SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 200: The Aftermath of Success.

Chapter 200: The Aftermath of Success.

Much time has passed since the shameful incident that the Nine Swords Sect suffered by a wanderer cultivator. Ever since that day, the search for the Vile Mad Slasher has only become even more unbelievable. The Nine Swords Sect were openly mocked by both the Golden Serpent Sect and the Blossoming Water Palace for allowing a single wandering Core stage cultivator to humiliate them so badly. She didnt suffer a single wound and came out of the incident richer than ever! Even though the Blossoming Water Palace is usually on the same side as the Nine Swords Sect, they couldnt help themselves. What the Nine Swords Sect went through was really embarrassing after all. 

Seeing that the two other biggest sects in the continent were making fun of the Nine Swords Sect, all the lesser sects felt that it was okay for them to partake in the mocking as well. What was the Nine Swords Sect going to do? Kill everyone that made fun of them? Theyd really be a disgrace if they unleashed all their unreleased hatred on innocent people that had nothing to do with it. Which is exactly what they did in a way. Anyone outwardly making fun of them was viciously attacked. Forcing the majority of the continent to make fun of the Nine Swords Sect behind closed doors. Except for the Golden Serpent Sect and Blossoming Water Palace. The Golden Serpent Sect was by far the loudest of anyone making fun of the Nine Swords Sect. Leading to several major skirmishes between the two sects but not all out war just yet. 

It's like the Nine Swords Sect wanted to parade the fact that they were basically bullied into giving the Vile Mad Slasher their money! Hahahaha! 

Id seriously consider committing suicide if I acted as retarded as Dai Cao! All those stone just for some useless waste that couldnt even handle a wandering cultivator! 

I heard that Dai Cao went mad after that incident. He betrayed the Nine Swords Sect for not saving his son and is killing anyone that comes after him while he searches for the Vile Mad Slasher. 

Is that true!? 

Gotta be. Everyones saying it. 

Where is the Vile Mad Slasher then? 

After they got away flawlessly from the Nine Swords Sect, theyve disappeared from the face of the continent. And I gotta say, I dont blame her. With 100 peak-ranked spirit stones, why would I have to go anywhere ever again? You do know that peak-ranked spirit stones are the highest-ranked spirit stones in the world! There are no spirit stones above that! 

Oh man... When the Vile Mad Slasher comes out of seclusion, I have a feeling that something big is going to happen. 

With how her relationship is with the righteous sects, I would say now is the perfect time to become an evil cultivator. Because I dont think she will spare them. 

Do you think the Vile Mad Slasher is looking for a partner? Id be willing to help her give it to those righteous snobs. My cousin was killed by a righteous cultivator just because he spilled some wine on his robes when he was drunk. 

My wife was taken by a righteous cultivator who said that her future would be better serving as his servant than as a mortals wife. I hope the Vile Mad Slasher chops his balls off! 

Gossip like this was all over the continent and the situation only devolved even further as the Nine Swords Sect continued to lash out at anyone daring to make fun of them. This led to the prestigious and respectable image theyve been building for thousands of years to slowly fall along with the other righteous sects while the Golden Serpent Sect and other evil sects began to grow in popularity. Many youths were inspired by the story of the Vile Mad Slasher. They admired her cunningness, her courage, and her cutthroat attitude. Not just anyone could do what she did and be able to replicate it with such flawlessness. 

In fact, millions of others attempted to do just what she did in hopes of getting rich as well. Less than a dozen managed to make it work out in their favor while only three could do it just by themselves. The sects that people were trying to scam, for the most part, just killed the genius that got captured and the person attempted to make demands. While it was a painful loss considering how talented the genius was, it was far better than having to go through what the Nine Swords Sect did. Reputation was everything for sects! Without reputation, you were nothing and couldnt survive. With reputation, you flourished and thrived! 

