Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 100: The Banquet of Kings

Chapter 100: The Banquet of Kings

Friends who have watched car races know that when a race car crosses the finish line, it is inevitable to do so at full speed. After crossing the finish line, the car needs to continue gliding on the track, gradually decelerating before coming to a stop.

The finish line was at Einzbern Forest, but the actual stopping point was in front of the castle gates.

Einzbern Forest was covered by a large-scale barrier, and it was only natural that the group's blatant intrusion would trigger the barrier's warning and defense mechanisms.

Feeling the suppression of the barrier, Rider and Archer, in the process of decelerating, both did the same thing - they destroyed the barrier, specifically speaking, they destroyed the forest.

Although the core of the barrier was inside the castle, having just one core was not enough for such a large-scale barrier. It also required multiple stabilizing points that extracted and converted mana from the ley lines and dispersed it outward. And these points were set in the lush and endless forest outside the castle.

Destroying the forest meant destroying the stabilizing points of the barrier, which was equivalent to destroying the barrier itself.

Irisviel, who was connected to the barrier, was inevitably affected. The intruders' alarm and the magical disturbances caused by the destruction of the barrier disrupted her magic circuits, almost causing her to faint on the spot.

She didn't need to say much; Saber already knew what had happened. The intruders didn't conceal their presence and charged directly from the front.

Although Saber didn't know the exact number of intruders, the thunder outside and their audacious approach indicated that Rider was among them.

Considering the mobility of a chariot, there was no time to retreat at this point. They could only confront them head-on.

Making this judgment, Saber and Irisviel arrived together at the terrace outside the entrance hall, where they should encounter the enemy who was attacking head-on.

However, when the two of them, illuminated by the moonlight pouring in through the skylight, saw the invaders standing tall in the hall, they were left speechless.

Archer, Rider, and Assassin as a combination were already strange enough, but what was even stranger was their attire.

Three individuals, three different styles, and not a single one of them had a warrior-like appearance.

"Are you here for a picnic?" Irisviel couldn't help but think so, although it was a bit rude.

And the following scene proved that her thoughts were not wrong.

"Yo, Saber, I heard you got yourself a castle, so I came to take a look—how did it end up like this?"

Rider grinned unapologetically, revealing his white teeth, and smirked while twisting his neck as if fatigued, making cracking sounds.

"There were so many trees in the courtyard, that it was inconvenient to move around. I almost got lost before reaching the castle gates. I've helped you by chopping down some of the trees. You should thank me for that."

"Rider, you... you guys..."

Saber, with a serious expression, wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

"Hey, Rider, look at Saber's expression. You haven't told her what you're planning to do, have you?" Archer got off his chariot and, to Shinji's astonishment, stored the Golden Babylon motorcycle in the King's Treasury.

Yes, you read that right. He stored the motorcycle, and Scathach didn't have such a Noble Phantasm, so she had to park the chariot in a corner of the entrance hall.

"Yeah, I'm about to tell her now. But before that, King of Knights, how about not wearing that rigid armor and changing into the attire of this era, just like us?" Rider said while patting the large "Grand Strategy" logo on his chest as if showing off.

"...Even though Saber's armor is rigid, it's still better than your cheap T-shirt and jeans."

Shinji's expression betrayed his inner thoughts, and the same could be said for Waver and Irisviel.

The former's face said, "I want to go home quickly."

The latter's face said, "What exactly do you want to do?" Saber asked this question on her behalf.

"Don't you understand even after seeing it?" Rider said, lifting a barrel of alcohol from the chariot's compartment. "Alright, stop standing there dumbfounded and lead the way. Don't you have a courtyard suitable for hosting a banquet here? It's no fun drinking inside this rundown castle."

Saber sighed helplessly, her anger that had been building up in her chest vanished into thin air. Faced with opponents who showed no hostility, she couldn't maintain her fighting spirit.

Irisviel felt the same way. Although she was angered by the destruction of their barrier, seeing the opponents' carefree smiles, she couldn't bring herself to hate them.

"Saber, what should we do? They seem to be here just to drink..."

"No, this is a challenge."

Although Saber had put away her combativeness, her expression remained serious.

"A challenge?"

"Yes. Those standing here tonight are kings in their own right. Deciding victory or defeat at the dining table is equivalent to a non-lethal battle."

Perhaps hearing Saber's whisper, the Conqueror King nodded with a smile.

"Heh, you understand it well. Since we can't fight with swords, let's settle it with alcohol. King of Knights, I won't go easy on you tonight, so be prepared."

Previously, Rider had said that he wouldn't fight Saber until she had settled things with Lancer. It was a pact exchanged by the Heroic Spirits, staking their dignity. He wouldn't go back on it, so he chose to fight Saber in this way.

"Interesting, I accept."

Saber resolutely accepted the challenge, her face exuding the same determined aura as when she stepped onto the battlefield. With the situation having evolved to this point, Irisviel finally understood that this was not a joke, but the beginning of a true contest.


The chosen venue for the banquet was the castle courtyard garden.

The scars from the battle the night before did not extend to this place, so it wasn't embarrassing to entertain guests here. However, Archer was still dissatisfied with it.

"Choosing such a cramped place for the 'Banquet of Kings,' these mongrels have such poor taste."

Archer didn't specifically mention who the "mongrels" referred to. It could be Rider, the organizer of the banquet, or Saber, the one providing the venue, or perhaps both of them.

"Don't say that, Archer." Before Rider and Saber could speak, Shinji spoke first. "This is already the best place in Fuyuki City in terms of environment. There was a luxurious hotel that might have suited your taste, but it was blown up a couple of days ago."

"Shut up, Magus." Archer arrogantly looked at Shinji with his ruby-like crimson eyes. "If you want to speak to me, at least remove your disguise. It's the greatest disrespect to hide your true self in front of a king."

Shinji knew Archer's personality and his discerning eye, which was on the same level as Scathach. He wasn't angry and just humbly bowed.

"I apologize to the three of you. Due to certain unavoidable circumstances, I cannot reveal my true identity. Please understand."

It wasn't difficult to get along with Archer, as long as you didn't confront him and went along with his wishes, making him feel pleased. He wouldn't hold it against you.

"Your attitude seems sincere enough. I won't pursue your disrespect this time," as expected, Archer snorted and no longer paid attention to Shinji, nor did he mention his dissatisfaction with the "venue."

Saber and Rider also displayed the magnanimity of kings, brushing it off with a smile. Rider casually opened the barrel with his knuckles protruding from his fist, and the rich aroma of red wine immediately filled the air in the courtyard at night.

The "Banquet of Kings" had begun.

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