Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 99: Race (Part 2)

Chapter 99: Race (Part 2)

As mentioned earlier, Scathach's first ride in the mortal world was the Honda CBR600F2 (renamed Death Sky-Soarer), and a month later, Byakuya sent her a second ride, the KAWASAKI ZZR1100 (renamed Golden Babylon), as a token of gratitude for her guidance.

According to unofficial information Shinji had gathered, Byakuya took a trip to Hokkaido a few days before ordering the motorcycles. He claimed it was for a project inspection, but in reality, a certain heiress who had always been of interest to his father was also part of the inspection team.

Upon his return, Byakuya had a cheerful demeanor as if something had happened, and there was an increase in his proactive training. Considering the motorcycle gift that followed, it seemed that Sensei's training and care had led to this "something happening."

Well, that's how people are, so realistic... Well, that's not the point. The point is that the Death Sky-Soarer is the longest-standing partner of Sensei.

It is well known that the physical abilities of Servants are several times, if not dozens of times, stronger than those of ordinary people. What would be a difficult task for an ordinary person to handle on a motorcycle is not much of a challenge for a Servant. Archer only spent less than an hour getting acquainted and was already driving smoothly. Even the kind of curve that would surely destroy an ordinary person, he could stop abruptly with his superhuman strength as a Servant.

If Archer, as a new driver, could achieve such feats, how could Scathach, an experienced driver, not be able to?

Shinji had accompanied Scathach on many outings, experiencing her unique style of riding. She had developed her way of riding.

"Prime Rune, unfold! Magical reinforcement!"

With Scathach's low chant, magical energy spread from her hands to the entire motorcycle.

The blue and white livery was quickly dyed red, resembling a fierce burning flame from a distance. It was reminiscent of the unique phenomenon that occurred when Scathach released her Noble Phantasm. At this moment, the Honda CBR600F2 truly became the Gáe Bolg Alternative.

As the strengthening of the vehicle's body was completed, Shinji's voice, filled with excitement as if he was about to take flight, resounded once again.

"Oh, oh, oh! The colors of the Death Sky-Soarer have changed! Is this the activation of some mechanism or a secret strategy?"

As soon as the words fell, the tachometer on the instrument panel broke through 6000 RPM, and the engine sound underwent an unexpected transformation.

The deep bass roar, like a raging wave, gradually rose to an ear-piercing high pitch, becoming more ferocious and savage, tearing through the night sky and echoing throughout the horizon. The drastically different acceleration turned the vehicle and Scathach into a bullet, leaving the surrounding night scenery behind like shooting stars.

"It's accelerating, it's accelerating! The Death Sky-Soarer is accelerating! Excellent! It has surpassed the Gordius Wheel and taken the lead. It has not disgraced the name of the Death Sky-Soarer! Go, Death Sky-Soarer!"

"Why are you accelerating at this moment? There are consecutive bends ahead," Rider looked at the red blur racing past him and scratched his cheek in confusion.

Then, Rider witnessed the "true technique" that Scathach had mentioned.

The Death Sky-Soarer, piercing through the air, left the ground and smoothly maneuvered through the bends, hugging the guardrail on the edge of the highway with an almost parallel posture to the ground. Throughout the entire process, Scathach never let off the throttle.

"...So she has this move too," Rider raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"What are you surprised about, you mongrel," the Golden Babylon had caught up without Rider noticing, driving side by side with Gordius Wheel. "This is a battle between Servants. It's not strange for anything to happen. If you're surprised by something as trivial as this, you've already lost in this race—soar, Golden Babylon!"

As Archer spoke these words, he had already reached the entrance of the bend. This time, instead of decelerating, he lifted the handlebars, and the entire motorcycle shot out of the highway.

A rainbow-colored streak appeared beneath the Golden Babylon, carrying the golden motorcycle straight ahead.

"What? Golden Babylon is racing on a rainbow. This breaks the conventions of motorcycle racing."

Shinji's commentary was timely, but Archer was dissatisfied with its content.

"Conventions? What are those? I am the ruler of rules, encompassing all things. Extending, Bifrost!"

Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge that serves as the entrance to the heavenly realm in Norse mythology, was also among Archer's treasures, which he used as an aerial racetrack.

The rainbow bridge extended from the starting point of the consecutive bends to the finish line, taking the shortest straight line between two points. The Golden Babylon successfully rose from third place to first, achieving a reversal.

However, his actions also loosened the restraints on the other two, intensifying the race.

"Kid, hold on tight, don't fall off!"

Rider displayed his signature brave smile and loudly called out the true name of his Noble Phantasm.

"Rampage, Tread Upon the Raging Heavens!"

In the next second, two bullheads took flight, pulling the chariot into the air. Rider intended to unleash the full might of his chariot.

The hooves of the bulls generated thunderbolts, and the rotation of the wheels caused thunderous roars. The lightning no longer gathered around the chariot; instead, it tore through the atmosphere, roaring and splitting toward the two motorcycles, one red and one golden.

Archer refused to be outdone. Ripples of golden radiance spread behind him, and hundreds of Noble Phantasms were consecutively projected into the air.

Unable to free up her hands and lacking automatic projection-type Noble Phantasms, Scathach couldn't counterattack. However, she didn't fall behind either. After enhancing her runes, she activated her second Bug skill, "Wisdom of Dún Scáith."

"Acquired skill, Riding, Rank A!"

Riding is a skill that represents proficiency in riding various mounts. With a Riding skill at Rank A, she can perfectly handle any mount except for imaginary beasts and holy beasts. This includes ancient chariots and modern land vehicles.

Under the control of this skill, the Death Sky-Soarer became a part of Scathach's body, allowing her to manipulate the motorcycle as effortlessly as she pleased.

Regardless of Rider's thunder strikes or Archer's projection of Noble Phantasms, Scathach successfully evaded them.

In this way, the three Servants chased and pursued each other, racing through dozens of kilometers of national highway.


"The exciting moment is about to come. The finish line is within sight, less than one kilometer away from Einzbern Forest."

"The Gordius Wheel, the Golden Babylon, and the Death Sky-Soarer are almost neck and neck, with the difference being difficult to discern by the naked eye. The outcome will be determined in this final kilometer!"

"I've had a great time, Assassin, Rider. Although you both have your skills, victory will surely belong to me."

"You're saying that too soon, Archer!"

"Until the end, no one knows the outcome!"

"Charge, Golden Babylon!"

"I can't lose, Gordius Wheel!"

"Roar, Death Sky-Soarer!"

The sound of tires scraping against the ground, engines pushing beyond their limits, the sound of the divine bulls trampling the earth, and the shouts of the three Servants intertwined into a unique symphony.

In this passionate melody that they played together, the race came to a halt.

In the instant before reaching the finish line, Shinji voluntarily abandoned his motorcycle and used prepared magic to boost the Death Sky-Soarer. This boost became the final trump card that determined the victory.

"The winner is Assassin!" Shinji shouted.

"No, it's the Assassin team."

Scathach removed her helmet and smiled beautifully at her Master.

Her victory was achieved through the combined efforts of her and Shinji.

PS: Rider's chariot doesn't need to release its true name. He was simply swept up in the excitement and called out with as much momentum as possible. It's just his chuunibyou acting up.

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