Seven Sins System

Chapter 266: Final Test III

Chapter 266: Final Test III

Seven Sins System Chapter 266. Final Test III

'He is not real!' I screamed in my mind, the words echoing through my consciousness. It was a revelation that shook me to the core. If my analysis was correct, the being before me was nothing more than a remnant of the ancient demon's consciousness, a fragment that lingered within the core I had consumed. My father, with his expertise in manipulation, had skillfully locked away my memories and suppressed the full extent of the power that resided within me. But with the acquisition of the seven sins seed, the barriers began to crumble, allowing the dormant strength to awaken.

I couldn't help but wonder why my father had sent me to the mortal world. It all started to make sense now. Perhaps it was a precautionary measure, a way to mitigate the potential danger. By placing me in the mortal realm, he had created a buffer zone, a safeguard against the possibility of me losing control and unleashing my true power within the shadow realm.

"Khhh!" The searing pain coursed through my body, threatening to consume me. It felt as if my organs were being torn apart, my bones crushed under an unimaginable force. The agony was excruciating, testing the limits of my endurance.

But amidst the torment, I refused to let despair take hold. I gritted my teeth, channeling every ounce of determination within me. This pain was just another obstacle in my path, a test of my resilience.

"I will destroy you, just like you devoured me!" he bellowed, his voice filled with venomous rage.

A defiant fire burned within me, and I met his threat with a fierce retort. "No one can destroy me, especially not within my own body!" I yelled back, my voice resolute.

The more he tried to belittle me, to break my spirit, the more I found the strength to resist. With every ounce of defiance, his grip weakened ever so slightly. It was a battle of wills, and I refused to succumb to his control.

The pain continued to assault my senses, but I refused to let it overpower me. I focused on the inner strength that burned within, drawing upon my own power to counter his relentless onslaught.

Enduring the torment felt like an eternity, as time seemed to lose all meaning in this nightmarish realm. The pain was relentless, testing my willpower at every turn. There were moments when I was on the verge of giving up, when the thought of surrendering to the excruciating agony seemed like the only way out. But deep down, I knew that succumbing to defeat would only result in him devouring my consciousness and seizing control of my body. I couldn't let that happen. So, I mustered every ounce of strength and determination within me and fought on.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into monthsor so it felt. The questions and statements from the ancient demon continued to assail me as if he sought to break me down mentally. But I refused to let his taunts and mind games get to me. I clung to the belief that I was the master of my own fate, that I possessed the strength to overcome this ordeal.

And then, one day, it happened. A glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness. His grip on me weakened, allowing me to break free. It was a moment of liberation, a taste of victory after enduring such torment for what felt like an eternity.

As I thought the ordeal was finally over, my surroundings abruptly transformed. The darkness dissipated, replaced by an intense brightness that made me shield my eyes. And there, standing before me in all its terrifying glory, was the ancient demon in its full form.

I thought this would be another battle, a clash of powers and wills. But instead, the ancient demon's words caught me off guard. His voice resonated with a sense of sadness, a lamentation for something lost.

"The light realm... is mine... I do not belong to the darkness... I'm the light... The light should never fade..." he uttered, his voice carrying a tone of longing and remorse.

I couldn't help but furrow my brow in confusion. It was unexpected to hear such introspection from a being that I had deemed to be driven solely by its own desires and darkness. This revelation shattered the preconceived notions I held about the ancient demon. I had assumed he was merely a formidable force, driven by his insatiable appetite for power and dominance.

"Then why did you end up in the shadow realm?" I questioned; my voice filled with genuine curiosity.

The ancient demon paused; his gaze locked with mine. His tentacles writhed, their movements reflecting his internal turmoil. It was as if he was grappling with memories long forgotten, searching for a coherent explanation.

"They threw me out..." he finally responded; his voice laced with uncertainty. The words hung heavy in the air, revealing a sense of rejection that resonated deep within him.

My frown deepened as I absorbed his words. The ancient demon, once a being of immense power and presence, had been cast aside by forces beyond his control. The realization struck me with a mixture of sympathy and intrigue. How had he fallen from grace? What circumstances led to his banishment to the shadow realm?

"And?" I probed further, my curiosity urging him to reveal more.

He hesitated, seemingly lost in the recesses of his own memories. Then, with a flicker of realization in his eyes, he continued, "I was mad..."

"Who threw you out?" I persisted; my voice filled with determination.

"Who threw me out?" He repeated my question, his tone echoing with confusion. It seemed as though he struggled to recall the specifics of his banishment as if the memories were shrouded in a haze of darkness and time.

After a prolonged silence, he finally responded, "I don't know."

I raised an eyebrow, a mix of frustration and disbelief coloring my expression. It was perplexing how someone so powerful could have forgotten such crucial details. Yet, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. Weird. Perhaps his exile had been so traumatic that his mind had shielded him from the painful truth.

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