Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 117: The Death of Father Risei

Chapter 117: The Death of Father Risei

For the supervisor of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Father Risei, tonight had been an exhausting night.

Although it was his second time serving as the supervisor of the Holy Grail War, he never expected that someone would cause such a troublesome commotion.

Due to the scale of the problem, not only the Church but even the Mage's Association was secretly involved. There was no time to argue about jurisdiction or assign blame. Working together and minimizing the impact of the event was the top priority.

Regarding the strange incidents involving Caster, they temporarily covered it up in the media, disguising it as a chemical reaction in industrial wastewater that produced toxic gas. Broadcasting cars patrolling the streets were now urging residents living along the river to seek immediate medical treatment if they experienced symptoms, claiming that the gas had hallucinogenic effects.

Of course, all hospitals providing nighttime treatment now had magi or Executors with suggestive brainwashing techniques stationed there. This should eliminate the majority of eyewitness testimonies, but rumors and whispers that were beyond their reach could not be completely eradicated.

To cover up the truth, Father Risei mobilized almost all the Executors active in western Japan, including his son, Kirei Kotomine, and even used the secular power of the Church from top to bottom to pressure and prevent journalists from digging deeper into the matter.

When the endless phone calls finally came to an end, Father Kirei could finally take a breath, but he immediately remembered that someone was waiting for him in the church. He sighed, got up from his chair, and continued his work as the supervisor.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. The work tonight was quite heavy."

Father Risei's tone didn't hide his exhaustion, and a forced laughter echoed back from the dim pews.

"Well, there's no help for it. After all, the situation is serious."

Then came the faint sound of wheels turning, and a motionless figure emerged from the darkness—a figure sitting in a wheelchair.

So emaciated that he looked like a completely different person, it was Kenneth, the former prodigious magus who couldn't even walk anymore.

Among those who knew of his former brilliance, how many would have imagined that he would fall to such a state? But the unwavering willpower, named obsession, still gleamed in his eyes, revealing the extremist nature of the former genius magus.

Although Kenneth's physical injuries were almost incurable, he managed to establish contact with skilled puppeteers living in Japan using the connections of the Archibald household. With a substantial reward in exchange, he managed to preserve his bodily functions and temporarily gained the ability to move within the range of his wheelchair. Even the numbness in his lower body was gradually recovering consciousness, and if all went well, he would soon be able to abandon the wheelchair.

"Well, Father, how do you judge my expression? I'm referring to the reward for defeating Caster."

Kenneth's tone contradicted the courteous smile on his face, even hinting at a sense of intimidation. Like a drug addict craving for a fix, he might be in the same state.

Father Risei carefully observed the former magus, his face not hiding the expression of delusion.

This was not the situation Father Risei had hoped for, but agreements were agreements. Even without mentioning the alliance formed by Risei under the table with Tokiomi, for the sake of the Church's reputation, he could only act accordingly.

"Indeed, Lancer participated in the battle against Caster and showed great bravery. This has already been confirmed from the reports of several supervisors."

"In that case, do I indeed have the qualification to receive a Command Seal?"

"However..." Father Kirei's tone suddenly changed. "Lancer's achievements were unsatisfactory. He didn't use his Noble Phantasm to buy time like Rider did, he didn't heal Saber's injuries like Assassin did, and he certainly didn't exterminate the sea monster like Saber did. So, in my judgment..."

"Please wait a moment."

Kenneth interrupted Risei's words with excitement, his face twisted with obsession, surprising even the experienced Father Risei.

"Father Risei, if I remember correctly, your previous promise was 'to cooperate in defeating Caster and reward each participant with a Command Seal.' Lancer participated in the battle and fought with all his might. Are you suggesting that you want to break your promise, Father Risei?"

Father Risei leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes, and pondered for a moment before finally relenting.

"It was my negligence in not making the rules strict enough. According to the rules, Lancer's Master is entitled to the reward."

"So, you mean..."

"I am referring to Lancer's Master..."

This time, it was Kenneth who was interrupted. Risei furrowed his brows, casting a doubtful glance at Kenneth.

"Mr. Kenneth El-Melloi, considering your current condition, can you still be regarded as a Master?"

