Seven Sins System

Chapter 265: Final Test II

Chapter 265: Final Test II

Seven Sins System Chapter 265. Final Test II

I didn't answer right away but struggled to free myself from his grip, whatever it was. But it was useless, I was helpless in his grip.

"My core Give back my core to me" he said in a haunted voice again.

I ignored him. My mind raced to find a solution. The legendary demon's grip tightened around me, his demand echoing in the darkness. My core, the very essence that had granted me unimaginable power, was the object of his desire. But I couldn't simply hand it over. It was a part of me now, intertwined with my being.

As I wracked my brain for a plan, a surge of realization hit me. This was not a battle of physical strength, but a battle of wills. The legendary demon sought to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his, but I had to prove that I was the rightful bearer of this power.

That realization suddenly slapped me.

'If this is inside of me, then is this all about mental strength?' I thought. A battle of will between me and the legendary demon was unfolding, each of us vying for control over my body. It was a test of strength and determination, a clash of desires and destinies. I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through my veins. This was the ultimate showdown, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Now, I understood why Dad was so afraid to let me know this and why the test took place at The Echoing Hall. So in case I lost, he would put me in eternal sleep. He would lock me up and make me repeat all of this until I knew how I could get myself out of here. In other words, this was his way of protecting the shadow realm from me.

'Shit He is smart,' I admitted internally even though all of this sounds bitter to me.

"Replace me to devour all" The legendary demon's words echoed in the air, his voice filled with a haunting intensity.

But instead of being silent, I couldn't help but let out a boisterous laugh. The audacity of this legendary demon, thinking he could control me, was absolutely hilarious. He may have been powerful, but I had grown stronger and smarter. I wasn't about to bow down to him or allow him to dictate my actions.

His anger was palpable, his voice booming with fury. But his threats didn't faze me. I stood tall, staring him down with a cocky grin on my face. "Silence, you lowly demon!" he roared, his voice echoing through the void.

I chuckled, unable to contain my amusement. "Sorry, pal. I can't help it. You're just too funny," I taunted, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "But let me remind you, I'm not your slave. There's no way I'll bow down to your wishes."

He seethed with rage, unable to comprehend my defiance. "Funny? You think this is funny? Can't you see what I've done to your family?" he spat, his voice laced with venom.

I maintained my smirk, refusing to let his words affect me. "Oh, I saw it all right," I replied, my voice filled with a mix of coldness and confidence. "But have you seen what I've done to you? It was me who defeated you, who kicked your sorry ass and sent you to your demise," I declared, my voice oozing with satisfaction.

The legendary demon's eyes burned with fury, his grip on me tightening as he attempted to regain control. But I refused to back down. I could feel the surge of energy coursing through my veins, empowering me to stand firm against his wrath.

"You may have been a formidable force, but I've grown stronger," I stated boldly. "I've faced my own dark side, conquered my own fears, and emerged victorious. I won't let you or anyone else dictate my destiny."

"Fuck you!" he yelled in anger, his voice reverberating through the void. His grip on me tightened as if he wanted to crush every ounce of defiance within me. But that didn't mean I was about to give up.

I couldn't help but smirk in response to his outburst. "Oh, right. The legendary demon can't handle admitting defeat. How sad," I taunted, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I knew that striking a nerve was my best chance at breaking free from his grasp.

"Shut up!" he roared, his anger consuming him. He squeezed even tighter, the pain radiating through my body.

"Khhh." I clenched my fists, gritting my teeth as I endured the agony. Despite the pain, I couldn't help but laugh. It was a defiant laughter that echoed in the face of his desperation. "Pathetic!" I sneered, my voice laced with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

I decided to switch roles and take charge of the taunting game. After all, this was a battle of wills, and I couldn't afford to show any signs of defeat, panic, or fear. It was all about maintaining a facade, reminding myself that the pain was merely an illusion, a figment of my imagination. It wasn't realit was just a construct of my mind.

"I will kill you!" he bellowed, his anger reverberating through the void.

I smirked, refusing to let his threats intimidate me. "Try it!" I retorted, my voice dripping with defiance. I knew that his power was formidable, but I couldn't afford to show any weakness.

"Die." In response, he unleashed a torrent of energy, his booming voice pressing against my body. The sheer force threatened to crush me from within, but I remained steadfast, determined to keep my composure.

The pain was intense, there was no denying that. It felt as if my very essence was being squeezed, tested to its limits. But amidst the agony, I clung to the belief that I could withstand it. I reminded myself that this was all a mind game, a test of mental fortitude.

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