Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 116: Captured Sola

Chapter 116: Captured Sola

Tonight, the Fuyuki City Police Department was incredibly busy.

Was it because residents reported monster sightings?

Of course not. The real reason was that the police department had been viciously attacked.

While the main headquarters of the police department was not directly impacted, an unknown terrorist had cut off all the department's utilities. Water, electricity, and communication were all severed, both through regular and backup channels. In addition, the deranged terrorist had also destroyed the tires of all the vehicles.

No one knew how the culprit had carried out the crime. There were no witnesses, no traces left behind. The perpetrator seemed to appear out of thin air and vanish just as mysteriously.

The entire organization was on high alert. All personnel, including civilians with firearms qualifications, were armed, and even those without such qualifications were required to wear protective gear. Elite forces were urgently dispatched to neighboring counties and cities, as well as to allied departments, seeking assistance. Water, electricity, and communication departments were notified to send personnel for repairs. The nerves, already strained by a series of vicious incidents, were pushed to the breaking point.

And all this was happening in the middle of the night.

In such circumstances, reports from the citizens of sightseeing about monsters were naturally ignored. It was as if the news had sunk into the abyss, leaving no trace. It was impossible for a major event like the one described in "Fate/Zero" to occur—alerting the Self-Defense Force and requesting the return of two F-15 fighter jets patrolling the territorial waters.

Without a doubt, the culprit behind the attack on the Fuyuki City Police Department was Shinji.

As for the reasons, first and foremost was the need for secrecy. After all, it would be troublesome to alert the Self-Defense Force, and if they sent a larger-scale investigation team, it would undoubtedly affect the progress of the Holy Grail War. Moreover, those two F-15 fighter jets would only cause trouble and be of no use at all.

In addition, there was another crucial reason—there might be a disturbance at the church tonight, and this disturbance would greatly impact the aftermath of the battle with Caster.

It is worth mentioning that Shinji's original plan was not to attack the police department but to use runic bullets to destroy the two F-15s before they reached Fuyuki City.

In both his past and present lives, Shinji had a dislike for the Japanese military. If he could destroy the two F-15s, it would surely be a blow to the military, and they would feel the pain. Moreover, except for the Army, the other branches of the military in 1994 were practically useless. If he could collect some wreckage and sell it to the Matou family, it might help their materials industry and aviation endeavors. It would be a fitting revenge for his life in the Matou family.

However, this proposal was vetoed by Scathach. The cruising speed of the F-15 is faster than a bullet, and Shinji cannot react in time. Moreover, the cruising altitude of the fighter jet is not suitable for a 7-year-old like Shinji to operate in. It seems that the task of assisting the Matou family will have to be postponed for now.

Helpless, Shinji had to abandon this proposal and instead asked Justeaze to act as a terrorist and disrupt the police department's utilities, water, electricity, communication, and transportation.

The Japanese police, well, let's not say whether they are as incompetent as they are portrayed in many movies and TV shows, but at least the Fuyuki City police are ordinary people. They don't have any mysterious powers, and their strict precautions at the police station are meaningless in front of Justeaze.

By the time someone realizes something is wrong, Justeaze will have already left for the next location. Her tasks for tonight are not limited to just one.


On the other side of the misty night, Sola stood on the rooftop of a building far away from the Shinjuku Center Tower, watching as the giant sea monster was gradually engulfed and disappeared by a dazzling white light.

She couldn't see clearly in the center of the fog, and the distance was too far to observe the progress of the battle with the naked eye. She didn't have any familiars prepared for reconnaissance in this situation, so she could only watch from a distance with a restless heart, witnessing the chaotic fight between the giant sea monster and the fighter jets along the riverbank.

In any case, the battle seemed to have come to an end, and there were no abnormalities in her Command Spell on her right hand. This meant that Lancer had emerged victorious and survived this battle.

"That's great..."

Standing in the open with no cover, Sola endured the raging wind blowing from above, finally feeling a sense of relief.

Lancer would soon return with good news. If this victory was achieved through cooperative efforts with other Servants, the other Masters besides Sola would also receive additional Command Spells as a reward. But that didn't matter to Sola. She would be more than happy as long as her Command Spell, which connected her to her Servant, could be replenished to three.

If it weren't for the howling wind, perhaps Sola would have noticed the magical traces behind her earlier. But she was too focused on the battlefield, to the point of neglecting her surroundings. This pampered noble girl not only lacked combat training but also did not know basic self-defense.

Thin white threads quietly climbed up her feet, hands, waist, and even her snow-white neck. Just as she felt an itch on her neck and was about to reach out and touch it, these threads suddenly tightened, binding her tightly.

Although the threads seemed delicate, they possessed astonishing tenacity and strength. Even if Sola were a sturdy adult, she wouldn't be able to break free from the bindings.

Sola, struggling to breathe due to the constriction, wanted to use a Command Spell to call Lancer, but before she could speak, more threads wrapped around her, sealing her mouth. At the same time, a woman's voice sounded:

"Don't speak. If you make a sound, I'll cut off your right hand."

Her final trump card exposed, Sola fell into a state of immense panic.

What should I do? What should I do? Should I risk losing my Command Spell and call Lancer, or...

Realizing this, a mysterious fatigue invaded Sola's body and mind. Her legs gave out, and she fell backward, losing consciousness.

However, she didn't land on the cold cement ground. The woman who had caught her, Justeaze, prevented her from falling.

Justeaze carefully examined Sola's condition, nodded lightly, and prepared to use communication magecraft to contact Shinji.

Suddenly, several threads wrapped around Justeaze's little finger snapped. The detection magecraft she had set up below had been triggered.

Without time to guess the identity of the intruder, Justeaze picked up Sola and jumped directly from the 40th floor of the Fuyuki Center Tower.

Golden and pure white magical flashes alternated, and a mysterious force countered the Earth's gravity. The two women, weighing over 100 kilograms combined, descended as if they were feathers, lightly floating down.

At the moment they landed, a cheetah-like figure appeared on the top floor of the tower. After careful inspection, this figure arrived at the spot where Justeaze and Sola had been standing.

Moonlight illuminated a slightly pale face—it was Maiya, who had recovered from her injuries.

Maiya cautiously touched the railing with her hand, quickly moving away. One part of it was noticeably warmer than the rest.

The person hadn't gone far yet; there was still a chance to catch up. Thinking this, Maiya hurriedly ran toward the corridor.

Her body hadn't fully adapted to the artificial life form implanted by Irisviel, and there was still some soreness in her ribs. However, it wouldn't hinder her actions.

Thanks to this, Maiya could continue tracking the new Master of Lancer tonight, just like before she was injured. She had planned to capture her while Lancer wasn't around, but she had arrived too late, and the Master had managed to escape!

No, she had to catch her! That was the task entrusted to Maiya by Kiritsugu.


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