. 

Wait! Elder Cao! 

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