In an instant, a dark expression of hatred flashed in Kenneth's eyes, but it quickly returned to the reserved demeanor of a gentleman.

"The contract with Lancer was formed in shared responsibility between me and my fiancée, Sola."

"But now, isn't it solely Miss Sola who handles the supply of magical energy and the management of Command Seals?"

Risei struck a nerve, causing Kenneth's already strained smile to waver, and the last traces of kindness vanished.

"For strategic considerations, I have temporarily entrusted the Command Seals to Sola. However, I still hold the dominant authority in the contract with Lancer. If you doubt it, you can directly confirm with Lancer. And most importantly, when reporting to the Church about the Master's identity, it should be registered in my name."

Father Risei sighed. Even if he continued to pursue this matter, it wouldn't change anything. The most troublesome thing for Risei was the unexpected situation where he had to allocate Command Seals to someone other than Tokiomi. Even if he didn't give additional Command Seals to Kenneth now, they would eventually end up in the hands of his fiancée. Getting involved in an internal struggle within the El-Melloi camp would not benefit Risei in any way.

"Alright, I acknowledge your qualification. Come, Mr. Kenneth, please extend your hand."

"Drink from the cup, and your sins will be forgiven. It is the blood shed by me for the sake of all. It is the blood of the contract."

With skilled movements, Risei performed a secret ritual on Kenneth's outstretched hand, transferring one of the Command Seals from his right wrist to Kenneth's. The process was painless, and it was completed within a few minutes.

"Now, continue to fight with pride as a Master."


After nodding with a smile on his face, Kenneth took out a handgun hidden in his wheelchair seat and aimed it at the fallen body of Father Risei, who had collapsed without care. The dry sound of the gunshot shattered the tranquility of the sacred hall.

Without even sparing a glance at the fallen priest, Kenneth ecstatically gazed at the Command Seal engraved on the back of his right hand once again.

Now there was only one left... Compared to the other Masters who had unused Command Seals, he was at a significant disadvantage. He couldn't simply stand by and watch Saber, Rider, and Assassin's Masters obtain new Command Seals.

Although assassinating the supervisor will inevitably cause some controversy, in this Holy Grail War, besides Kenneth, other magi like to use small props like handguns. The first and foremost suspect will be that filthy rat under Einzbern's care.

Kenneth couldn't help but smile, fully immersed in the satisfaction of regaining his Master's qualification. He felt no remorse for the act that humiliated Lord El-Melloi just now.

The squeaking sound of the wheelchair gradually faded away, disappearing into the silent night.

Two figures, one tall and one short, silently entered the blood-scented church.

The shorter one sneered with disdain. "You always looked down on technology, but in the end, you still have to rely on the power of technology. How ironic."

The taller one approached the dying Father Risei, speaking in an emotionless tone.

"Stop lamenting, Shinji. Didn't you want him to do this? That's why you deliberately waited until now, right? Hurry up, if the Command Spells aren't transferred in time, they will lose their effectiveness and become useless marks."

"Here I come, Sensei." The shorter one lowered his head and ran forward.

Of course, these two were Shinji and Scáthach. After the battle in Fuyuki City ended, the two of them immediately came to the church without any rest. After confirming that Kenneth and Father Risei were inside, they hid outside the door and monitored the situation. Everything unfolded just as it was described in "Fate/Zero."

No, it had to be the same. If it wasn't the same, Shinji would be troubled.

Every Master desired the Command Spells, and Shinji was no exception. It wasn't because he wanted to use them on Scáthach for any purpose—given his current condition and abilities, he didn't have that intention or capability. It was purely for the sake of increasing his trump cards.

The Command Spells created by the great magus, Zouken Matou, after sixty years of painstaking effort, contained immense power. They could not only bind Servants but also enhance their abilities and even strengthen themselves using the power contained within the Command Spells.

With these Command Spells, Shinji could unleash Noble Phantasms without worrying about his magical energy reserves. Whether it was Scáthach's Noble Phantasm or his own, Shinji could use them continuously when the situation demanded it. At critical moments, Shinji could even go all out with a full arsenal.

The only regret was that the Command Spells were finite, and they couldn't be used recklessly without restraint.