Those three that were able to replicate the Vile Mad Slasher eventually joined up together to search for the woman that inspired them all. All of them were wanted by righteous sects just like her so, they had a common trait and goal together. The first one was a young man known as the Evil Alchemist. His frame was small and petite, almost harmless like a small girl. However, the deadly concoctions he could make with a few herbs were enough to frighten cultivators above his own stage! It was because of this skill that he poisoned an entire sect in only a matter of hours before demanding their entire treasury. If they refused, all of them would die at his command. Evil Alchemists contagious poison pill severely weakened the bodies of the cultivators inside and their condition would continue to deteriorate the longer they held him up. With a shiny golden pill that he convinced them was the antidote, they all listened to him like obedient dogs. 

The second one was a young girl. Little Miss Killer, similar in stature to the Evil Alchemist but far prettier and a lot more terrifying. By seducing the sect leaders son with her alluring body and sweet words, he fell into her trap like a bear to honey. In the middle of the night after they got done making love, she stabbed him with the sky-ranked spirit weapon he gifted her for becoming his woman. With the Dragon Tearing Knife planted in his chest, she used a similar martial art that the Vile Mad Woman used that held the life of the sect leaders son in her palm. After explaining to him what she just did, she demanded that he take her to the treasury and open it up for her to steal all of the sects valuables. 

Little Miss Killer performed her robbery at the perfect opportunity because it was while the sect leader was in deep seclusion to break through to the next realm. With the sect leader's sons life in her hand, the other elders were helpless to stop her as she flew off into the sky with him. She threatened to slice his throat if any of them dared to follow them but promised the safe and complete return of the sect leaders son once she got away. Considering the sect leaders son's life was at stake, no one could choose to act on their own and possibly get him killed. All of them knew how much the sect leader doted on his son. It was why he was the only one other than the sect leader who knew how to get into the treasury! After getting away completely free with so much treasure and resources, it didnt take long for Little Miss Killer to stop relying on seduction and instead of her martial prowess to dominate others. 

The last and final person to replicate the Vile Mad Slasher was an unassuming man. Black hair, closed eyes, fair complexion, and a disposition that made a person think nothing of him. He was known as the Master of Slaughter and for good reason. One second, he might be the harmless-looking handsome adult and another hell turn into the avatar for war! Many believe that two separate people live inside the Master of Slaughter just because of how drastic the change is.  

Master of Slaughters story wasnt anywhere near as complex as Little Miss Killer and Evil Alchemist. All he did was promise to slaughter the sect unless they gave him 90% of their treasury. Of course, they laughed off the insane man. A week later, he returned with an army of tamed Worm Dragons that completely devasted the sect that refused to give in to his demands. Eventually, they were forced into submitting unless they wanted even more of their sect destroyed and their members killed. The losses were too great. Worm Dragons are humongous worms known for their destructive ability, longevity, and inability to be tamed. They are just basically mindless insects that only seek destruction, food, strength with brains smaller than a seed. How could they be tamed!? But somehow the Master of Slaughter was able to do so with just his voice alone. And that wasnt all! Whenever he was targeted during the battle, any injuries and attacks he suffered would quickly recover and heal while he became even stronger!  

So, when these three met up to find the famous Vile Mad Slasher. It turned into quite a worrying situation for the righteous sects. Many assumed that with their natures, it would be impossible for them to connect and join up together without tearing each other apart. However, Tia was quite pleased with the three.  

I am willing to place my skills in your devious hands. Evil Alchemist gave a respectful bow. 

I think youll be pretty fun to hang out with. I cant wait to see all the fun well have together! Little Miss Killer smiled with her knife shining in the suns rays. 

Im only here because I dont like being on the losing side... And he wants to become your man. Master of Slaughter explained. 

Cool. I always wanted to have friends. Usually, they betray me and I'll kill them or I have to leave them for dead because they cant run away fast enough when we run into something dangerous. So, make sure you can keep up with me, alright? Im not that good at taking care of others. Tia smiled. 

Of course, she didnt really trust these strangers on their first meeting but she was willing to give them a chance. With how strong she is now, it would take a lot to harm her. None of them gave her any obvious sense of danger but only with time can she be sure. So, for now, shell let them follow her. Taking on the pissed-off Nine Swords Sect and the other righteous sects is not something she can handle alone. At least not until shes in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Which is probably going to take a couple of centuries or millenniums as far as she knows if she doesnt start robbing again for resources. 

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