No, it was already good enough to have obtained this many Command Spells. One shouldn't be too greedy. One shouldn't be too greedy. One shouldn't be too greedy.

Muttering it three times to stabilize himself, Shinji unbuttoned his shirt, baring his upper body.

"Sensei, help me with the transplant."

"Alright," Scáthach said as she pulled up Risei's sleeve with one hand while using her other hand to trace runes in the air, preparing to perform the separation ritual.

But at that moment, Scáthach frowned and stopped inscribing the runes.

Seeing this, Shinji quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"His Command Spell is protected by powerful magecraft... I can't break through the defense in a short amount of time to remove it."

"The Church's 'Divine Words'?"

Upon hearing Scáthach's words, Shinji immediately thought of one of the secret teachings of the Church, which essentially belonged to a form of magecraft, but the Holy Church did not acknowledge it.

It wasn't difficult to understand that additional Command Spells were protected by "Divine Words." The supervisor possessed the power to sway the tide of the war, so it was only natural that there might be unscrupulous magi who desired that power and took protective measures.

However, this normalcy became an obstacle for Shinji.

"Should we bring the body back and decipher it slowly? Or should we cut off the hand?" Scáthach's solution was direct and effective.

Shinji hesitated for a few seconds and chose the latter option.

Without delay, Shinji raised Risei's arm with one hand and took out the "Divine Spear Bow Dagger," preparing to strike.

Just before the blade fell, Shinji's gaze froze as he noticed an unusual bloodstain.

It was a line of text written in blood, previously obscured by his right hand, which is why Shinji and Scáthach hadn't noticed it before.


Shinji retracted the blade and pronounced this line of cryptic text, making an effort to recall his knowledge of the Bible from his previous life and his current incarnation.

"Divine Words" had a usage similar to modern password locks. Uttering this "Divine Words" sequence would lift the protection and allow for transplantation. Therefore, this password should be a clue pointing to the "code."

Risei deeply loved his child and placed all his hopes on Kirei. His final hope before his death must have been for his son to inherit his will and wishes. This password must have been intended for Kirei Kotomine to see!

The common denominator between Kirei and Risei was the Church. If Shinji remembered correctly, this password mentioned in the novel was related to a certain classic of the Church.



John, there it is! The Gospel of John!

Shinji's eyes lit up. "Sensei, I need the 'Gospel of John.' It must be here."

The next moment, Scáthach transformed into a spiritual form and disappeared through the wall, searching in Risei's study. She quickly returned with an old hardcover book. It was the "New Testament."

Shinji twitched his mouth. "Uh, Master, I wanted the 'Gospel of John,' not the 'Bible.'"

Scáthach simply threw the book at Shinji's face. "Idiot, the 'Gospel of John' is a part of the 'New Testament.'"

"Oh, oh..." Shinji awkwardly rubbed his swollen cheeks and took the book, flipping through it quickly.

"424...the fourth page, twenty-fourth, not right."

"The forty-second page, fourth line...still not right!"

"If it's not page numbers, then it must be chapter numbers. The fourth chapter, the twenty-fourth verse...there it is."

"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth!"

As if in response to these words, all the Command Spells on Risei's cold right hand emitted a faint light.

Accompanied by a sharp pain, the Command Spells one by one transferred to Shinji's hand, following the radiance.

The Divine Words attached to Risei's right hand served not only as protection but also as a transfer.

It was the trust entrusted by a father to his son.

Father Risei believed that his son would be the first to discover his corpse, which is why he wrote down the symbols only known to the clergy in blood. The supervisor's responsibility was to safeguard the Command Spells and ensure that the Holy Grail War proceeded under normal circumstances. Until his death, he firmly believed that his son was a saint capable of inheriting this great responsibility.

Unfortunately, this trust was destined to never be fulfilled, regardless of Shinji's interference.

Shinji gazed at Risei, who had an unyielding stare and placed the Bible by his side.

"These Command Spells are better off in my hands than in your son's because you never saw the true nature of your son until your dying breath. Rest in peace, Father Risei, may you find happiness in the presence of the Lord."

After saying that, Shinji reached out and closed Risei's eyes using his right hand, which now possessed a completely new Command Spell.

In the dim light, the crimson patterns glowed with an eerie radiance, resembling blood.


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